City fans disgusting behaviour | Aeroplane and monkey gestures | Do not dox please

It's a good job Suedesi's here to make sure the guy posting questionable stuff on social media with his full name and employer visible isn't doxxed. The hero the right wing needs
It's a good job Suedesi's here to make sure the guy posting questionable stuff on social media with his full name and employer visible isn't doxxed. The hero the right wing needs
I’m not defending or accusing. You’ve read a post about someone on LinkedIn and immediately suggested reporting him without really knowing anything beyond a couple of posts.
He’s a Leeds United fan, which is more than a sackable offense.
If I went actively looking for people on social media who have posted racist things whilst having their employer's details on the profile, I recon I could find easily over 200 on any given day. I wouldn't do it because I don't particularly care about what a random lad from Scunthorpe thinks about non-whites, but it's clear from @VeevaVee 's post why he does and it's fully understandable. I think the real question is what does he hope to achieve by reporting these people with racist views? If this person is sacked then it would almost certainly make him resentful and more likely to harden his (and potentially his family/friends/colleagues) racist views. Having known someone who got sacked for racist behavior on social media, I can say at least for him it made him far more bitter against both minorities and 'liberals'. On the other hand you've also got to consider the detrimental impact on those people under him that he potentially might discriminate against. If there's any evidence that he has been mistreating his non-white colleagues then he deserves a sacking. If not then a warning and attending one of those courses aimed at tackling and educating workers on racism would be more appropriate.

My answer on how appropriate it is to report someone for this is based on the response of the employer so I'm just going to sit on the fence and say I don't know. Ultimately I think it should be up to the employers to monitor their worker's social media pages if they have the employers details on them for this sort of thing. If @VeevaVee had found a random person and then through extensive stalking found his employers details then I'd have a different view, which I know is kind of contradictory given that my answer has been based on this person's conduct in the workplace and not on the wider issue of freedom of thought.
If I went actively looking for people on social media who have posted racist things whilst having their employer's details on the profile, I recon I could find easily over 200 on any given day. I wouldn't do it because I don't particularly care about what a random lad from Scunthorpe thinks about non-whites, but it's clear from @VeevaVee 's post why he does and it's fully understandable. I think the real question is what does he hope to achieve by reporting these people with racist views?
Showing that it's not acceptable is about the only hope, because at the moment these kind of people increasingly think it is. I don't want him sacked but if the company does so be it. He should have thought about that before airing his views on a public forum with his company under his name. I've also no doubt what he's been voting for given his activity (which again is right under his name), and how detrimental that is to everyone I know, so feck him, he deserves it.

I didn't seek it out, I wouldn't waste my energy, but he put it on a plate. It's about time people like this dealt with the consequences of their actions.
What the feck are you on about? It's another Kier employee being racist, hence posting in this thread. This should be obvious. And he's posting on social media with that account, social media where he represents his company no less. Maybe you don't know what doxxing means, or maybe you're also desperate to come to his defence.

Another very strange response.

I am not desperate to come to anyone's defense, I have feckall interest in all this idiocy - some lad in Northampton posting allegedly xenophobic/racist messages on social media and some random Caffite alerting his employees and posting about it on an online forum.

I genuinely don't understand the relevance of posting this in a football thread. What's the connection with the City fans making monkey gestures to Lingard/Fred a few months back? When I opened this thread I was expecting someone was fined or fired or got a sentence for making racist gestures at the game. Help me understand dawg.

I don’t know what you expect to achieve with this to be honest. You don’t know the guy personally, so seems random.

Burglar bond and was not built by a bricklayer. I can confidently say I probably even know what country the perpetrators were from. I have no idea how this disgraceful quality was not picked up at an early stage by the site management

No idea having a go at countries were racist. If he specifically said Black or Brown then yeah would be dodgy. He’s probably having a go at Polish or Romanians, some of them do shoddy work just like some English builders. Last time I checked Polish or Romanians were white mostly. Is that really racist to you?
Is "Proudly Made in the USA" or "Made in France" statement racist? Because by your SJW logic, those statements imply that products made in other countries are inferior therefore they must imply blunt prejudice against non-US or non-French people respectively.

You people make me laugh
Race topics really do open your eyes to how many awful people we've got on this forum :lol: its disappointing every time.

