Climate Change | UN Report: Code Red for humanity

Have a word with yourself Colin for feck sake.
It's crazy the hate that Greta has gotten. People are fecked in the head and play right into big business and shady government's hands when they stubbornly decide they're against what's right - usually, in my opinion, because they can't bare to see someone actually want to do good and be proven wrong in thinking it's not possible (and also just cannot bare to see 'lefties' 'win').
I just knew it, you lot are so predictable.

She's not the Messiah, she's just a very naughty girl.
Nobody's saying she's the Messiah, but don't downplay someone's efforts of trying to make this planet liveable for future generations. She's done more at her age than any of us will over our entire lifetime.
Nobody's saying she's the Messiah, but don't downplay someone's efforts of trying to make this planet liveable for future generations. She's done more at her age than any of us will over our entire lifetime.

Given a speech and cried.

The environmental industry is worth billions, an incredible amount of progress has already been made, but this girl crying is more than that.

Give over.
Given a speech and cried.

The environmental industry is worth billions, an incredible amount of progress has already been made, but this girl crying is more than that.

Give over.
A speech in front of some very influential people, at a platform which could get the message across to millions of us common folk. People tend to dismiss the "environmental industry"'s attempts at trying to reach out to us, but her being just another commoner resonates more with the public.

And what incredible progress are you on about? It's clear that all big corporations everywhere are trying their best to roll back laws that protect the environment, the masses can recycle as much as they want, it won't mean jack unless the big corporations are reigned in because they're the biggest cause of pollution.
Colin just can't deal with the fact that a little girl is pointing out how his generation, and he as an individual, have failed to deal with this problem adequately. Unfortunately the facts speak for themselves.
Colin just can't deal with the fact that a little girl is pointing out how his generation, and he as an individual, have failed to deal with this problem adequately. Unfortunately the facts speak for themselves.

An inconvenient truth....
Nobody's saying she's the Messiah, but don't downplay someone's efforts of trying to make this planet liveable for future generations. She's done more at her age than any of us will over our entire lifetime.

Completely agree.
I just knew it, you lot are so predictable.

She's not the Messiah, she's just a very naughty girl.

Stupid. Naughty.
If your comments were not so immature I would think you were joking.
But they are not and you are.
Colin just can't deal with the fact that a little girl is pointing out how his generation, and he as an individual, have failed to deal with this problem adequately. Unfortunately the facts speak for themselves.

What an incredibly arrogant, condescending and insulting post. What exactly do you mean by "my generation"? If any "generation" is responsible for the over utilisation of scarce natural resources, it is yours.

Constantly shovelling revolting fast food burgers and glugging gallons of disgusting coffee every day. Changing your tec every time they bring a shiny new version out and throwing the old ones away.

Do you think environmentalism was invented last year when a bunch of idiots started gluing themselves to the road? Surely you don't think phones were invented in 2007, when the first iPhone came out and the internet and computers a few years before that?

Bill Gates is 63, he's much older than I. If Steve Jobs was still around today, he'd be older than that.

Climate change has been investigated for decades already, by scientists who actually have a clue. You think Trump is remotely interested in this girl?

I don't expect an apology from you for your post, but can you just leave me alone, if you don't mind?
Climate change has been investigated for decades already, by scientists who actually have a clue. You think Trump is remotely interested in this girl?

and she has consistently come out and said: 'listen to the scientists'. she isn't saying she has the answers (why would she?).

yes, climate change has been investigated for years, and yes the scientists have been telling everyone we're fecked for years, yet politicians don't seem to care. big business doesn't seem to care. she is trying to raise awareness so the general public as a whole can influence change because the only way to change politicians or big business's attitudes is if the voting public and consumer's attitudes change first.

the hate this girl gets is so fecking bizarre.
and she has consistently come out and said: 'listen to the scientists'. she isn't saying she has the answers (why would she?).

yes, climate change has been investigated for years, and yes the scientists have been telling everyone we're fecked for years, yet politicians don't seem to care. big business doesn't seem to care. she is trying to raise awareness so the general public as a whole can influence change because the only way to change politicians or big business's attitudes is if the voting public and consumer's attitudes change first.

the hate this girl gets is so fecking bizarre.

