Cold War against China?

Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s decision to halt plans for a $3.5 billion Ford Motor Co. battery plant over his concerns about Chinese influence cost one of the poorest areas of Virginia a reported 2,500 jobs with potential for more.
If Ford finalized the project, the plant would have gone in the Southern Virginia Mega Site at Berry Hill in Pittsylvania County. More than $200 million has been spent over 15 years to make Berry Hill a premier site and the largest publicly owned site in the Southeast. The plant would have built lithium iron phosphate batteries for Ford’s electric vehicles.
The location still has no tenant, however, after Youngkin intervened in late December to stop plans for the plant in Virginia because of its partnership with Chinese company Contemporary Amperex Technology. Youngkin first publicly discussed his decision after giving his State of the Commonwealth address on Wednesday.
Point is, their best shot is still staying put, as many many times in their history, and just wait for the unfolding events create the biggest gain with the lowest effort… which may well be getting their hands / direct influence on the Eastern part of Russia Federation, in case this disgregates because of Ukraine’s war.
That’s not ominous or anything.

I will only believe it if China makes the first move. However, the shitty situation that China put themselves in (politically, socially and economically) while they have someone worse than Putin at the helm makes it more likely that the junta will do something as desperate and reckless as Argentina invading the Falklands.
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Shoot a hole in the balloon to cause a gradual descent and then try to catch it before it hits. I'm sure this would be very simple. :lol:

Can't tell if you're joking or not...
It's over fecking Montana, just shoot the fecker down.

For all the times that the US and Japan have foreign objects flying over their respective air spaces, I just do not understand how they choose let those fly instead of jumping on the opportunities for live-fire practice with those multimillion-dollar pieces of air defense.

edit: This part irked me.

The Pentagon opposed the move, fearing civilian casualties.

Smells horseshit to me. Whoever is in command of the air defenses that region better be prepared to get sacked.
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For all the times that the US and Japan have foreign objects flying over their respective air spaces, I just do not understand how they choose let those fly instead of jumping on the opportunities for live-fire practice with those multimillion-dollar pieces of air defense.

edit: This part irked me.

Smells horseshit to me. Whoever is in command of the air defenses that region better be prepared to get sacked.

What for? They evidently just don't give a shit and don't deem it a threat. Wanna shoot down all the Chinese spy satellites too?
For all the times that the US and Japan have foreign objects flying over their respective air spaces, I just do not understand how they choose let those fly instead of jumping on the opportunities for live-fire practice with those multimillion-dollar pieces of air defense.

edit: This part irked me.

Smells horseshit to me. Whoever is in command of the air defenses that region better be prepared to get sacked.

Can we stop what we're doing for a second and appreciate the fact that the POTUS wants to pop a balloon but the Pentagon won't let him?
Can we stop what we're doing for a second and appreciate the fact that the POTUS wants to pop a balloon but the Pentagon won't let him?

That's why I said someone is getting sacked soon.

What for? They evidently just don't give a shit and don't deem it a threat. Wanna shoot down all the Chinese spy satellites too?

Air defenses (be it Patriot missile batteries or other kinds of countermeasures against enemy objects in high atmosphere) are like any other military hardware. They don't do well if they just sit inside storage facilities or silos. How can you know if the hardware and the personel in charge are up to the task should shit get real if they don't pick up opportunities such as this for free live-fire tests?

Until further notice, that balloon is inside United States airspace. What kind of message would that give to the world if the Pentagon doesn't shoot that fecker down? And besides, I hope you remember that the Chinese Air Force forced an EP-3 Orion to land in China before they gathered all the information on the hardware on board a couple of decades ago. It would be a good bit of karma to knock that balloon down and then learn/extract everything from it.
That's why I said someone is getting sacked soon.

Air defenses (be it Patriot missile batteries or other kinds of countermeasures against enemy objects in high atmosphere) are like any other military hardware. They don't do well if they just sit inside storage facilities or silos. How can you know if the hardware and the personel in charge are up to the task should shit get real if they don't pick up opportunities such as this for free live-fire tests?

Until further notice, that balloon is inside United States airspace. What kind of message would that give to the world if the Pentagon doesn't shoot that fecker down? And besides, I hope you remember that the Chinese Air Force forced an EP-3 Orion to land in China before they gathered all the information on the hardware on board a couple of decades ago. It would be a good bit of karma to knock that balloon down and then learn/extract everything from it.

Not sure if serious. US needs foreign balloons floating over to test its AD readiness? A US surveillance aircraft somehow comparable to a fecking balloon?
How the feck they even know it came from China if they’ve only just detected it. Even if they could track via recorded weather patterns, they’d need to know the size and weight to plot accurately over a 7k mile distance I’m sure . Loads of countries that way and anyone coulda launched it from a boat.

edit: From what I gather, they don't know it came from China, just one possible source. Could just as likely be Japan, N/S Korea or Russia. Its even bigger of a leap to call it a spy balloon, these things are generally used for weather/atmospheric data.
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Ah, the old weather balloon excuse. Used it myself a few times.

Good. Time to leave China in the dark for the moment.

And besides, Beijing cancelled meetings wth the US over other issues like security and the environment back in August because of Pelosi's visit to Taiwan. Now they are tasting their own medicine by having the same door slammed shut at their faces.
So they're afraid to shoot it down incase it kills someone on the ground, in Montana, where literally no one lives.
So they're afraid to shoot it down incase it kills someone on the ground, in Montana, where literally no one lives.

The Pentagon must have some extreme obsession over secrecy regarding their capabilities. The Soviets had no qualms when they shot U-2 spy planes down at the most volatile period of the Cold War (Francis Gary Powers over the Soviet Union and Rudolf Anderson over Cuba) with their most advanced anti-air missile defenses at the time.

No matter what will come out of this, this situation will be looked back as the most embarrassing moment in the history of modern air space sovereignty. It's right up there with Mathias Rust flying his Cessna beyond Soviet air defenses and then landing on Red Square.
So they're afraid to shoot it down incase it kills someone on the ground, in Montana, where literally no one lives.
The don't wanna piss off Kevin Costner and his Yellowstone ranch mob
Is it really that easy to shoot down a baloon at these heights? From what I've read it's travelling at about 100,000 feet, thats well above the flight ceiling of any US fighter so those should be out of the question. It will have a minimal IR signature so missiles with IR seekers will probably be out of the question too. When it comes to radar guided missiles I think they are designed so that the object they are locking on to needs to move at a different speed relative to it's surrounding, this is to sepparete the echo from different types of clutter, this baloon is travelling with the wind and I'm not sure any radar guided missiles would even lock on to it.
The pressure on Biden to bring it down the moment it drifts into the Atlantic will be immense
"China Joe". :lol:

Godammit Marge, Ah sure would like to kill that 'Gina balloon for y'all.