Anyone who gets annoyed when people call out racism can go feck themselves.
On a totally random aside - City were never charged for the behaviour of their crowd (unless I missed something?) ... way to go FA.
This is supposed to be a football forum, right.

How dare you, this forum shall be used to highlight TheVeeVee's courageous usage of the "report" button. Anyone who fails to fawn over what might be the greatest social rights act we have seen since the days of MLK is racist scum and probably in the EDL.

Bloody "football forum" he says. Alright Tommy Robinson.

I don’t know what you expect to achieve with this to be honest. You don’t know the guy personally, so seems random.

No idea having a go at countries were racist. If he specifically said Black or Brown then yeah would be dodgy. He’s probably having a go at Polish or Romanians, some of them do shoddy work just like some English builders. Last time I checked Polish or Romanians were white mostly. Is that really racist to you?

Did you miss the bit about arabs flooding the country? Happy to be a grass when it comes to this :)
I know quite alot of city fans and they sing about this all the time like they have done for years. They will never stop. Some of them have it ingrained in them.

Without fail this happens at every derby be it at OT or the Etihad. It isnt surprising but I guess it has to be highlighted, although maybe just stop giving them the publicity because it's not going to stop them is it?

Fraudiola with a pathetic deflection.

Probably worried their fans would force him into an apology again after when he criticised them for not turning out more for the Fulham match.

Has anything been done about their previous antics? They could do with closing off that scummy little corner they've got there.
Probably worried their fans would force him into an apology again after when he criticised them for not turning out more for the Fulham match.

Has anything been done about their previous antics? They could do with closing off that scummy little corner they've got there.

The supporter was banned for life. Those supporters doing the aeroplane thing should get bans too.
Apologies if bumping an old thread is the wrong thing to do as opposed to starting a new one but as most of the information is in this original one I wanted to update.

The racist fan in OP was found guilty the other day and banned from City for life. He was also given a £500 fine and ordered to pay £50 to the victim and £300 court costs. How on earth did he think he could get away with pleading not guilty?, seeing as he had HD camera’s capturing his gesture and a steward testifying he was making monkey noises.
Apologies if bumping an old thread is the wrong thing to do as opposed to starting a new one but as most of the information is in this original one I wanted to update.

The racist fan in OP was found guilty the other day and banned from City for life. He was also given a £500 fine and ordered to pay £50 to the victim and £300 court costs. How on earth did he think he could get away with pleading not guilty?, seeing as he had HD camera’s capturing his gesture and a steward testifying he was making monkey noises.
What sort of fine is that ? :rolleyes: There's enough idiots that would do this if the only sanction is a ban from the stadium. The fine should be 100 times bigger so the common guy thinks twice about it.
What sort of fine is that ? :rolleyes: There's enough idiots that would do this if the only sanction is a ban from the stadium. The fine should be 100 times bigger so the common guy thinks twice about it.
The guys a fecking moron, he probably doesn't have a job, let alone access to £5k. He should just have to wear a sign that says "I was found guilty for being a racist cnut"
What sort of fine is that ? :rolleyes: There's enough idiots that would do this if the only sanction is a ban from the stadium. The fine should be 100 times bigger so the common guy thinks twice about it.
If he’s an actual city fan (applies to any club), a lifetime ban is a far bigger punishment than a monetary punishment surely?
If he’s an actual city fan (applies to any club), a lifetime ban is a far bigger punishment than a monetary punishment surely?
Maybe but why not both ? If you don't have 5k then you get 1k and a week/month in jail. What would be the argument against it ? If you can't behave for 2 hours on a Saturday afternoon you don't deserve any leniancy...
What sort of fine is that ? :rolleyes: There's enough idiots that would do this if the only sanction is a ban from the stadium. The fine should be 100 times bigger so the common guy thinks twice about it.
It’s the standard really for racially aggravated public order offences. I got racially abused at work on camera and the woman was ordered to pay £100 (im yet to see this money) Courts tend to not go too hard with these. It’s not like if it was the FA handing out a sentence where they’d go to town on a player.
Maybe but why not both ? If you don't have 5k then you get 1k and a week/month in jail. What would be the argument against it ? If you can't behave for 2 hours on a Saturday afternoon you don't deserve any leniancy...

im not arguing about the fine. However, for some people a £5k fine won’t particularly hurt. A lifetime ban for a match going football fan hurts everyone the same - and in my opinion is the biggest deterrent here.