Cold War against China?

The health argument looks less persuasive knowing that this coincidentally happened after foreign press were let in.
Sad moment. Lt. Col. Vindman gave his 2 cents as well.

It's a frail old man of a former president, FFS!

If you watch the video through to the point where they lead him away and the camera pans down the front table. It looks like there is an alien sitting there about half way down.
After the Hamburg port approval, now approving to buy a German chip factory. What's up, Scholz?

Surprised there's not more chatter in this thread, seeing recent developments:

US trying to shut China out of the semi-conductor ecosystem
Ongoing tensions with Taiwan (our generals/admirals think an invasion will happen by 2027)
Weaker than expected economic numbers in Q3
Consolidation of power by Xi (less of a committee at the top like it was under Hu Jintao)
After the Hamburg port approval, now approving to buy a German chip factory. What's up, Scholz?

Scholz looks like a fecking idiot on the same level as Orbán when it comes to sowing division in the West. How the hell did Germany allowed that guy to become chancellor? The man must be a firm believer of globalization, but it should not excuse turning a blind eye to the seriousness of the changing situation vis-à-vis China.

Meanwhile, I saw this briefly yesterday. Those "police stations" should be raided and everyone on sight should be arrested if they are not on the grounds of Chinese consulates and embassies. At best, those have to be considered like illegal safehouses for spies.

@adexkola I promise you there will be a lot more talking points about China. That being said, I sure would like to see input from our fellow members living in Asia and having a closer perspective to the situation.
Scholz looks like a fecking idiot on the same level as Orbán when it comes to sowing division in the West. How the hell did Germany allowed that guy to become chancellor? The man must be a firm believer of globalization, but it should not excuse turning a blind eye to the seriousness of the changing situation vis-à-vis China.

Meanwhile, I saw this briefly yesterday. Those "police stations" should be raided and everyone on sight should be arrested if they are not on the grounds of Chinese consulates and embassies. At best, those have to be considered like illegal safehouses for spies.

@adexkola I promise you there will be a lot more talking points about China. That being said, I sure would like to see input from our fellow members living in Asia and having a closer perspective to the situation.

Also one of these Chinese Police Stations here in Glasgow according to the Daily Record (Scottish newspaper)
It looks like one of the 4-5 CCP assholes involved in the scuffle at the Manchester Chinese consulate was not in his first scrap with people who disagree with Beijing. The follow-up comment below is pretty much spot on as well.

What kind of sick nation keeps such people as part of its own diplomatic corps?
After the Hamburg port approval, now approving to buy a German chip factory. What's up, Scholz?

Reports suggest that this 'approval' isn't true and that no decision has been made on the sale either way.

If it did go through it would be a bit odd considering Germany's supposed investment into the semiconductor industry.
However, this company doesn't make bleeding edge tech so perhaps they don't really see an issue with the sale.
Surprised there's not more chatter in this thread, seeing recent developments:

US trying to shut China out of the semi-conductor ecosystem
Ongoing tensions with Taiwan (our generals/admirals think an invasion will happen by 2027)
Weaker than expected economic numbers in Q3
Consolidation of power by Xi (less of a committee at the top like it was under Hu Jintao)
I'm no expert, but I'd imagine the semiconductor ban would force China back to 70s level technology, which would be devestating. Sounds downright apocalyptic.
Nothing but gobshite for the cameras. I see nothing that points towards any improvement soon, especially with the last few years of Chinese military maneuvers and economic pressure doing all the tale.
@Cheimoon Look at this.

Xi is such a cnut. Free press may not be a thing in his homeland, but it is for us. I guess he's mad these days because a report of Chinese interference in our federal elections and because a spy got arrested while supposedly working for Hydro-Québec.

Speaking of Hydro-Québec, I still can't understand how they managed to hire that guy when he has zero knowledge in French and allegedly limited knowledge in English. Thing is that he brought a Mandarin-English interpereter in court, but I don't believe that he is that limited in English because he did postdocs in London and in Arkansas prior to his hiring in 2016.
@Cheimoon Look at this.

Xi is such a cnut. Free press may not be a thing in his homeland, but it is for us. I guess he's mad these days because a report of Chinese interference in our federal elections and because a spy got arrested while supposedly working for Hydro-Québec.

Speaking of Hydro-Québec, I still can't understand how they managed to hire that guy when he has zero knowledge in French and allegedly limited knowledge in English. Thing is that he brought a Mandarin-English interpereter in court, but I don't believe that he is that limited in English because he did postdocs in London and in Arkansas prior to his hiring in 2016.

Just saw that clip too. Any body language experts on the Caf?
Trudeau should have pointed out that Canada is not a dictatorship where the Prime Minister exerts control over and restricts the free press or hides its machinations from the public for fear of unrest.
Tbh I always feel a bit for sorry Xi. Regardless of politics, the guy came from a peasant background, spent decades climbing through the ranks of the communist party during an era of mass reforms and now commands the second biggest world power. Yet it’s all resulted in him having to listen to Donald Trump or giving lectures to this guy


Like 21st century history really is cruel.
Is that the best you can do? As far as this bit is concerned, a public apology has already been made.

