Club Sale | It’s done!

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Just one day closer to the Sheikh buying us. Absolutely nothing to see here.

The only reason SJR has this new proposal is because he knows full well his initial one isn’t going to be successful.
Good to see this thread is still a cesspit of ludicrous statements based on poorly thought out assumption. The name calling is a particular low, when most (if not all) of the people doing it are utterly clueless on the subject matter.

It would be interesting to see the full terms of this alleged proposal. Things like what would happen if Ineos put up the money for the infrastructure, would the Glazers have to provide 20%, and if they couldn't would this result in their holding being reduced to cover their costs. It could be a very fast way for Ineos to gain full control, but would all be based on what happens with the voting rights.

It is also going to be interesting if this spooks the Qataris into pumping up their offer to take the lot. Could set off a war within the Glazer family.
Just one day closer to the Sheikh buying us. Absolutely nothing to see here.

The only reason SJR has this new proposal is because he knows full well his initial one isn’t going to be successful.

It's the deal Joel and Avram have wanted all along. Why would they accept Qatar's deal now? If the Ratcliffe story is true, this is done.
I doubt if the Glazers are looking at that sort of returns (like Ashley's 120+ million.) Their expectations are much much higher.

But will the more limited resources of Ratcliffe be enough to meet their financial ambitions say in 10 years time?

Newcastle is a smaller club, there was less investment and thus less returns. I believe that the Glazers are banking on the super league and new money revenue coming from the media deal. Irrespective of that I do expect the club's worth to go up irrespective if we remain a top 6 club
They would lose control of the football club by accepting this bid.
So they’re basically handing over control of most of their net worth to someone else without negotiating a say?
I don’t think this will happen but its Glazers out. Not Glazers minority owners. Arguing back against United fans that they shouldn’t be upset this is absurd. Leeches still leeching off the club, that’s what this is.
And you’re insane if you think they’re not negotiating dividends etc if this does go through. The whole thing stinks.
Show some the money and the rest ceases to matter.

Based on what evidence? You seem to be under the misapprehension that everyone speaking against the pro-Qatar bots spamming 'wow look at Ratcliffe new he was no better than the Glazier leaches. We need them entirely out and every surface they've touched burned and nothing less will do' thinks Ratcliffe is a ticket to definite glory or some rags to riches homecoming story. I don't think anyone does, just rather that than state ownership. The pro Qatar folks seem to have set up this bizarre straw man saying that United will crumble if Ratcliffe takes over. In reality most of them want MONEY AND PLAYERS AND TITLES DADDY AND I WANT THEM NOW!

Calls others for building strawmen... by building a strawman. Airtight!
Calls others for building strawmen... by building a strawman. Airtight!
Still true though. Just a bit sad to see so many rolling over and asking for state backers to tickle their tummies. It grates even more when these same people are building these apocalyptic fan fictions for what'll happen Ratcliffe takes over.
I’m sorry but what’s the actual point in this? For them to retain their lovely dividend? feck this bid. They’re destroying the club - you cannot have our best interest at heart and keep those clowns onboard. Enough already
So we could end up with three people who dare not turn up to games. Bit of a beggar that the Glazers could be joined by an even bigger liar.
I’m sorry but what’s the actual point in this? For them to retain their lovely dividend? feck this bid. They’re destroying the club - you cannot have our best interest at heart and keep those clowns onboard. Enough already
But why not? If it wrests the club from their control while also keeping it out of state ownership and putting it under better ownership than the parasites, surely that's a win. Too many want to throw the baby out with the bathwater and insist on a full sale or nothing, which is bizarre. Yes, I'd obviously much rather a full sale but would also absolutely take a sale with glazers retaining a stake provided they had severely limited to zero say in the running of the club.
United fan.. Chelsea season ticket holder, wants the Glazers around somehow but hey, he's a manc lad, he just gets it.
So they’re basically handing over control of most of their net worth to someone else without negotiating a say?
I don’t think this will happen but its Glazers out. Not Glazers minority owners. Arguing back against United fans that they shouldn’t be upset this is absurd. Leeches still leeching off the club, that’s what this is.
And you’re insane if you think they’re not negotiating dividends etc if this does go through. The whole thing stinks.
Exactly. There's no way glazers do this deal without there being significant yearly dividends plus guaranteed minimum amounts in case they want to sell their stakes at a later date.

As if they'll relinquish control of the club without significant financial gains :lol:
You're right in principle however I can see the Glazers forcing a deal were dividends will be paid. Why would the Glazers keep a 20% stake if they don't get anything out of it?
Same reason people hold stakes in anything - to sell at some future date.
But why not? If it wrests the club from their control while also keeping it out of state ownership and putting it under better ownership than the parasites, surely that's a win. Too many want to throw the baby out with the bathwater and insist on a full sale or nothing, which is bizarre. Yes, I'd obviously much rather a full sale but would also absolutely take a sale with glazers retaining a stake provided they had severely limited to zero say in the running of the club.
This. As long as they're kept out of the day-to-day running of the club I'm happy.

Given United is now a public company, they'll likely continue to receive dividends but only in line with all the other shareholders.
Exactly. There's no way glazers do this deal without there being significant yearly dividends plus guaranteed minimum amounts in case they want to sell their stakes at a later date.

As if they'll relinquish control of the club without significant financial gains :lol:
Of course they'll make gains. Whether it's a full sale or a partial one, they'll make a huge amount of money.

