City and Financial Doping | Charged by PL with numerous FFP breaches | Hearing begins 16th September 2024

Feck off Pep. Nobody else is up to this stuff. He's absolutely shameless. Hopefully his reputation is in tatters after this.

He is a dickhead because the English media have been singing his praises forever since he came. fecking charlatan
Pep is not a stupid man. In fact, he could be stupid and it wouldn't matter because anyone can see how City's original growth was achieved. I am convinced the only reason City gets away with this is if they have covered their tracks so well that nothing sticks. There is no innocence to be had here, just technicalities. If Pep is so convinced of any wrongdoing, then he is clearly complicit. There is no shock in football that City is accused of these charges, everyone already knew. The only shock comes from the fact the Premier League had actually gone through with it.

Sounded pretty stupid in that presser to me. Doesn't even know City were let off the hook on a technicality.
The PL investigation was started long before the CAS verdict. Of course won is the right word, while I don't feel it was clean, Uefa tried to say City cooked the ffp books and lost therefor City won.
This doesn't mean I believe we're innocent (I don't), but as we all know theres guilty and theres legally guilty.
I didn't mean they started it off the back off the verdict, they started in 2018 when they literally saw the proof in Football Leaks. Both (UEFA and PL) investigations end of 18, start of 19.
I guess you won in not being found guilty if that's what you mean - will be interesting this time around to see how things pan out, the pessimist in me thinks there'll be the weakest of wrist slaps coming your way after all is said and done.
One friend pointed to one thing. Something along the lines of they wont get punished with being thrown to Championship or points deducted cause, with Superleague looming large again, that kind of punishment might pushed them to SL again and PL wouldn't want that.
Half the point of a super league is to exclude City, its not a very good threat
Were we really expecting some integrity from him? He and his brother are just as complicit
Of course not. But it’s still important to point out how much of a hypocrite and sellout the man is.
he needs to be called out for his hypocrisy and lies (like City being innocent in the UEFA case :wenger: ). Too bad British journalists are so far up his ass that it's never going to happen.
Embarrassing stuff from Pep, why does he think they were found not guilty by Uefa? They had to pay a €10m fine and got away with the rest as evidence was time barred because City refused to cooperate with the investigation. And just because his club are cheating he's assuming other clubs are doing the same
Half the point of a super league is to exclude City, its not a very good threat
It's really not. There's no PL cartel, there's no vendetta, it's literally just 19 teams being swindled by 1 team and wanting some punishment. ESL is about making money and City were invited to the party.
Fool no one, you only ran away with your lives on the technicality of time barred and the "sources of the evidence".

That says it all doesn't it.
Picture the scenes. Pep Guardiola defiantly leads his Manchester City team out at Wham Stadium as Manchester City prepare to face fellow National League new boys Accrington Stanley.
That says it all doesn't it.

Just to be clear on this- did the investigators actually say that City were guilty but they couldn’t do anything because of the time barring? Or did they just say they couldn’t look at it, full stop?
Embarrassing stuff from Pep, why does he think they were found not guilty by Uefa? They had to pay a €10m fine and got away with the rest as evidence was time barred because City refused to cooperate with the investigation. And just because his club are cheating he's assuming other clubs are doing the same

Say that in Spanish or shut up.
Just to be clear on this- did the investigators actually say that City were guilty but they couldn’t do anything because of the time barring? Or did they just say they couldn’t look at it, full stop?

If you're referring to CAS, the verdict was:

a) that certain (possible) transgressions were time banned. Meaning, it happened too long ago (as per UEFA's own rules). CAS did not comment on whether said (possible) transgressions would have been actual transgressions if they had been more recent (which is what you'd expect - it's not their function to make such comments).

b) that City were guilty of not cooperating with the investigation. Translated: they did all they could to obscure whatever they could obscure, and were anything but transparent/forthcoming.

In short, to present this as: "they said we were 100% innocent!" is utterly laughable.
If City have done anything untoward when it comes to paying Pep and his agent brother they will have the receipts so I’m sure they could make this very uncomfortable for him too. Especially if it would involve his taxes.

Probably best he plays along.
If a paedo within plain sight hid evidence of his shenanigans, and three of his 5 'files' "probably" contained damning pictures. Would you say it was in his interest to ensure all five files were clearly in the open to avoid any confusion? Or is he completely and utterly 'legally innocent' because those 3 files never got to court (time barred)?

Would you send your kids to his house to play? :lol:

Edit: would Pep send his kids because it was his loyal work colleague?

LIving up to your user name again. What the feck has paedophilia to do with anything.
What is weird is having irrefutable evidence of being innocent and refusing to hand it over to your accusers. Spending four years fighting a case that you can’t wait for so that this can all end once and for all. Putting up blockers and refusing to cooperate for years, when you’re only the innocent victims in all of this.

That’s weird. It’s almost like City are guilty as hell and are trying everything possible to find technicalities to delay, stall and get off.


