Club Sale | It’s done!

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Yeah Leeds have effectively won us 2 leagues

Arsenal had really blown it with the 2-2 draw at Bolton. Van Nistelrooy scoring the 2nd in the 2-0 win at White Hart Lane made the title feel inevitable (hence the celebrations from United). Leeds taking points off of Arsenal clinched it, but it wasn't the biggest moment in the title race.

I agree about the 99 title race. If I remember correctly, United and Arsenal were level on points with United having a 1 goal advantage with 2 matches remaining. Leeds beating Arsenal was huge, especially as United went on to drop points against Blackburn at home in the next match.
You still cannot ignore the fact that after the initial days ( where I believe most of those charges stem from ), specially the Pep era they have going , they are extremely well run. They get the players they want early, dont reward mediocrity, are not afraid to let players go, actually make a profit selling players etc etc
"Not rewarding mediocrity" is called "cheating." No other club in the world does that. Everyone else has to have a risk/reward system, and suffer for it eventually (look at Liverpool.) Its why they have been charged by the FA. This isnt football manager. The fact they have £100 million pound rotation players in ridiculous.
I can see EtH walking away if the takeover keeps dragging out and player signing becomes conditional to the sale completing.

Please cite examples of this happening before - or is Ten Hag some sort of new breed of manager willing ignore their contractual obligations, potentially face legal action and nuke their career because "they didn't get to make signings early"?
He's not Conte or Jose. He will get on with it.
For the short term but I'm sure he'll have his limits.

He wasn't backed in January even when Ronaldo got himself sacked. If he isn't backed this summer either then I can see United testing it

Despite media reports over the weekend about a takeover resolution being close, I still think it rumbles on past the Summer window. Glazers are too greedy.
"Not rewarding mediocrity" is called "cheating." No other club in the world does that. Everyone else has to have a risk/reward system, and suffer for it eventually (look at Liverpool.) Its why they have been charged by the FA. This isnt football manager. The fact they have £100 million pound rotation players in ridiculous.
We had a 80m pound Maguire on the bench, a 50m pound Fred who we all collectively hate, 50m+ addons Martial in the medical room, 75m Sancho away for a chunk of the season and performing poorly when he was back. The number of failed transfers over the last decade is staggering.
Stock is still tanking. Thought it might spike based on the press reporting optimism on the Qatar side
It’s not tanking? It’s green candles on every short term time frame.

Looking at it purely from a technical analysis perspective, the Man Utd stock is actually in a bullish trading pattern. A large impulse move to the upside back in November with large volume. Proceeding to form a falling wedge with decreasing volume. From a technical perspective alone the higher likelihood is for price to break to the upside. Of course major news depending on the sentiment will have an impact on any impulse move.
We had a 80m pound Maguire on the bench, a 50m pound Fred who we all collectively hate, 50m+ addons Martial in the medical room, 75m Sancho away for a chunk of the season and performing poorly when he was back. The number of failed transfers over the last decade is staggering.
I certainly cant argue that, but my point is Martial, Fred, Maguire, De Gea, these players dont stay long at City. I'm not even just talking about us. Klopp has done everything right at Liverpool for the longest time, and he has to rebuild. Because part of the job is having to eat stale bread. Which Pep never does.
It’s not tanking? It’s green candles on every short term time frame.

Looking at it purely from a technical analysis perspective, the Man Utd stock is actually in a bullish trading pattern. A large impulse move to the upside back in November with large volume. Proceeding to form a falling wedge with decreasing volume. From a technical perspective alone the higher likelihood is for price to break to the upside. Of course major news depending on the sentiment will have an impact on any impulse move.
feck me its the wolf of Wall Street, pretty apt seeing as I need to take Quaaludes just to understand this thread half the time.
It’s not tanking? It’s green candles on every short term time frame.

Looking at it purely from a technical analysis perspective, the Man Utd stock is actually in a bullish trading pattern. A large impulse move to the upside back in November with large volume. Proceeding to form a falling wedge with decreasing volume. From a technical perspective alone the higher likelihood is for price to break to the upside. Of course major news depending on the sentiment will have an impact on any impulse move.
I'm not sure what any of that means, which is frustrating, but I'll cheer up later when Mum gets me some new crayons
I really believe that's the case. The people who want Qatar are dreaming that we will start next season with Mbappe,Neymar and god knows who else.
The problem with this belief is it’s extremely naive. There are a lot of sensible pro Qatar supporters who aren’t even thinking of silly transfers.

I’m pro Qatar and don’t see us signing Mbappe ever. Nor do I want neymar. In fact I don’t see our transfer activity this summer being much different with either of the bidders.

The reason I’m Pro Qatar is because I see a more prospective future with an owner who is very bullish in capital investment and building all aspects of the club within a short timeframe. SJR may have the same ambition but I just don’t believe he has the capacity to execute what we need in the timeframes we need. He would need 3 years just to acquire the full club. That’s all while we’re still behind trying to catch up. But yeah let’s keep it simple and just say we want Qatar for Mbappe.
I'm not sure what any of that means, which is frustrating, but I'll cheer up later when Mum gets me some new crayons
In brief, there is nothing that has happened with the price action for weeks to suggest there is anything we can read into it from a news point of view. It’s just normal price action playing out.
I can see EtH walking away if the takeover keeps dragging out and player signing becomes conditional to the sale completing.. setting up for failure if we can't move on purchases by July
Even if we signed no players this summer and still don’t have new owners by the start of the season, there is no way ETH is walking out of the club.
It’s not tanking? It’s green candles on every short term time frame.