I certainly don't hate her, I don't even know her.

To say that no one is listening to the 'scientists' is patently untrue, an incredible amount has been done to reduce the consumption of natural resources, both by government and, yes, big business. There are a huge amount of things going on. I was surprised to hear, that countries like China and Russia (believe it or not) have huge tree planting programs, for example, which almost offsets the area of rain forest being cut down (unfortunately, they are planting the wrong type of tree or something, so it doesn't actually soak up as much as the loss of rain forests, but they are doing something. The car industry bends over backwards to conform to the latest environmental regulations and those due to come. More and more renewables are being used to produce energy.

You can't just wave a magic wand and make it all go away, significant strides have already been made and are continuing to be made. To belittle what has been done on the say so of a school girl is ridiculous and is a huge insult to those who work in the environmental and renewables field.
What an incredibly arrogant, condescending and insulting post. What exactly do you mean by "my generation"? If any "generation" is responsible for the over utilisation of scarce natural resources, it is yours.

Constantly shovelling revolting fast food burgers and glugging gallons of disgusting coffee every day. Changing your tec every time they bring a shiny new version out and throwing the old ones away.

Do you think environmentalism was invented last year when a bunch of idiots started gluing themselves to the road? Surely you don't think phones were invented in 2007, when the first iPhone came out and the internet and computers a few years before that?

Bill Gates is 63, he's much older than I. If Steve Jobs was still around today, he'd be older than that.

Climate change has been investigated for decades already, by scientists who actually have a clue. You think Trump is remotely interested in this girl?

I don't expect an apology from you for your post, but can you just leave me alone, if you don't mind?

Can't you see how childish your response is? Yes, my generation is responsible for a great deal of environmental destruction. It is something that deserves deep shame. I have no issues with acknowledging that. What about you? Can you bring yourself to admit that you've failed to adequately deal with the problem?

I of course agree that environmentalism started before I was born. It probably kicked into gear in a serious way when you were Greta's age - maybe a bit earlier. But of course it existed in many forms before you were born too. More reason for you to feel some degree of shame, I'd say. It's not something my generation discovered, and the next generation is really getting started on - it's something that you've lived with your entire life, as I have, and have failed to deal with properly.

If you can articulate what you think deserves an apology, I'll be happy to consider. From what you quoted, I can't see anything. On the flipside, you immediately chose to act condescendingly towards me in pretty bizarre fashion. Don't worry though, no apology needed.
I certainly don't hate her, I don't even know her.

To say that no one is listening to the 'scientists' is patently untrue, an incredible amount has been done to reduce the consumption of natural resources, both by government and, yes, big business. There are a huge amount of things going on. I was surprised to hear, that countries like China and Russia (believe it or not) have huge tree planting programs, for example, which almost offsets the area of rain forest being cut down (unfortunately, they are planting the wrong type of tree or something, so it doesn't actually soak up as much as the loss of rain forests, but they are doing something. The car industry bends over backwards to conform to the latest environmental regulations and those due to come. More and more renewables are being used to produce energy.

You can't just wave a magic wand and make it all go away, significant strides have already been made and are continuing to be made. To belittle what has been done on the say so of a school girl is ridiculous and is a huge insult to those who work in the environmental and renewables field.

yeah, and it's still not enough.

you can appreciate the significant strides being made, and yet still look at the data and say: this is not enough. to say we need to do more isn't to begrudge the progress already made.

Greta is right to be angry. we should all be angry that CC still isn't the number 1 agenda item on every political parties campaign trail. only public awareness will ensure that, and that's why her awareness raising is important. what she certainly is not is a 'stupid little girl'.
I think we should make Colin replies to Colin a thing.

