Cop in America doing a bad job, again

Just read that Jacob Blake is handcuffed to his bed.

I would like to take this moment to express: Fukc the police. As long as you are silent you are not just part of the problem, you are the problem. Until you fukcers clean house and not just give the same "bad apple" bullshit then I have not time for you. Sure, every job has unqualified people in them, but yours is the only one who can apparently beat or kill someone and get a "bad officer, bad" citation and get away with it. We pay you to protect us, not shoot someone 7 times in the back. All ya'll silent motherfukcers can go fukc youselves.
Not going to watch that. As a dog parent I can honestly say fukc the police on this one. My German shepherd is a better person than 95% of the humans I come in contact with.
Don’t. I have not stopped giving treats to & petting my cat since I watched it an hour ago. He is wondering what the feck is going on. It’s an awesome (not in the good way) video, one that is difficult to comprehend.
Just read that Jacob Blake is handcuffed to his bed.

I would like to take this moment to express: Fukc the police. As long as you are silent you are not just part of the problem, you are the problem. Until you fukcers clean house and not just give the same "bad apple" bullshit then I have not time for you. Sure, every job has unqualified people in them, but yours is the only one who can apparently beat or kill someone and get a "bad officer, bad" citation and get away with it. We pay you to protect us, not shoot someone 7 times in the back. All ya'll silent motherfukcers can go fukc youselves.
You just know the cops that are handcuffing him are doing so with glee.
Don’t. I have not stopped giving treats to & petting my cat since I watched it an hour ago. He is wondering what the feck is going on. It’s an awesome (not in the good way) video, one that is difficult to comprehend.
All 65 pounds of her "fierceness" is currently in my lap due to the evil that is a thunderstorm. She thinks she is a cat. I am going to allow it.
wtf. We are a fecking virus.

I hope a comet wipes us all before we go spreading our seed to the rest of the galaxy.
The poor dog is behind a fence for feck’s sake. What’s even worse than the video is some of the replies stating that the officer did nothing wrong.

You just wonder how the after action report has been stated. The cop has to justify her discharging of a round, I’ll bet the report stated that the K9 officer felt her & her dog’s life were in danger from a hundred plus pound rabid killer that was jumping over the fence to maim them. Imagine being the dog owner to come home to that?
The poor dog is behind a fence for feck’s sake. What’s even worse than the video is some of the replies stating that the officer did nothing wrong.

You just wonder how the after action report has been stated. The cop has to justify her discharging of a round, I’ll bet the report stated that the K9 officer felt her & her dog’s life were in danger from a hundred plus pound rabid killer that was jumping over the fence to maim them. Imagine being the dog owner to come home to that?

Our GSD is the second best person I know after my wife and even she acknowledges it's close. If I was a gun owner (never going to happen cuz fukc guns) and some cop was about to do that to her I would shoot the cop without a hesitation.
Our GSD is the second best person I know after my wife and even she acknowledges it's close. If I was a gun owner (never going to happen cuz fukc guns) and some cop was about to do that to her I would shoot the cop without a hesitation.

I feel ya. My boys, Jake and Jimmy, are the sweetest, friendliest Mals around. Some might mistake their bread/size as a threat but they're truly not, unless they feel threatened or cornered perhaps. I might lose it as well if a cop, or anyone for that matter, shot my dog.
I feel ya. My boys, Jake and Jimmy, are the sweetest, friendliest Mals around. Some might mistake their bread/size as a threat but they're truly not, unless they feel threatened or cornered perhaps. I might lose it as well if a cop, or anyone for that matter, shot my dog.
We have a malinois mix as well (I am assuming that is what you meant y mals). Not going to lie, there is a bit of crazy in every malinois, but it is an adorable bipolar kid in a manic episode after 2 red bulls and a snickers kind of crazy.
Just read that Jacob Blake is handcuffed to his bed.

I would like to take this moment to express: Fukc the police. As long as you are silent you are not just part of the problem, you are the problem. Until you fukcers clean house and not just give the same "bad apple" bullshit then I have not time for you. Sure, every job has unqualified people in them, but yours is the only one who can apparently beat or kill someone and get a "bad officer, bad" citation and get away with it. We pay you to protect us, not shoot someone 7 times in the back. All ya'll silent motherfukcers can go fukc youselves.

