CL Semi-Finals 13/14 - April 22,23,29,30

Mourinho can say all he wants about his system and mata not suiting it, but if he kept mata I'm fairly sure they would have been in pole position for the title and maybe here too. What a miss David Luiz
Are bad loaning of players decisions by Mourinho going to kill Chelsea's season?
Whatever happens from now on in, Atletico Madrid easily the team of Europe this year. Amazing achievements in La Liga and CL.
Never a good thing for a striker when the team is desperate for goals and the manager takes you off
Whatever happens from now on in, Atletico Madrid easily the team of Europe this year. Amazing achievements in La Liga and CL.

Supposedly after Jose poked Tito in the eye he told mourinho if he tried that with him he'd break his legs :lol:
An all Madrid final would be a comedy show for neutrals. Might as well start betting on the amount of red cards that game would produce (if Chelsea don't go through that is).
Apart from the penalty Diego Costa has been quite poor these two legs, will Chelsea still splash £50m on him?
Chelsea are playing like a Non League side. All set pieces and long throws. Pretty pathetic.
Terry's currently busying himself asking the Atletico lads if anyone would be interested in swapping kits at full time
If it's a bus against Real Madrid in the final then Atletico's will be a more solid one.