The difference is, Greta is never going to see my personal opinion, despite this being, essentially, in the public domain. I am sure she has plenty of people criticising her anyway, my opinion is of little relevance. However, if I call Pexbo a cnut and I mean it, rather than it being a bit of banter, that is criticising the poster, not the post, which is not in the spirit of the Forum. That's something @Brwned is well aware of and that's why I called him out on it.

Can i take it that you’re cycling or driving an electric car @Sassy Colin?

Well no, but, I'm not going to lie, the thought of having to drive around in a hairdryer in years to come doesn't fill me with any great enthusiasm. I do walk an awful lot though, often at the mercy of cyclists, who show little regard for anyone but themselves, although that is another argument entirely.

yeah, and it's still not enough.

you can appreciate the significant strides being made, and yet still look at the data and say: this is not enough. to say we need to do more isn't to begrudge the progress already made.

Greta is right to be angry. we should all be angry that CC still isn't the number 1 agenda item on every political parties campaign trail. only public awareness will ensure that, and that's why her awareness raising is important. what she certainly is not is a 'stupid little girl'.

Let's be honest, nothing is ever enough for anyone on any subject, whatever it is. You still need to recognise what has been done already, and you can do that without resting on your laurels, and continue to with those projects, whilst adding more once the technology/funding is in place.
Can't you see how childish your response is? Yes, my generation is responsible for a great deal of environmental destruction. It is something that deserves deep shame. I have no issues with acknowledging that. What about you? Can you bring yourself to admit that you've failed to adequately deal with the problem?

I of course agree that environmentalism started before I was born. It probably kicked into gear in a serious way when you were Greta's age - maybe a bit earlier. But of course it existed in many forms before you were born too. More reason for you to feel some degree of shame, I'd say. It's not something my generation discovered, and the next generation is really getting started on - it's something that you've lived with your entire life, as I have, and have failed to deal with properly.

If you can articulate what you think deserves an apology, I'll be happy to consider. From what you quoted, I can't see anything. On the flipside, you immediately chose to act condescendingly towards me in pretty bizarre fashion. Don't worry though, no apology needed.

You are not personally responsible, neither do I hold you personally responsible, you are not the arbiter of the universe either. You can't go round wringing your hands saying "If only I hadn't taken that extra plastic bag in Sainsbury's", that's ridiculous.

If it's any consolation, I could probably count on my fingers the number of times I have eaten McDonalds/Burger King, and I can only think of one time I have brought coffee shop coffee. So from that point of view I have been doing my bit long before it was well known as an issue.
You are not personally responsible, neither do I hold you personally responsible, you are not the arbiter of the universe either. You can't go round wringing your hands saying "If only I hadn't taken that extra plastic bag in Sainsbury's", that's ridiculous.

If it's any consolation, I could probably count on my fingers the number of times I have eaten McDonalds/Burger King, and I can only think of one time I have brought coffee shop coffee. So from that point of view I have been doing my bit long before it was well known as an issue.
Let's be honest, nothing is ever enough for anyone on any subject, whatever it is. You still need to recognise what has been done already, and you can do that without resting on your laurels, and continue to with those projects, whilst adding more once the technology/funding is in place.

Yeah, but that doesn't work when not enough has potentially severe consequences according to the vast majority of scientists that you have said we should listen to over Greta (and whom she constantly references). Waiting for the technology / funding is too late according to those very people. It doesn't mean that what has been done isn't been recognised it's that the science shows that it's not enough yet.

The very fact this discussion is going on shows that what she is doing works. A different group of people are now talking about climate change due to her speeches and the fact this has blown up in the media. It highlights the subject and puts it higher on the agenda due to her being popular. It shouldn't be needed, but it is unfortunately.
Yeah, but that doesn't work when not enough has potentially severe consequences according to the vast majority of scientists that you have said we should listen to over Greta (and whom she constantly references). Waiting for the technology / funding is too late according to those very people. It doesn't mean that what has been done isn't been recognised it's that the science shows that it's not enough yet.

