Club Sale | It’s done!

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Yeah I seen that, but he said that on a United fan channel though. Did he do a follow up article via Bloomberg reiterating any of this?
No, I dont think that matters though
Not if the statement is that the sale is being postponed.

It probably will be if the sale is postponed. Remember this is all happening because J&A wont sell and the siblings are afraid of being sued if they sell to SJR instead of Qatar. If there is no Qatari offer then the lawsuit becomes very different. They can just say it was the other two and they were left with no choice. It's pressure for Qatar to leave the game and fold. The Qataris could refuse though.
For the Qataris to walk away now when there’s been so much in all the media recently that ;

1. Their confident now of wining or the only other result would be the Glazers are not selling?
2. All of the leaks that they SJ and 92 Foundation are in the driving seats and Reuters and Bloomberg collaborating that information.
3. little leaks from the Middle East prematurely congratulating SJ and his father within last 3 weeks since the 5th bid,
4. SJ Brother writing something about the Mason Mount transfer on Instagram then deleting it quickly.

This would be the most embarrassing financial defeat in their recent history, not just to the country but to the country amongst their Middle Eastern peers, seriously it would be a huge loss for the region, so much so I actually think the Emir, who is also rumoured to be a United fan might order them to rebid £6.5bn through their private bidder SJ.
Even if it turns out to be true, I am calling bullshit on this.

If someone had such knowledge of a party winning and acted on it, it's illegal. If they put it out there for others to buy the stock, it's illegal. If nothing happens, it could still technically be illegal, as it could be deemed stock market manipulation.

That's my view at least but this is not a transfer rumour kind of deal.
Totally agree, the share price is stable, slightly rising at close $24.70, I’m assuming their is no stock market open tomorrow as a huge bank holiday in the US, so what an announcement on a us Bank Holiday, then all trade is suspended the next day?

I’m not buying this as it looks like huge stock market manipulation and it’s illegal.
No, I dont think that matters though

It does though if someone is claiming that Bloomberg are reporting it.

And reporting something in print via Bloomberg and saying you've heard something on a United fan channel are not the same thing. If it was such massive news it'd be in a Bloomberg article, the fact that it isn't is telling. Because if that info was solid then I don't imagine his editor would be thrilled that he was giving that exclusive to another media outlet.
Cannot see a postponement, can only see the Glazers wanting to cash out to the maximum and now while it is guaranteed.
And on Ratcliffes proposed bid being based on financing from the top lenders; the cost of borrowing is going through the roof. There will come a point where his bid just becomes financially unviable for the banks to get behind.
I'm sure the number crunchers on Jassims side will also know exactly what that limit is.

He would still be able to negotiate favourable rates though. He has a very healthy company which is unlikely impacted to much by the economic downturn and in United he would be buying an asset that is very likely to appreciate in value as well as the growth of the Premier League. Due to the numerous TV deals, sponsorships and long waiting lists for season tickets, there is basically a guaranteed source of revenue for at least the next few years which puts anyone looking for finance for a Premier League club on a better position than most.
For the Qataris to walk away now when there’s been so much in all the media recently that ;

1. Their confident now of wining or the only other result would be the Glazers are not selling?
2. All of the leaks that they SJ and 92 Foundation are in the driving seats and Reuters and Bloomberg collaborating that information.
3. little leaks from the Middle East prematurely congratulating SJ and his father within last 3 weeks since the 5th bid,
4. SJ Brother writing something about the Mason Mount transfer on Instagram then deleting it quickly.

This would be the most embarrassing financial defeat in their recent history, not just to the country but to the country amongst their Middle Eastern peers, seriously it would be a huge loss for the region, so much so I actually think the Emir, who is also rumoured to be a United fan might order them to rebid £6.5bn through their private bidder SJ.
If Qatar lose this, they look like clowns. No doubt about it. They've spent 8 months negotiating, putting in bids and setting up company houses. For a proud national who always gets what they want, they'd looking fecking dumb coming this far and losing.
This is the most boring saga in the history of boring sagas.
I refuse to believe any reports at this point.
It's never gonna end.
There won't be a postponement. Nobody really knows anything. For all we know it could be that the previous reports of legal action had some basis in reality and the delay is the Glazers and Ratcliffe working on how to combat it or eliminate any possibility. Or not.
Where is all this "go buy Liverpool" stuff coming from? Its been said about 90 times in this thread. This clearly isnt a "we want a football club" situation. They want THE football club. The super famous one who makes record profits when they havent wont anything in years. And are willing to pay the biggest price in sports history for it. If they wanted to buy Liverpool or Chelsea or something, they'd have done it. There's more chance of Ratcliffe buying Liverpool. He's the one with the form.
A complete fabrication that has been repeated so many times, some fans (mainly pro-Ratcliffe) actually believe it now. It is very strange to see some Manchester United fans not realize how special this badge is.
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Went to th Austria GP this weekend. Was really hoping to get back to good news.

Sadly not. Kind of starting to lose hope at this point. Will a sale even happen......
If Qatar lose this, they look like clowns. No doubt about it. They've spent 8 months negotiating, putting in bids and setting up company houses. For a proud national who always gets what they want, they'd looking fecking dumb coming this far and losing.

Sounds like this could be a valuable life lesson tbh.
This would be the most embarrassing financial defeat in their recent history, not just to the country but to the country amongst their Middle Eastern peers, seriously it would be a huge loss for the region, so much so I actually think the Emir, who is also rumoured to be a United fan might order them to rebid £6.5bn through their private bidder SJ.

