Club Sale | It’s done!

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Who said this had anything to do with them bidding or not? The point is about changing the crest.
You said this.

If that’s the case, that certainly adds weight to the Ratcliffe bid rather than the Qatari bid. Would be strange for Qataris to approve that.

So you're saying the option to modify the crest has been run by the potential new owners even though it has not even been informed to the SEC? Thus, it has to have been Ratcliffe since Qatar won't agree to it?
Tbh it probably has little bearing and may have been approved beforehand but it would just be strange move from new owners who are Muslim. A Muslim’s whole life and faith system has the devil as the ultimate enemy and the one they have a personal struggle against on a daily basis. I know the devil already is in our crest, but this would be a strange and unnecessary step especially from a Muslim owner. I know a number of Utd Muslim fans who won’t even wear the Utd shirt because of the devil symbol on it.

I just see it akin to Patrice Evra buying Liverpool FC and naming one of the stands Luis Suarez End.
Yeah, they're weirdos though. Same as the Christians who do the same stuff. Most Muslims, Christians or Jews ain't gonna care about our little cartoon devil.
I don’t think the crest on the away kit has anything to do with the takeover, people

They’ve used that crest on official club shirts for years, now they’re just doing it on an away shirt for a year
That’s where his hold iPhone is, that’s all he needs. One swipe of unstable that gold finger and he will be the man with the golden club
If that’s the case, that certainly adds weight to the Ratcliffe bid rather than the Qatari bid. Would be strange for Qataris to approve that.

This Is another smoking out SJ bid and make your mind up quickly with a new larger bid, they can easily discontinue this the moment they take charge with another slight change, no biggy just more games from the Glazers !
It was end of March.
Then end of May.
Then last Friday.

As i said before; this sale just sums up our every summer transfer window when we also push "deadlines" more and more.
But aren't those arbitrary dates speculated on by the press with their vague insights from ' names not disclosed to protect their identity' along with 'sources close to the deal'

I am no expert here but I would imagine there would be some kind of NDA which would stop any kind of public discourse. As the saying goes, loose lips, sink ships.

Frustrating as it is, can not say I am surprised the deal has not been completed yet.
You said this.

So you're saying the option to modify the crest has been run by the potential new owners even though it has not even been informed to the SEC? Thus, it has to have been Ratcliffe since Qatar won't agree to it?
More deliberate leaking to push SJ snd Qatar into making a fifth bid !
Tbh it probably has little bearing and may have been approved beforehand but it would just be strange move from new owners who are Muslim. A Muslim’s whole life and faith system has the devil as the ultimate enemy and the one they have a personal struggle against on a daily basis. I know the devil already is in our crest, but this would be a strange and unnecessary step especially from a Muslim owner. I know a number of Utd Muslim fans who won’t even wear the Utd shirt because of the devil symbol on it.

I just see it akin to Patrice Evra buying Liverpool FC and naming one of the stands Luis Suarez End.
By that logic they wouldn’t have allowed PSG to participate in the rainbow campaign.
Part of me believes they are trying to phase out the boat after the stigma recently highlighted and did the round on social media, to immediately remove it would seem cheap but this way they can phase it out unfortunately.

I thought we'd established the ship canal was built well after slavery was abolished. The ship is meant to represent that not what came before it.

I doubt it's got anything to do with that really. Probably just trying something new to help boost sales of the third kit.
I don’t think the crest on the away kit has anything to do with the takeover, people

They’ve used that crest on official club shirts for years, now they’re just doing it on an away shirt for a year
Do you reckon it's cause of the ship discourse? I kinda think it is. Like, start integrating our back up option ready for the next time society pretends to care about racism and unwilling to change anything that matters targets things like our logo.
I thought we'd established the ship canal was built well after slavery was abolished. The ship is meant to represent that not what came before it.

I doubt it's got anything to do with that really. Probably just trying something new to help boost sales of the third kit.

I don't believe it has any insidious reference but the world of social media is very easily offended and in my opinion looks for offense when there isn't any but purely graphical I have no issues with the emblem change as long as the club crest remains on our home kit.
Part of me believes they are trying to phase out the boat after the stigma recently highlighted and did the round on social media, to immediately remove it would seem cheap but this way they can phase it out unfortunately.

That was speculative bullshit.
What about the ship on the city coat of arms then? As stated above it arrived in 1842, four years after Manchester had been properly incorporated as a borough. A principal Dr campaigner for borough status was Richard Cobden, a staunch abolitionist.

Richard Cobden, along with John Bright, were members of the Manchester-based Anti-Corn Law League. The campaign for borough status and the Anti-Corn Law League were explicitly battles against entrenched privilege.

