Could they void the PL due to the Coronavirus? | No | Resuming June 17th

If the season is declared null and void it never happened so that isn’t an option is it?. It would I assume revert to 18/19 standings.

Yes, I think that's what would happen IF the season was cancelled - Arsenal would get into CL if Man City's ban was upheld as they came fifth last season.

I'd have thought first priority, if necessary, would be to reschedule things slightly so that this season could be completed, whether that be over the summer if the Euros were cancelled or perhaps delaying the start of next season.

Gary Neville posted yesterday about how reliant lower league clubs are on matchday revenue so I'd guess clubs at that level would want to play their remaining matches in front of supporters, as presumably not playing them at all isn't especially better than playing behind closed doors as they'll still have to pay staff and players. I guess they could play over the summer if possible as presumably not so many clubs at that level affected by international games.
I am Estonian, i follow our medical professionals first rest of the world later. Our medical staff are super chill about it, be vigilant, but no need to panic like most of you seem to do here.
Ivory tower. Have you seen the data on the spread and exponential rise of cases in Western Europe and the UK? With the realization that the games won't be played in Estonia, but in Western Europe and the UK? Estonians may currently be relaxed about it with no cases and that makes perfect sense - but let's see how they'd react if told there'll be huge exchanges of people from Italy, Spain, France etc. (countries with rapidly increasing case counts) with gatherings of tens of thousands in close proximity because of football matches.
If they cancel the season how will they decide who plays in Europe next season??
Apparently a number of European leagues have made representations to UEFA to postpone the Euros this summer so league seasons and cups can be finished and the Euros be re-arranged for summer 2021
For the City Arsenal game to be postponed it leads me to believe someone amongst the players/staff have tested positive and probably many will need to self isolate

They met him 13 days ago so are self isolating till tomorrow.

It sounds like it's purely precautionary.

If any of the players who met the Olimpiakos owner had shown symptoms, anyone those players had come into contact with would also have to self isolate. That would basically be the whole club.
Only Liverpool would bottle it by creating a worldwide pandemic
Liverpool fans, true to form, being full of self-importance on this issue and putting the health of thousands - potentially millions - of people at risk just because they stand to profit from playing a few more football matches in the next month.

Disgusting behaviour.
Closed doors or suspended end of the seasons seems very likely. The spread is to fast and a ban on gatherings will probably be real in a week. Compare the speed in the spread in Italy.
As soon as players start getting the virus then it's done. No way around that. I'm just glad sp*rs bottled Europe before being able to use this excuse.
The tweet about the major federations asking to push back the Euro's to 2021 so they can finish their domestic campaigns in the summer doesn't sound like a bad idea? Couldn't they suspend all leagues now up until late May-June review the situation then so they can resume the fixtures?

No way, cancel the season right now.

Sorry Dippers, you had your chance to have it sewn up by now and you fecked it

Imagine if Coronavirus sweeps through the Arsenal squad. It will be like an extreme form of karma after Lasagne-gate :lol:
Yeah, I'm highly doubtful of this personally.

Really hope I'm wrong and just being cynical. But I feel that until a vaccine is out there, the risk will be too great.

Too great? Normal flu kills way more people, as does TB and other communicable diseases. There so much fake media hype about this it’s rediculous.
If the season is declared null and void it never happened so that isn’t an option is it?. It would I assume revert to 18/19 standings.
4 possibilities
1 continue the season behind closed doors - not likely
2 postpone the season and continue in a couple of months - will affect the Championships if it still goes ahead
3 Null and void the season - taking last years standings - most likely
4 Cancel the season and take the standings currently
Something we need to realize, is this: By the time Liverpool's second game needed to win the league comes around, assuming they win against Everton on Monday, it will be the 21st of March. By just looking at the rate this virus is spreading, the landscape could be drastically changed. It start with behind closed doors, and eventually ends up resulting in the league being suspended and ultimately declared null and void as per PL rules.

This is exactly where Serie A is heading, first it was behind closed doors, then a timed suspension till the the 3/15 April, now its just indefinitely. I can't see what possible reason there will be to lift the suspension anytime soon as there is already a belief that things will first get much worse before it improves.
Dream scenario:
  • Chelsea lose at Villa
  • United beat Spurs
  • All football is called off for the season
  • Since the league is void, there will be no winner this year but top 4 will be used to determine the CL spots

If that happens they would probably use the top four from last season. I'd happily take that to deny the scousers though!
4 possibilities
1 continue the season behind closed doors - not likely
2 postpone the season and continue in a couple of months - will affect the Championships if it still goes ahead
3 Null and void the season - taking last years standings - most likely
4 Cancel the season and take the standings currently

That is the only likely thing. It will be a fresh start. No rules or policies in place to consider any other option mentioned above w.r.t taking previous or current standings.
Too great? Normal flu kills way more people, as does TB and other communicable diseases. There so much fake media hype about this it’s rediculous.

the mortality rate for certain demographics is as high as 8%

given most will likely get it over the next few years, it's very concerning
That is the only likely thing. It will be a fresh start. No rules or policies in place to consider any other option mentioned above w.r.t taking previous or current standings.
Their was no rules for Liverpool to be in the champions league in 2006 but where changed to accommodate them (it was the right thing to do). So my point is, rules can be changed to suit an unlikely scenario not thought of previously
Apparently a number of European leagues have made representations to UEFA to postpone the Euros this summer so league seasons and cups can be finished and the Euros be re-arranged for summer 2021

UEFA said no league has asked that.

