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Isn't that just and opinion piece? And even if it's an editorial, the WSJ is known to have insane editorial writers.
If I remember correctly, the editorial board are ardent Trumpites, or on that level of idiocy, and the general news staff have little to do with that. Either way, I do agree that it sure is annoying to see these people around still (and in influential places, too), and other idiots like them. (The large Dutch populist opposition parties' main complaint about the new government's plans is their intention to do more about climate change, alongside these parties' complaints about immigration. Piss off already you dinosaurs!) But I think it's clear stuff like this is now wishful thinking on their end. The actual battle isn't with denialists anymore, it's with those who think drastic action is too expensive.It's written by a member of the editorial board.
I thought it was important that the 1st/2nd most prominent business paper in the world wants to actively destroy the planet![]()
Yep, both the NYT & WSJ have slightly out there editorial boards.If I remember correctly, the editorial board are ardent Trumpites, or on that level of idiocy, and the general News staff have little to do with that. Either way, I do agree that it sure is annoying to see these people around still (and in influential places, too), and other idiots like them. (The large Dutch populist opposition parties' main complaint about the new government's plans is their intention to do more about climate change, alongside their complaints about immigration. Piss off already you dinosaurs.) But I think it's clear stuff like this is now wishful thinking on their end. The actual battle isn't with denialists anymore, it's with those who think drastic action is too expensive.
bin democracy to save the planet?
Unfortunately most governments have their heads deep in the sand or worse, don't care.
bin democracy to save the planet?
I haven't read the piece, but on the face of it this statement is definitely correct:
we must put climate action over democracy and adopt authoritarian governance if democracies fail to act on climate change.
If we don't act on climate change, not having democracy will be the least of our worries. And in fact democracy is very unlikely to survive severe climate change anyway. Just imagine the kind of nationalistic and xenophobic sentiment which is going to grow in the west in the face of tens of millions (at least) of climate migrants. We'll be lucky to avoid concentration camps, honestly. And, obviously, it's not like the West is going to survive global warming unscathed either, and just "suffer" refugees. Imagine the cold war, except a lot more chaotic and filled with resource wars.
Really?Most governments reflect their voters.
bin democracy to save the planet?
Most governments reflect their voters.
Individuals struggle to do the things that need to be done that's why governments have to be the initiators of effective, meaningful legislation not just optics.
Well, I'm not privy to the global psychology report, but where I'm from democracy is a farce, basically rooted in class, education, race and tradition. Most people here don't know what climate is, never mind that it's changing. Based on this limited viewpoint, I feel very tempted to extrapolate it to most other democracies too.Regarding climate change, I'm convinced yes.
bin democracy to save the planet?
If I remember correctly, the editorial board are ardent Trumpites, or on that level of idiocy, and the general news staff have little to do with that. Either way, I do agree that it sure is annoying to see these people around still (and in influential places, too), and other idiots like them. (The large Dutch populist opposition parties' main complaint about the new government's plans is their intention to do more about climate change, alongside these parties' complaints about immigration. Piss off already you dinosaurs!) But I think it's clear stuff like this is now wishful thinking on their end. The actual battle isn't with denialists anymore, it's with those who think drastic action is too expensive.
bin democracy to save the planet?
The basis of the global economy within and across countries is competition. Solving this requires cooperation at all levels. You can't have polluter countries leaving transitioning countries behind. You can't have a laissez-faire approach to resource use.
Democracy can't achieve the change required to prevent climate change that's for sure. It's going to be politically inconvenient on too many occasions.
I'm sure we'll see some change but it'll only be enough to placate the populace. Half measures and deal with the fallout later.
Remember a similar (same?) story from last year too.
Remember a similar (same?) story from last year too.
