Classic Photos

Young man - pick yourself up off the ground!

There's one I'd love to see that I don't think anyone's made yet, and that's in the celebrations after Tevez's equaliser yesterday he was kneeling on the floor and Rooney ran up and kissed him on the forehead. I reckon that'd make a decent picture if anyone can be arsed to do it :)
Bump.. Seriously? How many time do I have to bump this legendary thread.. it should be made a sticky..
What effect did you use on this? this is one of the best aesthetically

Thanks mate,
several layers, blur filter and then just playing around with layer opacity.
And levels + blur on the background image.
Great pics Olly. Welcome to the main forum (long overdue!)

Nice one! I still can't believe it, he's been playing top level all my life.
more vidic please....preferbely a one in which he's holding the cl trophy or league title.

thank you :)