The Anti-Corn law League would in time become a Manchester-led Free Trade movement, extolling the idea that if businesses and people could trade freely across the globe without government interference then living standards would rise, freedoms would advance, shorn of doctrinaire nationalism.

As Cobden would say in 1846 in Manchester: ‘(With free trade) the motive for large and mighty empires, for gigantic armies and great navies, for those materials that are used for the destruction of rewards of labour, will die away’.

John Bright was another fierce abolitionist.

He would become Manchester’s MP in 1847 for ten years. Three years after the adoption of the city coat of arms with its non-controversial ship he hosted escaped slave Frederick Douglass. Douglass in his autobiography would write: “I was a welcome guest at the home of Mr. Bright in Rochdale and treated as a friend and brother.”

From August 1846 a campaign was run in Britain to buy Douglass’ freedom, led by Quakers, in particular Ellen Richardson. As David Thompson wrote on the Black Lives Matter website in 2022: ‘As a result of Douglass’ stay with John Bright in Rochdale, Bright immediately contributed one-third of the money needed to purchase Douglass from his American slaveholder. In October of 1846, Douglass arrived in Rochdale a fugitive slave. With Bright’s large contribution, however, Douglass left Rochdale about to become a free man. Ellen Richardson wrote that with the generous gift from Bright, they were certainly going to have the funds they needed to buy Douglass’s freedom from slavery.’

Cobden and Bright were at the heart of Manchester’s politics in 1842.
Rumours on the bird app, 5th bud incoming from the sheik if true this only ends one way.

It does seem that is the case, probably because how complicated a layered takeover would be, it seems they are smoking out the Qataris for a final 5th Bid to try and get £5.5/5.7 billion final offer.

With so much drama on M-U-T-V
It's kinda hard being Jim B-R-E-X-I-T
But I, somehow, some way
Keep coming up with stupid ass bids like every single day
May I, nick a little something from INEOS
And, make a new debt as I need, to
The Tory press are fawning and the party's still jumping
'Cause Jassim ain't home
I got Glazers in the dressing room getting it on
And, they ain't leaving 'til they get six billion (six billion!?),
So what you wanna do, shit
I got a pocket full of clubs and my homeboys do too
So turn off the floodlights and close the doors
But for what?—cuz they don’t work no more - yeah
So we gon' wreck a club to this
Rats up, fans down, while you motherfeckers bounce to this

Rolling down the street, voting Brexit, fecking up clubs like Nice,
Laid back with my mind on my money and my money on my mind

Rolling down the street, voting Brexit, fecking up clubs like Nice,
Laid back with my mind on my money and my money on my mind

Now, that I‘m keeping some Glazers in
Jassim said he had the cash, but he ain't chipped in,
Now this type of bid, happens all the time
You got to get yours but fool I gotta get mine
Everything is fine when you sellin’ to the R-A-T
I got the cultivating bidding that be captivating Avi -
Who listens - to the words that I speak
As I take me a bid to the middle of the street
And get to macking to this bitch named Darcie
I helped support the Brexit party
That’s right, bitch
Eighty degrees, when I tell that bitch please
Sell up to the R-A-T cuz you gets none of these
At ease, as I mob with the Rat Pack, I voted Leave
Biatch, I'm just

Rolling down the street, voting Brexit, fecking up clubs like Nice,
Laid back with my mind on my money and my money on my mind

Rolling down the street, voting Brexit, fecking up clubs like Nice,
Laid back with my mind on my money and my money on my mind

Later on that day
My homie lil Joel came through with an improved bid from the Sheikh…
We’re talking fat ass pay, of some oily money that made me choke
Shit, this ain't no joke
I had to feck off back to Nice and sit my bid down
Sheikh Jassim’s back on it, yeah I'm fecked up now
Cuz my bid was lower, than they would go-er
The Sheikh got some riches from the city of Doha
To serve Avi, not with a share on top
'Cause when he cashes out, he’s raising up off the cot
Don't get upset HarryP, that's just how it goes
I don't love you hoes, I'm out the door
And I'll be

Rolling down the street, voting Brexit, fecking up clubs like Nice,
Laid back with my mind on my money and my money on my mind