Longer news article: Climate pledges from top companies crumble under scrutiny (nature.com)Nature Briefing said:Climate pledges crumble under scrutiny
Major companies are not living up to the promises they have made to reduce their carbon emissions to zero. An analysis of publicly available corporate documents, such as annual sustainability reports, shows that 25 companies — which together are responsible for about 5% of global emissions — are actually committing to do far less. Of the 25 companies, selected to represent a cross-section of industries, just 3 — the Danish shipping giant Maersk, the UK communications firm Vodafone and the German telecommunications company Deutsche Telekom — have clearly committed to deep decarbonization. Thirteen of the 25 provide detailed plans that would, on average, curb emissions by just 40%, rather than 100%, over the next few decades; the other 12 companies have not provided any details about what exactly they are committing to do.
In case anyone had expected anything else.
Longer news article: Climate pledges from top companies crumble under scrutiny (nature.com)
Report: Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor 2022 - NewClimate Institute
I should have a look at that.Think I've mentioned this a few times, but folks have got to read Naomi Kleins book "This changes everything". It goes into how our economic system and its norms and values cannot actually deal with climate change because the system is the cause of the problem. She doesn't advocate for communism or anything like that, but she simply states that global warming is a negative externality of the economic system and because of the structure of the system, there is no reason to be the one company that tries to solve it. By trying to address the negative externality, it actually undermines the system they benefit from.
This is why so much contemporary literature starts to question whether humans are actually capable of addressing global warming, or whether it's one of these problems that eventually ends a species (not a topic touched on by Klein though).
Think I've mentioned this a few times, but folks have got to read Naomi Kleins book "This changes everything". It goes into how our economic system and its norms and values cannot actually deal with climate change because the system is the cause of the problem. She doesn't advocate for communism or anything like that, but she simply states that global warming is a negative externality of the economic system and because of the structure of the system, there is no reason to be the one company that tries to solve it. By trying to address the negative externality, it actually undermines the system they benefit from.
This is why so much contemporary literature starts to question whether humans are actually capable of addressing global warming, or whether it's one of these problems that eventually ends a species (not a topic touched on by Klein though).
I read this (which I'm guessing was before the book or excerpted from it) about 10 years ago, and it's pretty much been proved true: https://www.newstatesman.com/politics/2013/10/science-says-revolt
whatever hellscape follows will hopefully, eventually, be bad enough that a few generations later there will be enough people wanting something different.
There is some truth to what you say but it's highly tempting to think in terms of intelligence and tiers (of economic factors weighed against mental capacity, because surely anyone who discerns such a nuance is placing themselves within one of these selective tiers or close to it?).Unfortunately, the issue stems a huge amount from a function of human intelligence distribution. It's the result of this: out of a million people, there are ten-thousand in the 1%. These people clump together as the 'smart' people - your doctors, lawyers, some PhDs etc. And that group is large enough to sway things when they come up against the much smaller group above them. Now, compared to the actual smart people in the 0.001%, these people are UTTER feckING MORONS and the general public cannot tell the difference: derp derp that one's a doctor I'ma listen to her. Some 0.1% doctor can be one hundred times dumber compared to a 0.001%er than the average dude compared to the doctor, but because there are so many more of the latter, their voice prevails.
So that 'actual smart people' group is miniscule compared to the second-rate tier and below. Which means is that the general public in the end not only goes along with that larger group, but that larger group in general ends up pandering to the general public on whatever side of any issue, because they believe they're the smart/elite and they get all that positive feedback.
So unless there arises an ongoing comprehensive actual eugenics-type program to continuously identify and eliminate all but the top 0.001% and above - think Sparta, except for intellect and emotional awareness - the bolded part of your post simply can not physically happen. And even then it's a toss-up as in theory the phenomenon might persist.
There is some truth to what you say but it's highly tempting to think in terms of intelligence and tiers (of economic factors weighed against mental capacity, because surely anyone who discerns such a nuance is placing themselves within one of these selective tiers or close to it?).
It is more difficult, but ultimately more rewarding and necessary, to realise that we have to remove the "self" from "political interest". This ties into your point but to expand: the principle is what must be elevated, the talking head or whatever icon who espouses it must be devalued to an almost happenstance level of arbitrariness. A potentially useful conveyor of information but not the final authority. A doctrine based in logic and scientific fact which calls for social redress can work if you eliminate the tendency for ideologues right at the outset. Do not put anyone on a pedestal. Take their argument and leave their personality behind. Once you do that, you rob people of whatever celebrity which attends a given cause celebre and which tends to obfuscate the issue. No one should be getting rich on "climate change awareness" or "social change" in general. That is antithetical to the entire premise.
