Cop in America doing a bad job, again

a bit of yes and a bit of no.....

i just find too much irony in people bitching about the cops being bad when 90% of the cops are genuinely good people and do a great job but nothing is said about the criminals and what some cops have to put up with

Which specific dead criminals do you want to chat shit about?

For instance, what should Philando Castile and Breonna Taylor have done different?
a bit of yes and a bit of no.....

i just find too much irony in people bitching about the cops being bad when 90% of the cops are genuinely good people and do a great job but nothing is said about the criminals and what some cops have to put up with
'Bad apples" & all that, innit?

edit - Rado beat me to it.

The cops attacked a woman, kidnapped her kid and used the child on social media to pretend they did a rescue during a dangerous protest.

What are you blaming this mom for?

It obvious:

She should have just listened at taken the beating quietly.

She should not have been born black.

Or a woman.

If she had just done those three simple things everything would be fine, obviously her fault.
If the airport clip was his strong opening gambit, can't wait to see what the follow up moves will be.
It obvious:

She should have just listened at taken the beating quietly.

She should not have been born black.

Or a woman.

If she had just done those three simple things everything would be fine, obviously her fault.

What's the way to put this within the rules...? Bosskeano's comment is a fecking scumbag and if anyone has to be at the mercy of the cops then it should be a comment - not a person! - like that instead of innocent people.
What's the way to put this within the rules...? Bosskeano's comment is a fecking scumbag and if anyone has to be at the mercy of the cops then it should be a comment - not a person! - like that instead of innocent people.

I wouldn't go that far. I do think his comment has trying to be pseudo sarcastic. He's not wrong that a majority of interactions end well, but wrong in that even 1% is too many and should never be minimized. There is a reason we should always be focused on the bad, because the airport cops for not beating the shit out of the asshole doesn't even offset .01% of the cops who murdered Breonna Taylor.
I wouldn't go that far. I do think his comment has trying to be pseudo sarcastic. He's not wrong that a majority of interactions end well, but wrong in that even 1% is too many and should never be minimized. There is a reason we should always be focused on the bad, because the airport cops for not beating the shit out of the asshole doesn't even offset .01% of the cops who murdered Breonna Taylor.

sweeping generalizations are made all the time in here. ACAB remember? ;)
sweeping generalizations are made all the time in here. ACAB remember? ;)

100% of all comments are 100% right or wrong depending 100% on how I feel at the time which is 100% based on my BAC and 100% based on my mood and 100% based on what I had for dinner. 100% of the time.
a bit of yes and a bit of no.....

i just find too much irony in people bitching about the cops being bad when 90% of the cops are genuinely good people and do a great job but nothing is said about the criminals and what some cops have to put up with

Daft comment. This is the police brutality thread, not the 'crime is bad' thread. This is like going into the Biden thread and complaining that people are too harsh on Biden because Trump was worse. Which has also happened, come to think of it.

The cops attacked a woman, kidnapped her kid and used the child on social media to pretend they did a rescue during a dangerous protest.

What are you blaming this mom for?

Here's a 73 year old woman suffering from dementia getting her shoulder popped out out joint, the cops later laughing about it saying it was such a good arrest:

Is this a criminal doing stupid shit? both cases if this is proven correct the officers involved should be fired and charges pressed against them along with financial compensation to the families because that shit isn't right either. Just because they wear a badge doesn't give them the right to abuse anyone but at the same time just because they wear a badge doesn't mean they should be abused either.

I believe some of you guys are taking this either too personally or reading way more into it than was intended. A bad cop should be weeded out as his or her job is to protect people and property from those trying to do harm. I just believe that there is SOOOO much negative focus put on cops to make them look like they are all out to just beat the piss out of anyone that it's pigeon holed.

oh....and Soph....the comment about being black and bringing race into it was not warranted as this has fuk all to do with the color of someone's skin. both cases if this is proven correct the officers involved should be fired and charges pressed against them along with financial compensation to the families because that shit isn't right either. Just because they wear a badge doesn't give them the right to abuse anyone but at the same time just because they wear a badge doesn't mean they should be abused either.

I believe some of you guys are taking this either too personally or reading way more into it than was intended. A bad cop should be weeded out as his or her job is to protect people and property from those trying to do harm. I just believe that there is SOOOO much negative focus put on cops to make them look like they are all out to just beat the piss out of anyone that it's pigeon holed.

oh....and Soph....the comment about being black and bringing race into it was not warranted as this has fuk all to do with the color of someone's skin.

Wait, hold on a second...are you really saying in that bolded part that skin color has absolutely nothing to do with the likelihood of police doing bad shit?
a bit of yes and a bit of no.....

i just find too much irony in people bitching about the cops being bad when 90% of the cops are genuinely good people and do a great job but nothing is said about the criminals and what some cops have to put up with

I worked as a police officer and I can tell a lot of the bad things we see could have been done differently. There are a lot of people within law enforcement that enjoy the position of power (and sadly abuse it in different ways), trust me I've met several through the years.
apologies @NotThatSoph it wasn't you who said that it was @WI_Red who brought up the race thing

Wait, hold on a second...are you really saying in that bolded part that skin color has absolutely nothing to do with the likelihood of police doing bad shit?

i was talking about the comments that I made originally....i misread who made the statement and thought it was in conjunction with my original comment hence the apology i said earlier if those incidents occurred as reported they should be prosecuted just like a criminal. i said earlier if those incidents occurred as reported they should be prosecuted just like a criminal.
Is this the first time you got into this thread and did you only read this page? Cause the whole idea this thread is to point out is that US police services have is a big problem of racism (and other isms), a big problem with (aspects of) police practice in general, and that police officers are protected far beyond what's reasonable, and hence often escape punishment.