Rolling down the street, voting Brexit, fecking up clubs like Nice,
Laid back with my mind on my money and my money on my mind
With so much drama on M-U-T-V
It's kinda hard being Jim B-R-E-X-I-T
But I, somehow, some way
Keep coming up with stupid ass bids like every single day
May I, nick a little something from INEOS
And, make a new debt as I need, to
The Tory press are fawning and the party's still jumping
'Cause Jassim ain't home
I got Glazers in the dressing room getting it on
And, they ain't leaving 'til they get six billion (six billion!?),
So what you wanna do, shit
I got a pocket full of clubs and my homeboys do too
So turn off the floodlights and close the doors
But for what?—cuz they don’t work no more - yeah
So we gon' wreck a club to this
Rats up, fans down, while you motherfeckers bounce to this

Rolling down the street, voting Brexit, fecking up clubs like Nice,
Laid back with my mind on my money and my money on my mind

Rolling down the street, voting Brexit, fecking up clubs like Nice,
Laid back with my mind on my money and my money on my mind

Now, that I‘m keeping some Glazers in
Jassim said he had the cash, but he ain't chipped in,
Now this type of bid, happens all the time
You got to get yours but fool I gotta get mine
Everything is fine when you sellin’ to the R-A-T
I got the cultivating bidding that be captivating Avi -
Who listens - to the words that I speak
As I take me a bid to the middle of the street
And get to macking to this bitch named Darcie
I helped support the Brexit party
That’s right, bitch
Eighty degrees, when I tell that bitch please
Sell up to the R-A-T cuz you gets none of these
At ease, as I mob with the Rat Pack, I voted Leave
Biatch, I'm just

Rolling down the street, voting Brexit, fecking up clubs like Nice,
Laid back with my mind on my money and my money on my mind

Rolling down the street, voting Brexit, fecking up clubs like Nice,
Laid back with my mind on my money and my money on my mind

Later on that day
My homie lil Joel came through with an improved bid from the Sheikh…
We’re talking fat ass pay, of some oily money that made me choke
Shit, this ain't no joke
I had to feck off back to Nice and sit my bid down
Sheikh Jassim’s back on it, yeah I'm fecked up now
Cuz my bid was lower, than they would go-er
The Sheikh got some riches from the city of Doha
To serve Avi, not with a share on top
'Cause when he cashes out, he’s raising up off the cot
Don't get upset HarryP, that's just how it goes
I don't love you hoes, I'm out the door
And I'll be

Rolling down the street, voting Brexit, fecking up clubs like Nice,
Laid back with my mind on my money and my money on my mind

Rolling down the street, voting Brexit, fecking up clubs like Nice,
Laid back with my mind on my money and my money on my mind
Tbh it probably has little bearing and may have been approved beforehand but it would just be strange move from new owners who are Muslim. A Muslim’s whole life and faith system has the devil as the ultimate enemy and the one they have a personal struggle against on a daily basis. I know the devil already is in our crest, but this would be a strange and unnecessary step especially from a Muslim owner. I know a number of Utd Muslim fans who won’t even wear the Utd shirt because of the devil symbol on it.

I just see it akin to Patrice Evra buying Liverpool FC and naming one of the stands Luis Suarez End.
Isn't that like...most religions though?
Dreams, insane raps, debate about religion vs the club crest...

We're never getting sold, are we?
FFS this is classic, another milestone slightly ahead of the current one.

- After FA cup final (getting closer, better push it back)
- Kick off to the summer window (new deadline)
- Pre season Tour
- Second game of pre season
- Before Community Sheild
- Before first game of the season
- Before first home game of the season

What will the next one be?

To be fair Ducker said way back that he thought it would be the end of the season when others were saying around end of March
Didn’t think a simple crest change to be different for 1 year (which you’d think addidas would have presented to the club as a potential design and the club agreed to it, rather than the other way around) would have caused so much debate around religion & someone has managed to link it to a potential sale that hasn’t happened yet.

Utter madness
Didn’t think a simple crest change to be different for 1 year (which you’d think addidas would have presented to the club as a potential design and the club agreed to it, rather than the other way around) would have caused so much debate around religion & someone has managed to link it to a potential sale that hasn’t happened yet.

Utter madness

Yeah this doesn't mean anything,for a start it's still the same logo on other shirts anyway
what is the rational of such move?
Could be Ratcliffe giving the FU to Qatar. But like others have said it’s not a big deal to Muslims.

In regards to most similar religions. Islam and Judaism are the most similar. It’s a common misconception amongst some Muslims that Christianity is the most similar to Islam. While all 3 share very similar life laws, it’s the core and most important faith tenant that makes Islam and Judaism the most similar.

Even the most Palestinian hating Zionist will say that. Which is why Jewish law allows jews to pray in mosques but not churches etc.
Twitter saying it’s Qatar. Citing a source who is a financial advisor to Darcie.

you are relentless.
Alas you will be beaten to the news when a reasonable source actually comes along, DIRK.
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