The very fact this discussion is going on shows that what she is doing works. A different group of people are now talking about climate change due to her speeches and the fact this has blown up in the media. It highlights the subject and puts it higher on the agenda due to her being popular. It shouldn't be needed, but it is unfortunately.

There are items on climate change in the news virtually every day, as there has been for a good few years now. There is huge exposure, Greta or no Greta. There are new initiatives and projects all the time, and also a huge amount of stuff ongoing, often from what might be considered unlikely/surprising sources (e.g. China & Russia).
The difference is, Greta is never going to see my personal opinion, despite this being, essentially, in the public domain. I am sure she has plenty of people criticising her anyway, my opinion is of little relevance. However, if I call Pexbo a cnut and I mean it, rather than it being a bit of banter, that is criticising the poster, not the post, which is not in the spirit of the Forum. That's something @Brwned is well aware of and that's why I called him out on it.

Well no, but, I'm not going to lie, the thought of having to drive around in a hairdryer in years to come doesn't fill me with any great enthusiasm. I do walk an awful lot though, often at the mercy of cyclists, who show little regard for anyone but themselves, although that is another argument entirely.

Let's be honest, nothing is ever enough for anyone on any subject, whatever it is. You still need to recognise what has been done already, and you can do that without resting on your laurels, and continue to with those projects, whilst adding more once the technology/funding is in place.

I still don't know what justifies after eveeerything that you posted why you call her stupid
It's better to make speeches, lobby governments and conduct scientific research than block the traffic like a bunch of fecking idiots.
Those protesters are mostly middle class old professionals who have tried every other route and have failed. So this is their last resort to getting change.

The fact is 'it's the economy stupid' - Saxophone man. We need to dramatically change the way our world economy functions and quickly. No amount of killer one liners or lobbying is going to work.

So stop getting angry over a small disable kid.
There are items on climate change in the news virtually every day, as there has been for a good few years now. There is huge exposure, Greta or no Greta. There are new initiatives and projects all the time, and also a huge amount of stuff ongoing, often from what might be considered unlikely/surprising sources (e.g. China & Russia).

Agreed, but I'm pretty sure that the people who were going to act upon it probably had already seen the science and made up their own minds a long time ago. Greta coming in and being her age, the way she spoke has almost certainly highlighted it to a completely different set of people who read social media (and the tabloids). It's like the anti-trump, populism for something that could do some good.
Those protesters are mostly middle class old professionals who have tried every other route and have failed. So this is their last resort to getting change.

The fact is 'it's the economy stupid' - Saxophone man. We need to dramatically change the way our world economy functions and quickly. No amount of killer one liners or lobbying is going to work.

So stop getting angry over a small disable kid.

Is she disabled? I thought people were listening to her because she is young and cries a lot.

In any case, that was my point, there has been a hell of a lot of change. We have seen a lot of impact, just in the UK and there are projects and initiatives all over the World.
What generation are these people?

It's better to make speeches, lobby governments and conduct scientific research than block the traffic like a bunch of fecking idiots.

Why is that better? We've seen for years people like you ignore speeches, lobbying and scientific research based on flimsy pretences like, err, yoga.
What generation are these people?

It's better to make speeches, lobby governments and conduct scientific research than block the traffic like a bunch of fecking idiots.

Oh hey, someone complaining about how inconvenient it is when protestors... you know, protest. Time to bring out Letter from Birmingham Jail.

MLK said:
You may well ask: "Why direct action? Why sit ins, marches and so forth? Isn't negotiation a better path?" You are quite right in calling for negotiation. Indeed, this is the very purpose of direct action. Nonviolent direct action seeks to create such a crisis and foster such a tension that a community which has constantly refused to negotiate is forced to confront the issue. It seeks so to dramatize the issue that it can no longer be ignored.


I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action"; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a "more convenient season." Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection.
Is she disabled? I thought people were listening to her because she is young and cries a lot.