That would certainly suit the Glazers. As long as the Qataris don't mind looking silly and everyone saying they are just playboys who got their pants taken down by proper business folk like when they bought Harrods. My feeling is that this is a factor too.
A complete fabrication that has been repeated so many times, some fans (mainly pro-Ratcliffe) actually believe it now. It is very strange to see some Manchester United fans not realize how special this badge is.

Wow :lol:

The "they'll go and buy Liverpool if they don't buy United" is a staple of the pro Qatari camp and a primary reason why it's important that they buy United.

It has been pointed out however that Liverpool are not for sale and Jassim is a die hard United fan who doesn't even acknowledge Liverpool exist. Every night his father sings "feed the Scousers" so that Jassim can sleep soundly.
Where is all this "go buy Liverpool" stuff coming from? Its been said about 90 times in this thread. This clearly isnt a "we want a football club" situation. They want THE football club.

The Saudis wanted us too. But they bought Newcastle instead.
There won't be a postponement. Nobody really knows anything. For all we know it could be that the previous reports of legal action had some basis in reality and the delay is the Glazers and Ratcliffe working on how to combat it or eliminate any possibility. Or not.

If Ineos have indeed been meeting with lawyers and representatives of the class A shareholders in New York, as per Daniel Harris, then you could be correct.
If Ineos have indeed been meeting with lawyers and representatives of the class A shareholders in New York, as per Daniel Harris, then you could be correct.

It's as plausible an explanation as any and I've just made it up on the spot.

I'm basically a journalist now.
Reuters reported that Qatar were negotiating with the Glazers.

Bloomberg reported that Qatar were confident.

Which reports are you referring to?
Bloomberg and Reuters both reported that the Qatari bid was viewed more favourably by the Glazers. The Bloomberg reporter stated in his interview on United View that sources from within the club (as opposed to within the Qatari camp) told him the INEOS bid is dead, unless they can pony up for a 100% buyout.
That would certainly suit the Glazers. As long as the Qataris don't mind looking silly and everyone saying they are just playboys who got their pants taken down by proper business folk like when they bought Harrods. My feeling is that this is a factor too.
The only way it suits the Glazers is if Qatar raise their bid or heavens above withdraw it and then the Glazers can only use SJR but he then decides the bid was way overvalued so he reduces his bid for the 60-69% control so he can offer the minority some form of compensation, the only win here for united fans whichever side of the fence you sit on, is Either SJ buys 100% or SJR/INEOS buys 100% and finds the other £3bn necessary now, don’t forget the 6,9m or 4.3% of A class shares the Glazers also hold which would be worth at $38 per share at a fair trade offer from SJ/Qatar is another $262m as well.

Smoke, mirror and more disinformation to get Qatar to raise to £6bn, he might just walk away or Reuters, Bloomberg and all the rumour mongers might actually be right and Tomorrow they announce exclusivity with SJ to conclude the deal.

We don’t know and I hazard a guess maybe less than 25 people in the world actually know anything right now, especially the British press, they’ve played their part wonderfully by being all three parties puppets throughout the whole process!
It does though if someone is claiming that Bloomberg are reporting it.

And reporting something in print via Bloomberg and saying you've heard something on a United fan channel are not the same thing. If it was such massive news it'd be in a Bloomberg article, the fact that it isn't is telling. Because if that info was solid then I don't imagine his editor would be thrilled that he was giving that exclusive to another media outlet.
It becomes a much of a muchness if the journalist from bloomberg is citing the side of his source and the driver for the article.

It's a bit like Ornstein giving context on a podcast but not actually going into that side in his article. It doesn't make his podcast context any less valid.
The Saudis wanted us too. But they bought Newcastle instead.
Saudis wanted a football club. They went for the best deal for them. Of course they wanted us. This isnt how Qatar went about it. They heard we were for sale and were willing to wait and increase their offer that was arguable more than any football club is worth. If they wanted a big football club, they would have bought Chelsea. They want arguably and potentially the biggest club in the world. They want Qatar to own a giant piece of modern pop culture.
What if Joel and Avram decide they are not going to sell United and that we'll all have to accept that securing fourth place and making plucky cup runs is about all we can ever expect over the next 20 years?

That would send me off at the deep end
Probably been said before but share price watching has become the new flight tracking.
What if Joel and Avram decide they are not going to sell United and that we'll all have to accept that securing fourth place and making plucky cup runs is about all we can ever expect over the next 20 years?
This is not an option. There's a reason they need to sell. Its untenable for them to stick around because it'll take significant investment. Their asset is completely rotting to the ground they've sucked us completely dry. Time to move on. They're not doing us a favour. They're selling because they have to
I think the story that INEOS are in the process of sorting the legal stuff out and wrapping this up seems pretty credible.

EDIT - Not one bite. You lot just don't have the energy you used to.
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I think the story that INEOS are in the process of sorting the legal stuff out and wrapping this up seems pretty credible.

EDIT - Not one bite. You lot just don't have the energy you used to.

Oh god the thought is absolutely nauseating and like my worst nightmare coming true
I think the story that INEOS are in the process of sorting the legal stuff out and wrapping this up seems pretty credible.

Having seen the Harris tweet he does say he is joking in a reply to someone. Though it's still a possibility and would explain a few things, particularly the lack of news recently.
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