Could they void the PL due to the Coronavirus? | No | Resuming June 17th

Too great? Normal flu kills way more people, as does TB and other communicable diseases. There so much fake media hype about this it’s rediculous.
Sigh. Another live one.
Tell you what you ignore all medical advice, common sense and experts to follow Trump on Twitter. Good luck with that
I suspect that most clubs would agree to give Liverpool the trophy.

Utd fans should not be too downhearted by this as no matter how hard Liverpool try to polish their trophy, it would always be tarnished.
Indeed, we'll only have won the league by 25 points when it could've been 30 :(

For real though, I doubt any team would agree to give it to Liverpool before we are actually mathematically champions.
Sigh. Another live one.
Tell you what you ignore all medical advice, common sense and experts to follow Trump on Twitter. Good luck with that
Not sure what medical advice or "common sense experts" (whatever that is, not sure how you get this qualification) you're listening to if you think my comment is out of line. All of the medical experts you should be following are telling people to remain calm not panic and just wash your hands.
Not sure what medical advice or "common sense experts" (whatever that is, not sure how you get this qualification) you're listening to if you think my comment is out of line. All of the medical experts you should be following are telling people to remain calm not panic and just wash your hands.

Well here in Austria we are told to reduce our social life to a minimum, universities are closed, as are libraries and even churches. Any indoor event with more than 100 participants and outdoor events with more than 500 participants are canceled. Not sure if all of this helps but looking at China it seems this is the way to go.
Not sure what medical advice or "common sense experts" (whatever that is, not sure how you get this qualification) you're listening to if you think my comment is out of line. All of the medical experts you should be following are telling people to remain calm not panic and just wash your hands.

did you miss the regions and cities on lockdown, events called off etc. ? people are advised not to travel, stay at home as much as possible, far more than just wash their hands..
Too great? Normal flu kills way more people, as does TB and other communicable diseases. There so much fake media hype about this it’s rediculous.

I can’t recall an entire western country on full lockdown because of flu. Unless Italy isn’t really on lockdown and it’s just fake media hype.
This whole idea that we'll just suspend the leagues and resume them to finish it all up in April or May because the virus would be gone by then is just people being overly hopeful, there's little to no chance that all danger is gone by then.

Playing it out behind closed doors seems much more likely to me.
That's fine for the likes of Liverpool and United but as many have said, this could kill the EFL and I can't see anyone sacrificing the 3 lower leagues so you can finish the premiership. It has to be one rule for all and postponement is the only thing that works for everyone. Serie A has set the precedent.
I am Estonian, i follow our medical professionals first rest of the world later. Our medical staff are super chill about it, be vigilant, but no need to panic like most of you seem to do here.

What are you on about? Our medical professionals say that all international events should be postponed (at least) until the second half of the summer and that's exactly what happened to our biggest music festival, it got postponed. Also add the fact that a full weekend of football in England is bigger in attendance than any festival in Estonia.
Indeed, we'll only have won the league by 25 points when it could've been 30 :(

For real though, I doubt any team would agree to give it to Liverpool before we are actually mathematically champions.
And that's fair enough. I don't really want it either in that case. But IF we're mathematically champions before it is shut down then we've won it, fair and square.
Not sure what medical advice or "common sense experts" (whatever that is, not sure how you get this qualification) you're listening to if you think my comment is out of line. All of the medical experts you should be following are telling people to remain calm not panic and just wash your hands.
Firstly there is an “and” in between common sense and experts therefore I didn’t say “common sense experts”

Secondly, just washing hands is not going to stop the spread.
did you miss the regions and cities on lockdown, events called off etc. ? people are advised not to travel, stay at home as much as possible, far more than just wash their hands..
I can’t recall an entire western country on full lockdown because of flu. Unless Italy isn’t really on lockdown and it’s just fake media hype.
This is the very point I'm making. Unless there is information that governments etc are being informed of that the general public are not, I think these steps are being driven by public hysteria (and governments not wanting to un-reactive to the hysteria) rather than medical experts advice.

Anyway, I'm not here to argue. I hope that the virus is not as severe as its being made out to be in the media and that vaccines etc are developed quickly. Feel free to DM me if you want to discuss it further and I can share some links to good research portals to get more info. I don't want to take the thread off course.
Well here in Austria we are told to reduce our social life to a minimum, universities are closed, as are libraries and even churches. Any indoor event with more than 100 participants and outdoor events with more than 500 participants are canceled. Not sure if all of this helps but looking at China it seems this is the way to go.

Best way to avoid this thing peaking in a way that could be very tricky to handle even for first rate national health services. It's not much of a sacrifice in the grand scheme of things.

