Complete Mental Obliteration V2

"Father, can I have a private word?"

"Of course my child, do you want to confess to any sins?"

"No, I have something for you Father! It's proof!"

"Proof of what Liam"

"That God doesn't exist. It's all here!"

A god-like existence.

And we know absolutely feck all about this 'existences' form, or whether or not we are angering it, thus are still at root fecking one. What does exist mean anyway while we're on the subject? If hell's 'real' does hell exist physically? What if god is indeed dead, does he still exist?
The thing is, if you wanted to ask a question that would undoubtedly cause wars and cause general suffering, it's the God question. It's very jealous.

The electricity question was more interesting, but equally useless really. Just read about plans for Solar power plants in the Sahara etc., that are possible but simply won't happen through corporations and energy suppliers making money.

So, Liam once again shows his talent for inadvertently killing people.
Is Laim deliberately asking questions that make him look like a complete fecktard, just for laughs, or am I giving him far too much credit? I'm not suggesting I'd do any better in this thread, I haven't the patience, but feck me, Liam is really killing it in this thread. And to think he is a university student. People, this, THIS, is the future of Britain. God help us all, we might as well man the life rafts now. Or alternatively, go and float around aimlessly in the sea, shouting to the sky "Do you exist?".
Firstly, we weren't asking God, it was a hypothetical being that knows everything, that we can only ask one question to. So it isn't God. If God doesn't exist, I'll get "no."

And by god, not a guy with a white beard, but a higher power. A god-like existence.

Anyway, off to the casino now.

Oh a 'higher power', that's much more clearly defined.

Maybe you could ask what numbers are going to come up next time you play roulette, might be more use.
"Is there a god-like existence?"

"Yes, it's God."

"Okay, but is he god-like?
"Listen, listen, it's not too bad. Look, all it means is that everything you've believed in, and this unexplainable faith you've put into something, with unmovable or questionable belief, is actually completely wrong. It's entirely wrong mate. As in it's the opposite of all of that above. Before you go off on one, I've got proof too, yeah, it's right here. Read it and weep. Listen I'm just the messenger alright, stop crying."
Firstly, we weren't asking God, it was a hypothetical being that knows everything, that we can only ask one question to. So it isn't God. If God doesn't exist, I'll get "no."

And by god, not a guy with a white beard, but a higher power. A god-like existence.

Anyway, off to the casino now.


Oh my that is one of the funiest things CMO has produced, you've taken on a Dewey-like existence :lol:

The millions of questions that could serve humanity but you choose to ask the suspiciously omnipresent being whether a 'god' exists :lol:
Yep, first answer was asking for the location of Madeline. Which in hindsight wasn't short-sighted at all, considering the next question destroyed humanity.
Shit I forgot that. Yes that came in second. He didn't officially ask the Madeline question, he just thought it. Which funnily enough set the mood for the rest of his questions.
That is still a horrible series of question to ask God. It can be compared to the South Park episode where Stan was wondering why he didnt get his period
How useful is knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt if god exists or not ?

Think of all the religion in the world, the God of the Jews, Christians and Muslims is the same god and they argue about it the semantics.

You get your answer back.

"Does God exist ?"


"What proof is there"

"The fecking Universe and everything in it"

even if they provided some definitive proof, like say a book or his son, there will be those that refuse to believe it. Unless you can invite him round for a dinner party it's a fecking useless answer. Because people will call you crazy or a liar.

They proved the Shroud of Turin was made in the 13th Century a year or two ago, carbon dated the feck out of it. Catholic Church refuses to believe it.

There is a quote i remember;

"The question is not "Does God exist?" but "Does he give a damn"?"
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I really think Laim is messing up with us. He can't be that retarded.
Its not this question but all of his question.
What was that madeline thing?
I think now he's that he's a student he's started on the crack, it's the only possible explanation
Liam, you are not allowed to smoke crack when writing posts for this thread.
Sometimes I sit around and remember Dewey fondly. Then for some strange, inexplicable reason I get a headache so intense I bleed from my ears.