can we get feck the police going in the chat
It literally only has 1% the shock value vs. the dog clip I posted earlier. Where were his brothers / sisters in blue? Ain’t the crowd’s responsibility to assist him.
I didn't even watch the dog clip. These people are scum.
The last guy that was shot (in the arm) was carrying a pistol.
I didn’t see the video he shoots a guy in the head so I don’t know if was self defense but definitely the other 2 was self defense, even if was self defense he will be in trouble because in that state the age to carry a rifle is 18. I would charge the parents as well if they knew he was there in the streets.
I didn’t see the video he shoots a guy in the head so I don’t know if was self defense but definitely the other 2 was self defense, even if was self defense he will be in trouble because in that state the age to carry a rifle is 18. I would charge the parents as well if they knew he was there in the streets.
Unfortunately, I agree with you on the second & third shootings, maybe even the first one. Any decent lawyer could argue that successfully. The little fecker could be found guilty only on lesser charges (I didn’t know about the age requirement in WI). The mother needs to also be charged if any of the charges stick in WI.
Means nothing.
It basically means cased closed in the American courts. They will be able to present him as a deadly threat attempting to obtain a weapon and justify the shooting. The officers will not go down. If they did I'd be shocked

As the article says, there’s still gaping holes in the timeline of events. Hopefully soon they’ll release the 911 dispatch call to determine what exactly was reported. And everything that occurred leading up to the shooting, including any statements made by Blake. Was the knife in his hand already, or was it always in his car? Did the officer know that? Are the earlier reports of him saying he’s getting his gun from the car true?
The audio has been released of the inital call to police and why they arrived. It is different to what was reported.
It basically means cased closed in the American courts. They will be able to present him as a deadly threat attempting to obtain a weapon and justify the shooting. The officers will not go down. If they did I'd be shocked

The audio has been released of the inital call to police and why they arrived. It is different to what was reported.
How so?
So initially the claim was that a man was breaking up a fight between 2 women (please feel free to correct me if I am wrong).

The actual call was by a woman calling the police on Jacob Blake (she obviously knew him), stating that he isn't supposed to be there and has taken the complainants keys and is refusing to give them back. They also acknowledge that he has an outstanding warrant.

Still didn't deserve to get shot 7 times however I try not to react as soon as these things happen because the media do not care for the actual story and seek to release incomplete/false info to spark a reaction.
Seems the norm in America now is to just shoot something.

Stone in your shoe? shoot it
someone look at you wrong? shoot them
So initially the claim was that a man was breaking up a fight between 2 women (please feel free to correct me if I am wrong).

The actual call was by a woman calling the police on Jacob Blake (she obviously knew him), stating that he isn't supposed to be there and has taken the complainants keys and is refusing to give them back. They also acknowledge that he has an outstanding warrant.

Still didn't deserve to get shot 7 times however I try not to react as soon as these things happen because the media do not care for the actual story and seek to release incomplete/false info to spark a reaction.
Thanks for that. I looked online but could not get a concise recount of what the 911 call stated. Nope, he did not deserve seven rounds in the back.
Not so much celebrating, just don’t give a feck that he got injured. I feel that there’s an element of karma to it as well.

Do you have faintest idea whether this particuliar individual did anything for that action to be justified? Or is just being one of 800.000 policemen in the US enough to warrant that?
If anyone tried to get near that cop they'd get blasted. "Ret Reaper" needs to get real.
Do you have faintest idea whether this particuliar individual did anything for that action to be justified? Or is just being one of 800.000 policemen in the US enough to warrant that?
I looked for a back story or some context, but could not find any as of when I posted it. Taking into account the actions by many police officers, just being one doesn’t cover one in glory. I think it’s been established that it’s far more than just bad apples out there, so there’s always going to be guilt by association if you’re a police officer.
I looked for a back story or some context, but could not find any as of when I posted it. Taking into account the actions by many police officers, just being one doesn’t cover one in glory. I think it’s been established that it’s far more than just bad apples out there, so there’s always going to be guilt by association if you’re a police officer.
So being a Police Officer means you are fair game for being assaulted? Wow.
So being a Police Officer means you are fair game for being assaulted? Wow.
I’m not stating outright that they are fair game to be assaulted, I’m just stating that I don’t give a much of a shit if they are.

The whole system is corrupt, I don’t think that can be argued. The system is corrupt due to the actions of the members, even if they are in the minority. That kind of stain washes over the entire system. To think otherwise is laughably foolish. That’s why I can’t give too much of a feck if shit like this happens.
We have to wait for all the facts to come out to see if he deserved it. Maybe he was wearing a hoodie like Trayvon Martin. Maybe he had previously stolen a box of cigars like Michael Brown. Maybe he had previously stolen someone's identity like Charley Keunang. Maybe he had a "turbulent life" like Laquon McDonald. Rest assured we will soon find out thanks to the reporting of Fox News, the New York Post, the LA Times and CNN.