Surely any deal is better than no deal right?
But why not? If it wrests the club from their control while also keeping it out of state ownership and putting it under better ownership than the parasites, surely that's a win. Too many want to throw the baby out with the bathwater and insist on a full sale or nothing, which is bizarre. Yes, I'd obviously much rather a full sale but would also absolutely take a sale with glazers retaining a stake provided they had severely limited to zero say in the running of the club.

what makes you think that SJR is a better owner? Would you say the exact same thing if this Glazers involvement + debt bid came from lets say a US or a ME investor instead of local darling?
It's the deal Joel and Avram have wanted all along. Why would they accept Qatar's deal now? If the Ratcliffe story is true, this is done.
Because the Sheikh’s offer will most likely still be more lucrative than the new proposal.
If nothing else, he's absolutely ruthless so the days of us getting ripped off and taken for fools will be gone.

Is he though? Bob Ratcliffe lead Lausanne to relegation. He got a kick upstairs instead. Nice were promised regular CL football. They are currently 10th. The guy has no clue of how football works. He'll be buying us with more debt, he'll probably retain the Glazers debt and he's also keeping the Glazers in. Honestly I'd rather have Elliott then this group of incompetent people in. At least Elliott saved Milan and lead it to a Serie A title.
Because the Sheikh’s offer will most likely still be more lucrative than the new proposal.

Not necessarily. United could be worth significantly more in 5-10 years if we achieve success on the pitch, whilst clearing some / all of the debt and also investing money into the stadium and other infrastructure. Joel and Avram could keep their stake and most likely sell for way more in the future.
This Avram and Joel want to stay business is pure negotiation nonsense. Why would they even want to stay if they have lost majority control and aren’t pulling the strings?
This Avram and Joel want to stay business is pure negotiation nonsense. Why would they even want to stay if they have lost majority control and aren’t pulling the strings?

Thing is, don't all transferred B Class shares get converted to A Class once purchased? So the two Glazer's would still have a large say...
Still true though. Just a bit sad to see so many rolling over and asking for state backers to tickle their tummies. It grates even more when these same people are building these apocalyptic fan fictions for what'll happen Ratcliffe takes over.

But it's not true. Downplaying pro-Qatar arguments like this is incredibly reductive. Qatar actually do possess the means to transform the club by their own hand and have also unequivocally said they will pay off the debt. And their commitment and motivation are beyond doubt, because their goal is sportswashing. No point in denying that. If you are against Qatar for that and other reasons, okay, that's fine.

Ratcliffe has repeatedly and seemingly intentionally danced around the debt issue with vague worded releases that are open to interpretation. Is he paying it off? Is it included in the bid? Is being transferred to INEOS? Is it being refinanced? No one knows. His statement was also very weak by comparison. How will the structure renovation be financed? Now, he is willing to get in bed with the people that wrecked the club. To say this is bad optics would be an understatement. I also think the argument that he is too old is also extremely valid. What happens when he is gone as a gatekeeper? INEOS/Glazer ownership? Sale? Who will buy the club then? Another set of Americans? INEOS ownership remains shrouded in ambiguousness and uncertainty.

So aside from the memes, it's not at all just "give money".
At what point can I lose hope and start crying uncontrollably? TIA
Joining forces with the Glazer goblins? Give your head a sheikh, Jim.
If Glazers are minority owners. Ratcliffe will probably invest minimal amounts in infrastructure.
But why not? If it wrests the club from their control while also keeping it out of state ownership and putting it under better ownership than the parasites, surely that's a win. Too many want to throw the baby out with the bathwater and insist on a full sale or nothing, which is bizarre. Yes, I'd obviously much rather a full sale but would also absolutely take a sale with glazers retaining a stake provided they had severely limited to zero say in the running of the club.
Who said anything about nothing? There are other bidders too. Twenty percent is not a controlling stake but enough to have some active involvement and make more money from the club. Obviously I’d take that over no sale. But those currently aren’t the only two possible outcomes.
What % of the club do the other 4 Glazers own, I'm sure its under 50%?

They own 65.06% of the B Class shares which equates to 62.14% of the voting rights. But once they're transferred, they become A class shares, which are only worth 1/10th of the voting power of B class.
Jassim: "£5.5b, take it or leave it"
Jimmy : "Ey Glazers, you see this? see this card? it's from the ROYAL BANK of Scotland. 30 grand credit limit, orite?"
Feels like a minimal change option. At least that’s the vibe.
He isn’t going to invest until he can buy out the Glazers completely. Why should he invest and inflate the price he is eventually going to pay them off for?
Same thing happened to Arsenal. Kreonke did not invest his own capital until Usmanov left.
In SJR runs united like INEOS in UK
we will be no better of management is a joke employees treated like mud.
If Jim comes in...

He's borrowing to put the original bid in.
He's keeping the debt and borrowing more so more debt.
He's borrowing to pay to renovate the stadium.
Glazers will still be taking dividends.
Glazers (Avi and Joel) shares will still enable them voting power.
We will be absolutely crippled by the debt for years to come. Even more so than now.
From what I seen so far, the Glazers would want both the 10m and the 10 quid. I also have no guarantee that SJR won't get dividends himself. INEOS has lied to NICE and Lausanne fans + he also gave the impression he would want the Glazer out only to backtrack on that as well

What gave you the impression Ratcliffe would want the Glazers out? The interview he did when he told everyone present how nice the glazers were?
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