Won’t the virus be on it’s last legs by then, will peak in April & be gone by June/July
the mortality rate for certain demographics is as high as 8%

given most will likely get it over the next few years, it's very concerning
I'm sorry, but if you apply that same demographic selection to any of the other diseases out there it would also look catastrophic, and would still be greater than coronavirus. Don't get me wrong, one person dying from the virus is one too many and we should do what we can to prevent that, but people (mainly the media) are blowing this way out of proportion. The hysteria they are creating is probably going to cause more harm to society than the virus itself.
Ivory tower. Have you seen the data on the spread and exponential rise of cases in Western Europe and the UK? With the realization that the games won't be played in Estonia, but in Western Europe and the UK? Estonians may currently be relaxed about it with no cases and that makes perfect sense - but let's see how they'd react if told there'll be huge exchanges of people from Italy, Spain, France etc. (countries with rapidly increasing case counts) with gatherings of tens of thousands in close proximity because of football matches.
But going from no restrictions to full cancel mode seems a bit too much. I understand your concern, but panic isn't needed, that doesn't help anyone.
Their was no rules for Liverpool to be in the champions league in 2006 but where changed to accommodate them (it was the right thing to do). So my point is, rules can be changed to suit an unlikely scenario not thought of previously
I understand but we talking about the inflexible PL in this case and not easy to bend UEFA.
The same league that has the ancient TV black out on a Saturday, and don't accommodate our teams schedules to make it easier for them in other competitions like other leagues do for their teams.
I'm not saying they (The PL) can't change it, but history and precedent suggest that they won't want to.

EDIT: VAR is another perfect example too of their inflexibility. Something that has influenced to a large degree the current PL standings won't probably even change much next season or the season after that.
I understand but we talking about the inflexible PL in this case and not easy to bend UEFA.
The same league that has the ancient TV black out on a Saturday, and don't accommodate our teams schedules to make it easier for them in other competitions like other leagues do for their teams.
I'm not saying they (The PL) can't change it, but history and precedent suggest that they won't want to.

EDIT: VAR is another perfect example too of their inflexibility. Something that has influenced to a large degree the current PL standings won't probably even change much next season or the season after that.
Don’t 14 of the 20 clubs have to agree on a rule change for it to pass?
This whole idea that we'll just suspend the leagues and resume them to finish it all up in April or May because the virus would be gone by then is just people being overly hopeful, there's little to no chance that all danger is gone by then.

Playing it out behind closed doors seems much more likely to me.
This whole idea that we'll just suspend the leagues and resume them to finish it all up in April or May because the virus would be gone by then is just people being overly hopeful, there's little to no chance that all danger is gone by then.

Playing it out behind closed doors seems much more likely to me.

Until the first players get infected then this will be no option anymore.
This whole idea that we'll just suspend the leagues and resume them to finish it all up in April or May because the virus would be gone by then is just people being overly hopeful, there's little to no chance that all danger is gone by then.

Playing it out behind closed doors seems much more likely to me.
We've already seen the closed doors policy is soon going to be hard to keep as well, just takes a situation like Arsenal to postpone what already was a closed door game. With Wolves set to face Olympiacos that could potential affect PL games with their involvement.
There will be some subjective factors involved, surely. Maybe the PL will wait for those 2 GWs and play behind closed doors so that Liverpool can officially win the title. And then they'll call the rest of the season off.
Surely whole season has to be finished? Can't just declare winners and skip CL/EL and relegation.
Too great? Normal flu kills way more people, as does TB and other communicable diseases. There so much fake media hype about this it’s rediculous.

Corona's death percentage is way higher though. Flu kills more as many many more get infected but we better don't wait until Corona is just as widespread
I'll take another season of Europa League if it means Liverpool don't win the league.
I'm sorry, but if you apply that same demographic selection to any of the other diseases out there it would also look catastrophic, and would still be greater than coronavirus. Don't get me wrong, one person dying from the virus is one too many and we should do what we can to prevent that, but people (mainly the media) are blowing this way out of proportion. The hysteria they are creating is probably going to cause more harm to society than the virus itself.

can you give some examples and the rough chances of getting them?
Whole Season should be stopped now and we start afresh in August after a good assessment of the situation.
Yes that's true, so the question is whether 14 teams will have the sportmanship to award Liverpool the title.
I suspect that most clubs would agree to give Liverpool the trophy.

Utd fans should not be too downhearted by this as no matter how hard Liverpool try to polish their trophy, it would always be tarnished.
I suspect that most clubs would agree to give Liverpool the trophy.

Utd fans should not be too downhearted by this as no matter how hard Liverpool try to polish their trophy, it would always be tarnished.
Nobody will give Liverpool the title.