That concept can be discussed, of course, and it does not necessarily mean that all cops are bad and so on (although that depends on whom you talk to). But to come in here and think that saying something like 'bad is bad and needs to be punished and that's it' is a meaningful contribution - that's just incredibly naive compared to the actual situation people are highlighting and discussing in here.
Is this the first time you got into this thread and did you only read this page? Cause the whole idea this thread is to point out is that US police services have is a big problem of racism (and other isms), a big problem with (aspects of) police practice in general, and that police officers are protected far beyond what's reasonable, and hence often escape punishment.

That concept can be discussed, of course, and it does not necessarily mean that all cops are bad and so on (although that depends on whom you talk to). But to come in here and think that saying something like 'bad is bad and needs to be punished and that's it' is a meaningful contribution - that's just incredibly naive compared to the actual situation people are highlighting and discussing in here.

yes....i think i read thru the last 3-4 pages of the thread and the first initials posts of the thread before my initial response both cases if this is proven correct the officers involved should be fired and charges pressed against them along with financial compensation to the families because that shit isn't right either. Just because they wear a badge doesn't give them the right to abuse anyone but at the same time just because they wear a badge doesn't mean they should be abused either.

I believe some of you guys are taking this either too personally or reading way more into it than was intended. A bad cop should be weeded out as his or her job is to protect people and property from those trying to do harm. I just believe that there is SOOOO much negative focus put on cops to make them look like they are all out to just beat the piss out of anyone that it's pigeon holed.

oh....and Soph....the comment about being black and bringing race into it was not warranted as this has fuk all to do with the color of someone's skin.

This isn't an answer. " stop committing crimes and doing stupid shit when the police arrive and bad shit won't happen to you", that's what you said. What crimes and stupid shit are you talking about regarding the examples I mentioned? If you want we can keep this going with thousands of examples.
This isn't an answer. " stop committing crimes and doing stupid shit when the police arrive and bad shit won't happen to you", that's what you said. What crimes and stupid shit are you talking about regarding the examples I mentioned? If you want we can keep this going with thousands of examples.

i didn't address you or any examples you put up when i made my initial comment
i didn't address you or any examples you put up when i made my initial comment

You made a general statement, describing how bad shit won't happen if people just behave. This thread is full of examples showing that this isn't true, I mentioned a couple.
You made a general statement, describing how bad shit won't happen if people just behave. This thread is full of examples showing that this isn't true, I mentioned a couple.
You'd almost think the thread title might be an indication of something here.
You made a general statement, describing how bad shit won't happen if people just behave. This thread is full of examples showing that this isn't true, I mentioned a couple.
yeah you did and those guys should be prosecuted for treating people like that, there is no excuse for the same token there are plenty of examples where Cops have done brilliant things for people only to be overshadowed by those who disgrace the badge and uniform.

i think my general statement is true for the most part these idiots who stormed the capitol building yet bitched about a cop hitting them with a stick. For what they did, that should have gotten smacked upside the head for what they did.

For anyone who doesn't know, Fentanyl is a ridiculously potent chemical where ridiculously tiny amounts is enough to kill you - we're talking maybe 1 or 2g
Recent celebrity OD's its been linked to include Michael K Williams and Mac Miller, and it's part of an opioid crisis thats running through America right now.

For anyone who doesn't know, Fentanyl is a ridiculously potent chemical where ridiculously tiny amounts is enough to kill you - we're talking maybe 1 or 2g
Recent celebrity OD's its been linked to include Michael K Williams and Mac Miller, and it's part of an opioid crisis thats running through America right now.

Punishments for dealing fentanyl should be on par with second degree murder & above.

Had a relatively distant family member OD & pass away because of pills laced with fentanyl a couple months ago. He was just 19 & wasn't a huge user, just liked to dabble on the weekends. He unfortunately ran into a bad batch of pills; this is becoming far too routine for too many.
Punishments for dealing fentanyl should be on par with second degree murder & above.

Had a relatively distant family member OD & pass away because of pills laced with fentanyl a couple months ago. He was just 19 & wasn't a huge user, just liked to dabble on the weekends. He unfortunately ran into a bad batch of pills; this is becoming far too routine for too many.

Yep it's being used to cut up lots of drugs, and the street level dealers often times have no idea about it because they pretty much get what they're given and can't exactly shop for the best deals. So anyone who's willingly putting fentanyl into a product that others are going to consume is playing with their lives.
We used to be able to test narcotics in the field with test kits, but fentanyl has put a stop to that practice. Just getting a whiff of it in close proximity has caused people to collapse. Serious stuff.

For anyone who doesn't know, Fentanyl is a ridiculously potent chemical where ridiculously tiny amounts is enough to kill you - we're talking maybe 1 or 2g
Recent celebrity OD's its been linked to include Michael K Williams and Mac Miller, and it's part of an opioid crisis thats running through America right now.

Wasn’t it Fentanyl that also killed Lil Peep?

Nope, nothing to see here.

What’s somewhat dismaying is that the higher ups are couching their words regarding dismissal of the officers if they are found to be OKs, that this shouldn’t be an automatic firing offense.

Goes to show how grotesquely powerful police unions are that affiliation with anti-government militias isn’t one & done.