Looking at it purely from a technical analysis perspective, the Man Utd stock is actually in a bullish trading pattern. A large impulse move to the upside back in November with large volume. Proceeding to form a falling wedge with decreasing volume. From a technical perspective alone the higher likelihood is for price to break to the upside. Of course major news depending on the sentiment will have an impact on any impulse move.

Now we just need the opinion of the astrology experts as well.
Imagine if the club issues a statement saying they’ve investigated all the options and have decided to keep as is.
In brief, there is nothing that has happened with the price action for weeks to suggest there is anything we can read into it from a news point of view. It’s just normal price action playing out.
I've just got "the market knows first" stuck in my head

I have very limited stock market knowledge but I know stock prices often spike before news of an impending takeover/agreement breaks

I have the feeling our first sign will be a stock spike before we hear of any agreement with either party
Dropped 2.5% on opening

Looks up slightly to me. The pound dropped though so maybe you looking at sterling value?

After me: the day-to-day stock price changes are driven by traders speculating on reports. Trying to read anything more into it than that is a fool's game.

It seems likely they know nothing more than we do. But it reflects an opinion and that opionion seems to be neutral as to who will win.
Imagine if the club issues a statement saying they’ve investigated all the options and have decided to keep as is.
If they did that with the 2 offers that are on the table, then each member of the family would create a fascinating documentary on how you can be successful business people while being absolutely utterly stupid at the same time.
I've just got "the market knows first" stuck in my head

I have very limited stock market knowledge but I know stock prices often spike before news of an impending takeover/agreement breaks

I have the feeling our first sign will be a stock spike before we hear of any agreement with either party
I'm afraid you're my patsy. If the Glazers don't sell, I'll blame you. Don't care? Whahahaha
If they did that with the 2 offers that are on the table, then each member of the family would create a fascinating documentary on how you can be successful business people while being absolutely utterly stupid at the same time.
It would be a very short documentary.. "we inherited everything" The end.
Remember when there was talk of a deal being concluded by the end of the month….back in March! :lol:
I am pro Qatar not for fantasy signings but I believe they will want to make United the best club in the world.

Our stadium is so tired as is the surrounding area. I have visions of us either massively renovating the stadium or knocking it down and starting again. With lots of activities and things to do in the immediate area. Imagine building a box park type location with a huge screen for 100s of United fans who haven’t got tickets to watch the game in the stadium but could still be in the immediate area soaking up the atmosphere. Shops, bars and restaurants, maybe even a theme park like Ferrari world. More hotels etc etc. Make the area a real destination and not just on match days or for football fans but a constant income stream and day out location 02 arena esque. A stadium that could regularly host other events, boxing etc. At the moment the area is horrible and could definitely be made more of. Anyway I am just day dreaming..
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I can see EtH walking away if the takeover keeps dragging out and player signing becomes conditional to the sale completing.. setting up for failure if we can't move on purchases by July
I don’t see anyway that player signings become conditional on the sale completing. Our budget would have been set ages ago, and would have been part of the financial package declared to prospective owners under due diligence. It’s not like the business of running Man Utd comes to a halt because the Glazer’s can’t make up their mind. ETH and the club know how much they have to deal with in the summer, and what they have to sell in order to improve the budget. It’s business as normal until a change of ownership happens, which won’t be very soon imo.
Not a single new update by Jacobs apart from the 100 day board review which seems made up.
I am pro Qatar not for fantasy signings but I believe they will want to make United the best club in the world.

Our stadium is so tired as is the surrounding area. I have visions of us either massively renovating the stadium or knocking it down and starting again. With lots of activities and things to do in the immediate area. Imagine building a box park type location with a huge screen for 100s of United fans who haven’t got tickets to watch the game in the stadium but could still be in the immediate area soaking up the atmosphere. Shops, bars and restaurants, maybe even a theme park like Ferrari world. More hotels etc etc. Make the area a real destination and not just on match days or for football fans but a constant income stream and day out location 02 arena esque. A stadium that could regularly host other events, boxing etc. At the moment the area is horrible and could definitely be made more of. Anyway I am just day dreaming..
I think the vast majority of pro Qatar fans want the same. It’s easy to sneer and paint us all as immature imbeciles that just want shiny new signings though. It’s the same with pretty much any debate of difference of opinion these days unfortunately. People feel better and more secure in their own opinion if they can paint the alternative view as somehow lacking or not getting it. That mixed with a lot of sanctimony as someone else pointed out.
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If as is looking likely that it is Qatar who will be named the new owners then the thing I'm looking forward to the most is actually for the first time in almost two decades is the club being debt free, that is the most important thing about this takeover, becoming debt free.
I think the vast majority of pro Qatar fans want the same. It’s easy to sneer and paint us all as immature imbeciles that just want shiny new signings though. It’s the same with pretty much any debate of difference of opinion these days unfortunately. People feel better and more secure in their own opinion if they can paint the alternative view as somehow lacking or not getting it. That mixed with a lot of sanctimony as someone else pointed out.
I agree. If anything SJ has got his priorities right. Clear the debt and invest in the infrastructure. We don’t need hundreds of extra millions invested in the squad, which we can’t really unless you follow the City model. We make enough money to be hugely competitive in the transfer market, as has been shown over even the Glazer’s time, especially if you give the money to people that know what they are doing. I would have liked Ineos to have made the same commitments, but the way in which they are re-structuring their bids, suggests to me, they are at the limit of their budget.
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