I couldn't give a feck if Xi comes from a peasant background or not. First, he should understand that there are and will be plenty of countries with ideals that are far different from China's, namely free press and a government not being opaque to its own people. Second, that bloated paternalist (that's a major sin in 2022) could not even have the basic human decency of looking at the person in the eye as the latter was speaking to him.

In short, Xi is pretty much the same character as Trump in some aspects. Clogged from balls to brain. Gotta call a cnut a cnut.

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I couldn't give a feck if Xi comes from a peasant background or not.
In short, Xi is pretty much the same character as Trump in some aspects.

I hate Thatcher but can at least see she was a impressive historical figure. There’s levels to these sort of things and it must be weird for someone like Xi who has spent decades of political struggle all for it to end with lecturing a nobody like Trudeau or having to listen to a reality tv show star like Trump.
Xi did not come from a peasant background. His father was a senior CCP cadre (vice premier at one point) and Xi grew up in an exclusive environment together with other offsprings of the first generation CCP cadres.

He did have to endure years of hardship during the Cultural Revolution though.
If you have a longitudinal perspective on this:

1. Folks need just to take a chill pill. Everyone's a cnut unless you only look from 4/5 years cycle (eg new President, so now our hands are clean once again.). Everyone has blood/dirt on their hands. EVERYONE.

So it seems hypocritical for anyone to slag off another for whatever reason. Or thinking one is whiter than the pope. Life is always about degrees or shades of grey.

China spies have stolen IP/technology from the US? Funny enough the Europeans were accusing the Americans of exactly the same thing in the early 20th Century, just before its big economic growth phase.

Or even more recently, WMD/Iraq?

2. China is just the pinata of the decade. In the 80s and 90s, it was Japan though their suspicions were somewhat justifiable considering what they did during WW2.

3. Every politician needs an external enemy for deflection purposes.

Its all a lot of white noise. When India becomes the 3rd largest economy in the world by 2030ish, I bet everyone (Americans and Europeans) will be on their case for IP theft, human rights issues or whatever is in vogue then.
Basically who ever is the new economic threat will be the latest pinata of the decade.

I hate Thatcher but can at least see she was a impressive historical figure. There’s levels to these sort of things and it must be weird for someone like Xi who has spent decades of political struggle all for it to end with lecturing a nobody like Trudeau or having to listen to a reality tv show star like Trump.

It's got nothing to do with free speech. It's diplomatic protocol that you don't discuss in detail what is discussed between two heads of state without informing the other. ( I know that JT is not). You don't see other heads of government or states discussing to the press in detail so the other country has to make a statement.
If you have a longitudinal perspective on this:

1. Folks need just to take a chill pill. Everyone's a cnut unless you only look from 4/5 years cycle (eg new President, so now our hands are clean once again.). Everyone has blood/dirt on their hands. EVERYONE.

So it seems hypocritical for anyone to slag off another for whatever reason. Or thinking one is whiter than the pope. Life is always about degrees or shades of grey.

China spies have stolen IP/technology from the US? Funny enough the Europeans were accusing the Americans of exactly the same thing in the early 20th Century, just before its big economic growth phase.

Or even more recently, WMD/Iraq?

2. China is just the pinata of the decade. In the 80s and 90s, it was Japan though their suspicions were somewhat justifiable considering what they did during WW2.

3. Every politician needs an external enemy for deflection purposes.

Its all a lot of white noise. When India becomes the 3rd largest economy in the world by 2030ish, I bet everyone (Americans and Europeans) will be on their case for IP theft, human rights issues or whatever is in vogue then.
Basically who ever is the new economic threat will be the latest pinata of the decade.

India would deserve much greater scrutiny today, never mind in a few years. Modi is a scumbag. His party are scumbags. At least notionally it is still a democracy though so hopefully they will get their chance at a new government one of these days. Bit like us in the UK.

China isn't on a good path under Xi. I actually think his first term was very good for them but he's steadily going further down the Putin route and it won't end well for somebody, most likely not for an awful lot of people.
Sometimes I wonder if Xii has total control of the military? Seems a lot of local skirmishes going on with the military. It's a totalitarian government but from what I know local departments have a lot of control. The military a lot more.
That goes both ways, we wouldn't ignore the geography if the proximity was to the US territory.

It's not called international airspace for nothing, and there are safety rules for in-flight interceptions for a reason. For the number of Tu-95s that have been intercepted over the decades, I have not heard nor read anything as reckless as this from Western interceptors. Worse is that it is not the first time I have read about reckless behavior from Chinese planes and ships.

Next time, the US should send those RC-135s with a fighter escort like China already does for their bombers when they fly around Taiwan.