For example, many academics and journalists and even politicians (some) will know very well what needs doing but are rather invested in their own position to the point that they do not want to jeopardize it. That means they are compromised by their own self interest. Many who teach Marx and seem self-assured of their own Marxist bona fides are credentialed members of the bourgeoisie. This class of people, self-confessed vanguards of the liberal revolution, has utterly failed and should be judged incredibly harshly. I'm not a Marxist, but neither are they. The difference is they would assume the role of gatekeeper to Marxist ideology, which they are, almost a priori, unfit to hold.
tl;dr change of this kind will come from the bottom up. Persistent social pressure to the effect of "do this or get out of the way, you're time is up". Principle, not personality.
Yes, we probably agree. I just do not go along with "tierology". There is, in every society, a group of people less amenable to change because their stake in said society makes them second guess any measure by which they would lose a sizable portion of it. Still, it is better to lose a sizable portion and remain well off than to embrace the alternative which will absolutely lead to systemic revolt of one kind or another in the not too distant future. Remains to be seen what happens.I agree - in principle (teehee) - but the bolded part is impossible to achieve when the second-tier will always act against it. (We're clearly talking about the same thing.) That second-rate tier will always try and act to elevate themselves above said principle. The 'get paid what I'm worth' crowd is physically incapable of understanding that the minority above them who work for less do so because they're intellectually capable of understand the destructive effects of making more.
A mere physician (or a sociopathic tech company CEO) for example will 99.99999% of the time respond with, ]what's wrong with getting paid with what I'm worth?' 'Yes, I'm smarter than pretty much most people.' While ironically, a super-genius responds with 'if I make more than X, it actually impacts negatively in Y and Z ways, so no thank you. No, I'm not smarter than anyone else. Our bodies all perform roughly the same amount of net calculations with respect to the environment.' #commiebastard
Not dismissing anything you posted. I'm not disagreeing with the 'principle.' (Again, we're clearly talking about the same thing)
The earlier post was just commenting on that one aspect of how sustaining a positive social pressure towards maintaining that principle is doomed to fail without engaging in eugenics-type manipulation, (and even then maybe doomed)
Yes, we probably agree. I just do not go along with "tierology". There is, in every society, a group of people less amenable to change because their stake in said society makes them second guess any measure by which they would lose a sizable portion of it. Still, it is better to lose a sizable portion and remain well off than to embrace the alternative which will absolutely lead to systemic revolt of one kind or another in the not too distant future. Remains to be seen what happens.
Or, where you say "tier" I instead think apparatus or commentariat within said apparatus (talking heads who promote their own self interest at the expense of a cause, what some people call "green washing": the "media circuit"). That kind of commentary is less about systematic change than it is about telling you what is going to happen and packaging it within a "radical" filter. They are there to convince you of the facts and to narrow the scope of possible action you might take in response to said facts. Paid members of the commentariat who are not necessarily stupid but are always "useful idiots" in the old Soviet sense of the term.
All you need is a set of simple goals which adhere to a common principle. Taxation, economic reorganisation, and so on. Keep those goals and jettison the rest. You cannot infiltrate a movement which runs according to objectively common interest. To discredit any given person is irrelevant when the principle is what counts. All spokespeople are therefore expendable and should be. Nor can a "tier" suppress it. It will reach a point when that tier itself, to use your term, will be clamoring for revolutionary change, once the sizable majority is set in motion it cannot be denied by any number of spokespeople or airbrushed by PR or talking heads.
Back on topic, they announced a breakthrough in fusion technology today.
What they don't tell you is that if the entire world were fusion-ready tomorrow, we would still be in the same position as deforestation continues. They tax goods which are deemed hazardous. They should apply the same logic to all goods which contribute to the climate problem and also reconsider the agricultural madness whereby the EU imports from Brazil (forest destroyed in Brazil to make way for farms and we are incentivising it: what sense does that make?).