Canceling sports events should be an absolute no-brainer.
Who cares about the winners, that was finished ages ago - the only reason we don't want Liverpool to receive it is through pettiness.

Promotion/relegation is the real issue. They have huge financial implications that span years which could be decided by a few points.
But going from no restrictions to full cancel mode seems a bit too much. I understand your concern, but panic isn't needed, that doesn't help anyone.

What else should they do. Wait until it's further spread before cancelling? The whole point here is to cancel before it gets out of hand.
Indeed, we'll only have won the league by 25 points when it could've been 30 :(

For real though, I doubt any team would agree to give it to Liverpool before we are actually mathematically champions.
Of course Liverpool could do the honourable thing and refuse the Trophy on the grounds that they didn't compete for the whole season.

They are a beacon of morality after all. Aren't they?
Indeed, we'll only have won the league by 25 points when it could've been 30 :(

For real though, I doubt any team would agree to give it to Liverpool before we are actually mathematically champions.
I doubt any team would agree to give to you unless 38 games are played because if you award champions you have to award european spots and you have to say who is relegated. While any of those are still up in the air then nothing can be given out without clubs taking the league to court. Too much money is at stake.
This is the very point I'm making. Unless there is information that governments etc are being informed of that the general public are not, I think these steps are being driven by public hysteria (and governments not wanting to un-reactive to the hysteria) rather than medical experts advice.

Anyway, I'm not here to argue. I hope that the virus is not as severe as its being made out to be in the media and that vaccines etc are developed quickly. Feel free to DM me if you want to discuss it further and I can share some links to good research portals to get more info. I don't want to take the thread off course.

It is literally the opposite, those are measures to slower the spreading of the virus. A lot of ignorance in your posts.

Oh and the vaccine will not be the developed sooner than in 10-12 months.
If the competition is declared null and void it surely wouldn't matter if Liverpool managed to secure the title mathematically before said declaration was made. The only way in which they could be awarded the title in the event of some kind of cancellation would be if the PL decided to just end the competition formally after round X - which looks very, very dubious from any number of angles (there would be absolute outrage from pretty much every team except Liverpool).

Null and void would mean just that: scrapped, forget about it, start over again next season.
If the league does get cancelled.

I could see increased capacity for next seasons competitions to accommodate promotions and no relegations, and perhaps an longer qualification round for Champions League

I do think the FA will handle it well. I don't have any trust in UEFA to fairly award Champions League places. They'll probably announce that 20/21 competition will be an invitational only so that they can maximise profit from marketable teams.
Best way to avoid this thing peaking in a way that could be very tricky to handle even for first rate national health services. It's not much of a sacrifice in the grand scheme of things.

Canceling sports events should be an absolute no-brainer.

None of us are experts but unless they are planning to shut down the London tube, London buses, Manchester metrolink, Manchester buses, every single Primark and supermarket in the country, every airport, all flights, I have no idea why anyone thinks cancelling sporting events will be a major thing thing to stop the spread.
This is the very point I'm making. Unless there is information that governments etc are being informed of that the general public are not, I think these steps are being driven by public hysteria (and governments not wanting to un-reactive to the hysteria) rather than medical experts advice. Vaccines are not ready before a year at best.

Anyway, I'm not here to argue. I hope that the virus is not as severe as its being made out to be in the media and that vaccines etc are developed quickly. Feel free to DM me if you want to discuss it further and I can share some links to good research portals to get more info. I don't want to take the thread off course.

In Italy, right now, doctors need to pick between life or death for patients because of overcapacity issues. The whole point of being cautious is to spread out the need for hospitalisation so that all the cases of flu dont hit at the same time forcing the system to break down. The idea is to spread out the corona-hospitalisations over months so the hospital system can cope. No nation have enough hospital and staff to cope with it if everyone gets the flu at the same time, and therefore more will die.

Please dont be one of those ignorant "I know better than what the doctors and experts say" persons. I have a week immune system myself and to see posts like this is both worrying and saddening to say the least. Its not a question of gut-feelings, but one of listening to the experts and authorities
None of us are experts but unless they are planning to shut down the London tube, London buses, Manchester metrolink, Manchester buses, every single Primark and supermarket in the country, every airport, all flights, I have no idea why anyone thinks cancelling sporting events will be a major thing thing to stop the spread.

Well, they probably should - ideally. Saw a US physician just now who mentioned reducing the number of passengers allowed on normal public transportation services.

However, shutting down all travel is clearly unrealistic - but there's a pretty big difference between denying people the right to travel and denying them access to pure entertainment events, no? Thousands of people gathering in tight crowds for no vital reason clearly isn't a good idea if you're trying to prevent this virus from peaking in a bad way.
None of us are experts but unless they are planning to shut down the London tube, London buses, Manchester metrolink, Manchester buses, every single Primark and supermarket in the country, every airport, all flights, I have no idea why anyone thinks cancelling sporting events will be a major thing thing to stop the spread.

