Cop in America doing a bad job, again

I knew this would be the update as soon as I saw this thread on the main page. What can you even say other than it's fecking disgusting. Will never happen to a white kid acting a fool. Hell, I grew up in Hawai'i schools and we were all very crazy. Even the big Samoan kids who would threaten teachers never had police called on them. Teachers just called the even bigger Samoan security guards to take them and it was generally peaceful process.
The actual feck, why would the school call the police instead of her parents? Are there not rules for arresting someone that young? Insane
There are rules and the officer was fired for breaching them. You're supposed to get special permission to arrest anyone under 12.
Christ on a bike. How does someone like that get in a position of power.
Sometimes it's difficult to discern the difference between police officers and a gang of thugs:

Why do they all come sprinting to the scene like there is a murder taking place?

Power, eh. Goes to people's heads far too quickly.
Those videos anger me so much that i always regret watching them.
Sometimes it's difficult to discern the difference between police officers and a gang of thugs:

What the feck is wrong with these people. It's a single kid. These cops should be tied to a rocket and shot into the sun.

Full thread with additional videos. Makes me sick just watching this stuff, bastards.
This cop doing a good job. Guy was an absolute divvy, ringing cardi b thinking he’d get away with it :lol:
clearly that young kid has some freakish strength as they all struggle with him, but the cop right at the end who tries to stamp on his ankle should be thrown in jail more than any of them.

Full thread with additional videos. Makes me sick just watching this stuff, bastards.

Yeah it’s tough to watch. Absolutely vile behaviour from those officers. I imagine the pain from the injustice of it all will far outweigh the definitely substantial physical pain too.
What else is new. Cops are fecking psychos. Look at this shit. "Bad apples", feck off. Its endemic. This is who they are. These people deserve nothing but contempt.
One guy had him under control and seven come to stomp on his head.

Bad apples my ass indeed.
Dude is fecking standing there with his arms in the air and half a dozen jackboots come running in and essentially beat him to the ground.

The Police is America are beyond repair. They’re a criminal outfit.
Wtf!? She weighs like 10 pounds. The feck is he manhandling and punching her like that for. What a scumbag. Honestly what the feck is going on over there.
The police department have released a statement basically saying "he resisted arrest, the poor officer was just doing his job".

Absolutely disgusting.

they never do anything wrong of course it's all above board
“The video in question is part of the evidence that has been collected in this case. It has been alleged by third parties that evidence on the scene was planted by one of our deputies. Our on-scene deputies have been interviewed in this matter and gave reasonable explanations to the actions depicted in the video,” a statement from the JPSO said.