Yup, I'm in complete agreement that state owned clubs are despicable for many reasons (not just footballing ones) and to say I hate everything these clubs stand for would be an understatement (along with the fans that support them).
But lodging complaints to UEFA (who have allowed a director of one of these clubs to be on the board) is futile, as they're complaining to the people who are gladly taking the money and selling their souls for that cash, so complaining has no real benefit.
You could say it will highlight the corrupt nature of these clubs, but the fans that care already know about it, and the ones who don't care, won't care anyway - look at the people in this very thread saying they enjoy the "competition"! It's quite frankly embarrassing.
At the moment state owned clubs are a benefit to United fans as they've stopped Liverpool from dominating the league, truth be known, deep down I think every United fan knows Liverpool have been robbed, the simple fan in me finds it hilarious, but looking at the bigger picture it's fecking horrible.
The complete indifference football fans have to City winning the league is telling, along with United fans actively wanting them to win over Liverpool, that should really make sports media and City fans themselves question how relevant they are when not even "their closest rivals" care about them dominati the league, no one gives a shit about them