No it wouldn't be for health reasons. It would be PR.

Like the banning of shaking hands before a match, when the sport is full contact and there's an orgy in the 18 yard box at every corner. It's to make it look like actions are being taken.

But if COVID-19 is still spreading in August, the very first thing people will ask, would be why Football matches wasn't cancelled during the containment phase. And it'll be a stick to beat the PM with.
I suspect the PL will put off making a final decision in the short term. They will probably start by postponing matches and reserve judgement until the season is due to finish on 17th May. It may turn out that games can be played at later dates but nothing will be decided in the short term.
None of us are experts but unless they are planning to shut down the London tube, London buses, Manchester metrolink, Manchester buses, every single Primark and supermarket in the country, every airport, all flights, I have no idea why anyone thinks cancelling sporting events will be a major thing thing to stop the spread.

Yes that what I was thinking, if we are to shut down universities, sporting events, festivals and any places where large gatherings can occur, surely we have to shut down the tube and airports as this is the main places where tourists from all over the world and inhabitants of this country congregate every morning and evening?
Of course Liverpool could do the honourable thing and refuse the Trophy on the grounds that they didn't compete for the whole season.

They are a beacon of morality after all. Aren't they?

I can actually see the upside to that, no other team in English history could compare to that selflessness. Might be how I pivot to make the best of this whole situation.

Think about it: Ferguson's Class of '92, Wenger's Invincibles, Guardiola's Centurions. "Klopp's Saints", as good as any other team in English football history but undoubtedly also the most principled side too. This is how I'm spinning it.
Well, they probably should - ideally. Saw a US physician just now who mentioned reducing the number of passengers allowed on normal public transportation services.

However, shutting down all travel is clearly unrealistic - but there's a pretty big difference between denying people the right to travel and denying them access to pure entertainment events, no? Thousands of people gathering in tight crowds for no vital reason clearly isn't a good idea if you're trying to prevent this virus from peaking in a bad way.

The point is, if you don't do the "unrealistic" thing, then it's nothing more than PR as @Lynty says below.

The tube has five million passenger journey's every single day @Chesterlestreet

No it wouldn't be for health reasons. It would be PR.

Like the banning of shaking hands before a match, when the sport is full contact and there's an orgy in the 18 yard box at every corner. It's to make it look like actions are being taken.

But if COVID-19 is still spreading in August, the very first thing people will ask, would be why Football matches wasn't cancelled during the containment phase. And it'll be a stick to beat the PM with.
Yes that what I was thinking, if we are to shut down universities, sporting events, festivals and any places where large gatherings can occur, surely we have to shut down the tube and airports as this is the main places where tourists from all over the world and inhabitants of this country congregate every morning and evening?

We already have a travel ban for people from Italy
Some numbers vs most recent similar outbreak, which had few times smaller death rate.

At day 43 the coronavirus had 43.1k cases and over 1k deaths (2.4%).
At day 43 the swine flu had 1.2k cases and 9 deaths (0.7%).

At day 58 the swine flue also had 44k cases and 219 deaths (0,5%).
80 days later the swine flu had 3.5 million cases and 17k deaths (0.5%).
200 days later the swine flu had 28 million cases.

Nearly 25% of coronavirus patients needs treatment in hospitals, in Italy all hospitals are overcrowded already and if you are over 60 - you won't get any help and be left to die.

If, as some of you recommends, no action should be taken, we'd have way bigger numbers and at least 10x the deaths compared to swine flu. Virus is also mutating so much quicker than swine flu and it's now proven to have long-term effects on lungs, some of first patients still can't climb to 2nd floor in one go.
Yes that what I was thinking, if we are to shut down universities, sporting events, festivals and any places where large gatherings can occur, surely we have to shut down the tube and airports as this is the main places where tourists from all over the world and inhabitants of this country congregate every morning and evening?

Absolutely, as I said above, we're talking 70,000 at a United game but 5 million journeys on the London tube alone every single day.

It's PR bollocks to make it look like the powers that be are doing everything possible to stop the spread, put everything on shut down or don't bother at all.
I can actually see the upside to that, no other team in English history could compare to that selflessness. Might be how I pivot to make the best of this whole situation.

Think about it: Ferguson's Class of '92, Wenger's Invincibles, Guardiola's Centurions. "Klopp's Saints", as good as any other team in English football history but undoubtedly also the most principled side too. This is how I'm spinning it.
A fine accolade indeed.

Perhaps they'll put a special mention in the record books.