Cold War against China?

I was under the impression that China and the Philippines did a deal recently to stop such incidents. But the Philippines accuses China again of ramming.

I was under the impression that China and the Philippines did a deal recently to stop such incidents. But the Philippines accuses China again of ramming.

It's a really weird way for a nation state to behave. I sort of wonder if there's parallels with pre WW2 Japan I.e. militaristic admirals and generals acting without permission because they're itching for a fight, which is extremely scary because that sort of over zealous behaviour from the military arm can easily spiral into larger scale conflicts.
It's a really weird way for a nation state to behave. I sort of wonder if there's parallels with pre WW2 Japan I.e. militaristic admirals and generals acting without permission because they're itching for a fight, which is extremely scary because that sort of over zealous behaviour from the military arm can easily spiral into larger scale conflicts.
It's not surprising that China says one thing and does another. That's a common tactic among powerful nations throughout history.

Recently in Burma, China publicly opposed any foreign interference in the country, yet they were actively involved themselves (in fact, pretty much the only one). They provided weapons and drone technology to separatist groups, some of whom speak Chinese, enabling them to capture key cities last year. Afterward, China brokered a ceasefire, only to encourage these groups to resume fighting just four months later when their business negotiations with the Burmese Junta's leader fell through. When the Junta refused to agree to another ceasefire, these groups launched further attacks. In this regard, China's actions are as calculated and contradictory as any other major power.
Linda Sun, who held numerous posts in New York state government before rising to the rank of deputy chief of staff for Hochul, was arrested Tuesday morning along with her husband, Chris Hu, at their $3.5 million home on Long Island.
Prosecutors said Sun, at the request of Chinese officials, blocked representatives of the Taiwanese government from having access to high-level officials in New York state, altered state governmental messaging on issues related to the Chinese government and attempted to facilitate a trip to China for a high-level politician in New York, among other things. Hu is charged with money laundering conspiracy, conspiracy to commit bank fraud and misuse of means of identification.

In particular, Beijing was accused of using front organizations to connect with local groups to replace authentic and diverse community views with those approved by the ruling party.

In one example, a Chinese-language community news outlet parroted Beijing's talking points, it said.

The hacking group, dubbed Flax Typhoon, was “targeting critical infrastructure across the U.S. and overseas, everyone from corporations and media organizations to universities and government agencies,” Wray said at the Aspen Cyber Summit cybersecurity conference on Wednesday.

Genunie question. We always talk about chinese and russian farmbots. Does the US engage in the same strategies?
Most likely yes. Reuters had an article on a US campaign.

The clandestine operation has not been previously reported. It aimed to sow doubt about the safety and efficacy of vaccines and other life-saving aid that was being supplied by China, a Reuters investigation found. Through phony internet accounts meant to impersonate Filipinos, the military’s propaganda efforts morphed into an anti-vax campaign. Social media posts decried the quality of face masks, test kits and the first vaccine that would become available in the Philippines – China’s Sinovac inoculation.