Good point.i'm not a fan of central planning, but the problem here is specifically markets, not just the privte ownership part of capitalism. as long as there is competition, fossil fuels will continue getting extracted. so nationalisation in itself isn't the answer (see: norway, SA, venezuela).
As we move forward in 2020, how optimistic or pessimistic do you feel about mankind ability to combat the worst effects of climate change.
There seem to be a lot of initiatives starting, especially on transport.
But little in terms of actual change.
The Juice Media are great
Thanks for posting, that made me laugh.
"In the 10 years the deployment of French nuclear energy has caused fossils to drop from 55% to 10% of electricity production. "
"In the 10 years the deployment of French nuclear energy has caused fossils to drop from 55% to 10% of electricity production. "
Nuclear is better than wind.The UK has done the same with wind power.
Have you ever been to Sellafield?Nuclear is better than wind.
Nuclear is better than wind.
UK still gets 40% of its power from fossil fuels, 10 years ago it was 75%. So Good but not the same. Source.
A byproduct of the coronavirus pandemic is the sharp reduction in atmosphere pollution and CO2 concentration in places like China and Italy.
And it is very interested that people seem to be not motivated enough by the awful threat of climate change to change the way they live.
And yet the virus threat has had an almost immediate effect on the way people are living their individual and collective lives.
A byproduct of the coronavirus pandemic is the sharp reduction in atmosphere pollution and CO2 concentration in places like China and Italy.
And it is very interested that people seem to be not motivated enough by the awful threat of climate change to change the way they live.
And yet the virus threat has had an almost immediate effect on the way people are living their individual and collective lives.
Individual being the key point. People are scared for their own lives in the case of Covid where as they can’t see the bigger picture with climate change. Once again, this pandemic just goes to show how selfish we are.A byproduct of the coronavirus pandemic is the sharp reduction in atmosphere pollution and CO2 concentration in places like China and Italy.
And it is very interested that people seem to be not motivated enough by the awful threat of climate change to change the way they live.
And yet the virus threat has had an almost immediate effect on the way people are living their individual and collective lives.
Individual being the key point. People are scared for their own lives in the case of Covid where as they can’t see the bigger picture with climate change. Once again, this pandemic just goes to show how selfish we are.
Meanwhile, back at base.
Climate change: 2019 was Europe's warmest year on record
"What will worry researchers is that the mean temperature in Europe over the past five years is averaging almost 2C warmer than pre-industrial figures.
This suggests that the continent is breaching the promise made in the Paris climate agreement to keep temperatures "well below" 2C."
Was also surprised how mild the winter was, no freeze ups in Jan-Feb.
And it is going to get worse...
- Methane from the melting permafrost.
- Oceanic carbonsink, oceanic acidification and temperature increase will cause a massive decrease in biomass in our seas.
- Shortage of agricultural and fertile soil due to monoculture planting, use of artificial fertilizers etc causing food shortages.
- Water shortages, either for drinking, industries or agriculture.
What is now needed is global focus on climate change in the same way as the global focus on the Coronavirus threat.
The Germ will deal with climate change.It's difficult to have any optimism about climate change when we can can barely deal with a germ