Club Sale | It’s done!

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We're talking about Qatar.

I am sure like you, I would also be upset if my country of birth and the country I have resided since childhood were to purchase a football club. However, Qatar is a special case and a vast majority of its people will be proud if they managed to buy the club.

I personally think it's a bad financial investment from a monetary perspective just like the World Cup. I would also point out that as a Muslim myself money would be better utilised and the reward would be immense in the hereafter if Qatar spent its wealth on building hospitals and schools and helped those lesser off in the world.
I don't think the 'average' Qatari is that different from me. Other than that I agree with everything.
On your last point, I do now think football has now become a commodity - not to fans, but certainly to those wanting to profit in some form from owning a club.
Possibly but the existence isn't limited to the owner's perspective (in my opinion obviously).
Tbf wumminator isn't being xenophobic. He's just being parochial.
There a difference.
I just think he's wrong on the subject. I've had similar situations on the forum. You just accept you're wrong learn and move on. Simples.
It's funny how there's this notion that the closer you are to OT, the bigger of a fan you are. That's not true. There are people who are obsessed with Japan more than Japanese people themselves (and I know there are weebs on this forum, quite a lot of them in fact so you know what I mean).
So if you, for some reason, need to move to Italy, will you become a lesser supporter of the club?


I’m a lesser fan since I moved, goes without saying really. You can’t live & breath it the same when you’re not there on a daily basis whatever you like to pretend.
When we got twatted by Liverpool for example, my boss mentioned it on the Monday morning, but otherwise not a peep. It made it much easier.
That aint happening when you live in town, not on your life.
Of course being a local fan of your local club is more special, how is this sillyness even being debated? :lol:
Ask yourself why did Wimbledon cease to be Wimbledon when the owners moved it to Milton Keynes.
I'd have a lot more respect for the 'superior' fans if United was like one of the basque clubs, where they do everything homegrown. In our case here, it's a laughable stance to have.
It's funny how there's this notion that the closer you are to OT, the bigger of a fan you are. That's not true. There are people who are obsessed with Japan more than Japanese people themselves (and I know there are weebs on this forum, quite a lot of them in fact so you know what I mean).

but would they have gone full kamikaze in the Pacific in the name of Japan?
One could argue its folk like you who kept lining the Glazers pockets all this time to allow them to keep hemorrhaging money from the club up until the point they bled it dry and had to sell it on.

So in a roundabout way, we're gonna end up owned by Qatar and its mostly your fault :lol:
Actually the 'superior' fans are directly responsible. If only they'd done more to ensure there was no legal way a foreigner could buy their club, we'd not be having this debate.
It's funny how there's this notion that the closer you are to OT, the bigger of a fan you are. That's not true. There are people who are obsessed with Japan more than Japanese people themselves (and I know there are weebs on this forum, quite a lot of them in fact so you know what I mean).
I guess it’s true, every ref at old trafford is a Utd fan.
What if you're born in London but move to Manchester?

It's based on the distance you were born from the stadium unfortunately, moving closer to the stadium later in life, is just what an inferior fan would do to cover their tracks

In order to be a proper fan, you actually have to bring up Google maps and find which club is closest to where you were born and support them
It's based on the distance you were born from the stadium unfortunately, moving closer to the stadium later in life, is just what an inferior fan would do to cover their tracks

In order to be a proper fan, you actually have to bring up Google maps and find which club is closest to where you were born and support them
So like being born within the sound of Bow Bells to be a cockney?
It's based on the distance you were born from the stadium unfortunately, moving closer to the stadium later in life, is just what an inferior fan would do to cover their tracks

In order to be a proper fan, you actually have to bring up Google maps and find which club is closest to where you were born and support them
Yeah, makes sense.
"Sheikh Jassim has plenty of supporters amongst the United fan base"
So that's what he meant by a lot of support. Nice try sistoney. We have people fighting the Taliban because they are against ME takeover and this is the best you can come up with? where are the statistics? numbers or bollocks.
Will the megastore now be selling those robes that Messi wore when he lifted the World Cup?
If he wins the bid, yes.

If Ratcliffe wins, they'll sell chemicals and hand sanitizer

If a US hedge fund wins, you'll just get kicked in the bollocks as you enter and they'll take your wallet while you're down
It's funny how there's this notion that the closer you are to OT, the bigger of a fan you are. That's not true. There are people who are obsessed with Japan more than Japanese people themselves (and I know there are weebs on this forum, quite a lot of them in fact so you know what I mean).

Who does the control of Japan matter most too, Japanese residents or weebs living around the world?
Also, did I see a piece a while ago that Sheikh Jassim had hired Premier League lawyers to assist his bid? Or am I just making that up in my head?
It's funny how there's this notion that the closer you are to OT, the bigger of a fan you are. That's not true. There are people who are obsessed with Japan more than Japanese people themselves (and I know there are weebs on this forum, quite a lot of them in fact so you know what I mean).

What the hell is going on.
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