I agree, the community aspects were the best thing about it. I personally didn’t care for the “bio’s” on the officers. Not sure if it was included to try and show a “look we’re regilar people” kind of spin or what, but it took momentum away from the show.
Personally I enjoyed it for the reason above that we both touched on. Seeing the interaction between the police and the community. It’s a unique circumstance in which the numbers are hugely disproportionate, and they have very unique struggles in terms of the town itself and all they’ve gone through. Granted, I don’t see it as a piece that will change someone’s opinion on the current climate, but I don’t think a show about anything would.
More than anything i hope it sparks more of a nationwide discussion about issues and things that need to happen. Although, I don’t hold out much hope.
On a side note, and this is open to yourself, or anyone. I just finished FTO training, so will be taking out new officers who come to our office after graduating the academy, and training them to see if they make it off the field training phase. I plan on having a variety of discussions across topics since we’ll have time to kill in the car while hunting those ticket quotas

if there’s a perspective or topic that you think would be good to broach, or something you would like to hear a new officers perspective and thoughts on, let me know. This is probably a little far out of left field, but I’m open to hearing suggestions, in PM or otherwise