In any case, that was my point, there has been a hell of a lot of change. We have seen a lot of impact, just in the UK and there are projects and initiatives all over the World.

Depends on your empathy and how much you like to read articles about Asperger. The more I read the least (or 0) convinced I am that is should be consider a disability
There are items on climate change in the news virtually every day, as there has been for a good few years now. There is huge exposure, Greta or no Greta. There are new initiatives and projects all the time, and also a huge amount of stuff ongoing, often from what might be considered unlikely/surprising sources (e.g. China & Russia).

Two points:
Firstly regarding Greta.
She will not solve climate change on her own, of course not.
But the brilliant thing is that she has inspired tens of millions of children all around the world to not just protest. But to think about our planet in a different kinder way. They are now the focus, those who will inherit our terrible mess.
Of course there is a huge amount of good work being done.
But. Inspite of this, global CO2 levels rose by 3% last year. Instead of levelling off or even reducing, the rate is increasing.
So. Well done to Greta and well done to all the children she has inspired.
Keep doing what you are doing.
And good luck. Because you are going to need it.
In any case, that was my point, there has been a hell of a lot of change. We have seen a lot of impact, just in the UK and there are projects and initiatives all over the World.
In terms of CO2 emitted per year we're doing worse every year though.
You are not personally responsible, neither do I hold you personally responsible, you are not the arbiter of the universe either. You can't go round wringing your hands saying "If only I hadn't taken that extra plastic bag in Sainsbury's", that's ridiculous.

If it's any consolation, I could probably count on my fingers the number of times I have eaten McDonalds/Burger King, and I can only think of one time I have brought coffee shop coffee. So from that point of view I have been doing my bit long before it was well known as an issue.

Yes, it is ridiculous. More than that, it's quite sad. Sad that this is the extent to which you can stretch your imagination to imagine what more you, and your generation, could have done to have prevented us from getting into such a terrible position. It's people like you that make it necessary for someone like Greta to do what she's doing. The kind of person that says on the one hand "who cares what little girls say, listen to the scientists" and on the other hand says "we should appreciate what's been done already". You're not fecking listening to the scientists.

What we've done so far is below the minimum requirements, for your entire lifetime and mine, if the objective is to prevent a series of environmental crises. We should not be in any way happy with the position we've found ourselves in, based on the collective decisions of the societies we exist in, and the actions we've taken within them.

Listen to the scientists, from just a fortnight ago:

The landmark report shows oceans “are poised to turn into a huge threat to humanity “unless we massively scale up emission cuts in line with the goal to keep temperature rise to 1.5 degrees”, said Wendel Trio, director of Climate Action Network Europe.

“Without much deeper cuts to emissions, the growing threat of superstorms, rising seas, melting glaciers and permafrost will imperil hundreds of millions of people. The destruction will be far worse if governments don’t adopt more ambitious goals for reducing carbon pollution,” he added.

So far the responses from European leaders to the climate crisis have been maddeningly slow, he said. “After underwhelming commitments made at the UN climate action summit, the EU needs to speed up its work towards adopting a more ambitious climate target by early next year. Bringing it in line with the Paris Agreement’s target to limit temperature increase to 1.5 degrees will require emissions to be reduced by 65 per cent by 2030.”

Half the world’s megacities, and almost two billion people, live on coasts. Even if heating is restricted to just two degrees, scientists expect the impact of sea level rise to cause several trillion dollars of damage a year, and result in many millions of migrants.

“The future for low-lying coastal communities looks extremely bleak,” said Prof Jonathan Bamber at Bristol University in the UK, who is not one of the report’s authors. “But the consequences will be felt by all of us. There is plenty to be concerned about for the future of humanity and social order from the headlines in this report.”

You can't deal with the reality, that much is clear. But it is the reality. What we've done so far is not worthy of celebration, unless your view of humanity is so low that you think pitiful progress is the best we can expect.