Again wong on all counts and I fully believe City are guilty.
City refused to cooperate because they said the evidence handed over was sufficient and with CaS it was.

Of course its like City are guilty as hell and trying everything possible cause thats whats happening.
Fool no one, you only ran away with your lives on the technicality of time barred and the "sources of the evidence".


Its right there in line viii.
Again just cause something was time barred or non admissable doesn't mean it couldn't be argued against.
I didn't mean they started it off the back off the verdict, they started in 2018 when they literally saw the proof in Football Leaks. Both (UEFA and PL) investigations end of 18, start of 19.
I guess you won in not being found guilty if that's what you mean - will be interesting this time around to see how things pan out, the pessimist in me thinks there'll be the weakest of wrist slaps coming your way after all is said and done.

I think we'll lose this time and I hope the punishment fits the crime. Don't mistake me thinking City could pull this off as we're not guilty.
I'm just saying an army of the best paid lawyers in the world goes along way on these things. I don't think theres any way for a slap on the wrist now. I think the softest punishment if found guilty is 30 point deduction, and transfer ban. I suppose that could be a slap on the wrist depending on how many charges we go down on, and more importantly which ones.
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Again wong on all counts and I fully believe City are guilty.
City refused to cooperate because they said the evidence handed over was sufficient and with CaS it was.

Of course its like City are guilty as hell and trying everything possible cause thats whats happening.

CAS said they weren't reasonably convinced that City's revenue streams were legitimate. It's in black and white.

And of course it isn't legitimate. They have had to hide payments for a reason.
I think we'll lose this time and I hope the punishment fits the time. Don't mistake me thinking City could pull this off as we're not guilty.
I'm just saying an army of the best paid lawyers in the world goes along way on these things. I don't think theres any way for a slap on the wrist now. I think the softest punishment if found guilty is 30 point deduction, and transfer ban. I suppose that could be a slap on the wrist depending on how many charges we go down on, and more importantly which ones.

Do you reckon your owners might not push as hard this time? If we are generous and don't call it sportswashing and just say a big part of the reason they brought you was to help their reputation. At which point do they feel the controversy is counter productive?
CAS said they weren't reasonably convinced that City's revenue streams were legitimate. It's in black and white.

And of course it isn't legitimate. They have had to hide payments for a reason.

It says not comfortably satisfied that Man City disguised equity. It doesn't say anything about reasonably convinced city's revenue streams were legit. Or if it does, not in the circled part.
If you're referring to CAS, the verdict was:

a) that certain (possible) transgressions were time banned. Meaning, it happened too long ago (as per UEFA's own rules). CAS did not comment on whether said (possible) transgressions would have been actual transgressions if they had been more recent (which is what you'd expect - it's not their function to make such comments).

b) that City were guilty of not cooperating with the investigation. Translated: they did all they could to obscure whatever they could obscure, and were anything but transparent/forthcoming.

In short, to present this as: "they said we were 100% innocent!" is utterly laughable.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure that City increased their sponsorship levels to match their needs; I suppose I just don’t have a problem with it, just as I didn’t have a problem with Blackburn doing it in the early 1990s. It’s the only thing that makes the PL exciting for me.

Regarding the ‘100% innocent’, if that’s what he said. I guess if it’s a binary choice then a not guilty verdict is exactly the same as 100% innocent. In legal terms at least. But as we all know it’s difficult to apply a black and white answer to a far more nuanced situation.
What you are describing is "not guilty" rather than "innocent", no?

Thats my whole point though buddy, not guilty = innocent, thats where innocent till proven guilty came from.
I know theres a technical difference in the verdicts as in one is "We're 100% sure they didn't do this" and the other is "We can't prove they did" but in the grand scheme of things it matters feck all.
If it can't be guilty it will be presumed innocent. No one will ever find "Not guilty but we still think they are"

Did City do the crime? In my opinion abso-fecking-lutely. In the laws opinion? No, because they couldn't prove it. (With regards the Cas case)
It'll be the same with the next case if City win, I'll still think we did it, as will average Joe but it won't make one iota of difference.

Put it this way, OJ Simpson is walking around with a not guilty verdict. And no one can say 100% he's not innocent, so he should be presumed innocent. We all kinda know the reality though even if we can't 100% it.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure that City increased their sponsorship levels to match their needs; I suppose I just don’t have a problem with it, just as I didn’t have a problem with Blackburn doing it in the early 1990s. It’s the only thing that makes the PL exciting for me.

I don't get this.

I understand the idea in theory but not so much in practice. Those who don't like FFP say it shouldn't be there as it results in the league becoming boring like the bundisliga with 1 team winning it every season.

Well City have ignored FFP and they have won the league 4 out of the last 5 seasons and probably 6 out of the last 8. It has basically been a one team league it just changed the team. As a nuteral what difference does it make it our version of Bayern wears Red, Blue or Yellow?