Oh my that is one of the funiest things CMO has produced, you've taken on a Dewey-like existence :lol:

The millions of questions that could serve humanity but you choose to ask the suspiciously omnipresent being whether a 'god' exists :lol:

No. I don't know why people are saying this, it was actually specified that we weren't asking God, therefore we still don't know i God exists. You do all realise this isn't actually happening? It's completely hypothetical. Jesus wept.
Also, even if I was asking God, at least I'd have proof that he exists.

Yep, first answer was asking for the location of Madeline. Which in hindsight wasn't short-sighted at all, considering the next question destroyed humanity.

Wasn't my first question.
I really think Laim is messing up with us. He can't be that retarded.
Its not this question but all of his question.
What was that madeline thing?

It was just something running through my mind, I never thought of actually saying that that was going to be my question. Christ.
Liam, you are not allowed to smoke crack when writing posts for this thread.

Well no one said that before. I'll stop from now on.
Which reminds me, thread idea.

I've forgotten the score, I know TheBest has all the points, how many questions have been asked ?

How many are to go?, this is the thread is the gift that keeps on giving.
No. I don't know why people are saying this, it was actually specified that we weren't asking God, therefore we still don't know i God exists. You do all realise this isn't actually happening? It's completely hypothetical. Jesus wept.
Also, even if I was asking God, at least I'd have proof that he exists.

Wasn't my first question.

It was just something running through my mind, I never thought of actually saying that that was going to be my question. Christ.

Well no one said that before. I'll stop from now on.

I've discovered Liam's strategy.
  • Dither about, give 5-6 half answers(or in this case, questions) to test the waters.
  • See which ones get picked on by the early strikes of ridicule.
  • Immediately back away from those answers
  • Defend with something non-committal "I was only thinking aloud" or "it was just an idea"
  • Go with an answer that didn't get noticed in the first volley.
  • Get scorned.
  • Say you haven't given answer, yet.
I've discovered Liam's strategy.
  • Dither about, give 5-6 half answers(or in this case, questions) to test the waters.
  • See which ones get picked on by the early strikes of ridicule.
  • Immediately back away from those answers
  • Defend with something non-committal "I was only thinking aloud" or "it was just an idea"
  • Go with an answer that didn't get noticed in the first volley.
  • Get scorned.
  • Say you haven't given answer, yet.
and then give even worse answer and then blame hectic
It isn't infinite, but it's abundant. It would neutralize pretty much all our pollution problems as we have no need of coal burning fuels.

It would be a great benefit of all mankind.

It's not the best question ever but I can see the merit.
No one else seems to, so the fact you do seems rather a moot point!

It appears that most people here think his 'answer' was better.

Creating sustainable nuclear fusion would be an immense achievement with a definable goal. Asking if there's a 'god' is utterly meaningless. If the answer was just yes or no how would it help you?

But it already got disproved straight after he posted it. Plus I'd get proof that there was a God. You're telling me the vast majority of the world, wouldn't be interested in knowing if there was a god or not?
Nothing has been won or lost yet Liam. Your answer in many respects affects just about every on Earth, creating a major problem. Some will be happy, some will be uncontrollably sad. This will probably lead to war and death.
It appears that most people here think his 'answer' was better.

But it already got disproved straight after he posted it. Plus I'd get proof that there was a God. You're telling me the vast majority of the world, wouldn't be interested in knowing if there was a god or not?

I know they do, that's why I said the fact you think it's ridiculous is moot, everyone else thinks his answer is better. You thinking it isn't means little, the weight of the public is against you Liam.
I know they do, that's why I said the fact you think it's ridiculous is moot, everyone else thinks his answer is better. You thinking it isn't means little, the weight of the public is against you Liam.

Ah, I see. Well, I was just pointing out both answers, and simplifying them. If you asked everyone on Earth which question they'd rather ask, it'd be mine. I dare say that if I swapped answers with TB, mine would still be worse.
Ah, I see. Well, I was just pointing out both answers, and simplifying them. If you asked everyone on Earth which question they'd rather ask, it'd be mine. I dare say that if I swapped answers with TB, mine would still be worse.

Of course it would Liam.
What about the points raised against it? You never address them, but complain that you are being targeted.
What about the points raised against it? You never address them, but complain that you are being targeted.

I may have missed something, but it seems the points were that it'll lead to a load of people dying. Yes, some people wouldn't be able to handle it that a god does/doesn't exist, but I doubt it would just cause worldwide anarchy.