City and Financial Doping | Charged by PL with numerous FFP breaches | Hearing begins 16th September 2024

I highly doubt City will be found innocent of ALL charges, but what if?
Found innocent of everything, PL say “oops, sorry about that”
City will obviously go after some kind of compensation, any thoughts on what would be fair or proportionate?

All hypothetical I know.
I highly doubt City will be found innocent of ALL charges, but what if?
Found innocent of everything, PL say “oops, sorry about that”
City will obviously go after some kind of compensation, any thoughts on what would be fair or proportionate?

All hypothetical I know.
Compensation for what??

Are you saying City aren’t allowed to have charges called against them, in case found not guilty (Note I didn’t say innocent… completely different meaning)?

[narrator … “they won’t be”]
I highly doubt City will be found innocent of ALL charges, but what if?
Found innocent of everything, PL say “oops, sorry about that”
City will obviously go after some kind of compensation, any thoughts on what would be fair or proportionate?

All hypothetical I know.
Almost spat my coffee. Cheers for the laugh!
I highly doubt City will be found innocent of ALL charges, but what if?
Found innocent of everything, PL say “oops, sorry about that”
City will obviously go after some kind of compensation, any thoughts on what would be fair or proportionate?

All hypothetical I know.
The compensation to City stuff is Blue Moon "we will show them!" Nonsense.

It's based on this absurd view that a lot of City fans seem to have that the Premier League have caused them reputational damage by levying the charges. Seems to be 2 fold.

Firstly levying the charges at all which is silliness unless there was found to be some nefarious reason for them doing so and they were totally baseless.

Secondly they seem to believe the Premier League have made a huge song and dance about it. Which they literally haven't in any way.

There won't be a penny paid in comp to them, if they were found not guilty of all charges then maybe legal costs.

What will actually be interesting will be the compensation they end up paying to other clubs once they are inevitably found guilty of at least some of the charges.
My feeling is a direct relegation will pass a problem onto another league that might not be able to handle any possible irregularities City MAY throw up.
And, any lower leagues may not want to accept City also.
I think most likely a deal will be made where City accept some of the charges and the premier league drop, or are unable to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt some charges.

I would guess at a huge fine and a large points deduction, enough to keep them out of the European spots so they are punished for the following European campaign.

Least likely result will be City getting away scot free……. Unless they have irrefutable proof of innocence and in that instance the EPL could be in big trouble themselves, from City’s lawyers and possibly other EPL clubs that have fallen foul of the EPL rules that could be shown to be unlawful.

I highly doubt City will be found innocent of ALL charges, but what if?
Found innocent of everything, PL say “oops, sorry about that”
City will obviously go after some kind of compensation, any thoughts on what would be fair or proportionate?

All hypothetical I know.

I have a feeling you're going to be in for a nasty shock if you actually believe this crap.
I think they will be relegated. They will win the Champions League this season so qualify for it next season. Play in the Champions League and win promotion from the Championship next season. Everyone is a winner. Except football.
I think they will be relegated. They will win the Champions League this season so qualify for it next season. Play in the Champions League and win promotion from the Championship next season. Everyone is a winner. Except football.

I think something as headline grabbing as "Champions get relegated" would be quite a bit more detrimental than that.

Pep, Soriano and most of their players would be gone and I think their owners instantly lose interest. They lose nearly all value as a sports washing entity.
What if City didn’t cheat, really? What if they still play at Maine Road and are in League One? What if the team who play at the Ethiad are imposters?
I highly doubt City will be found innocent of ALL charges, but what if?
Found innocent of everything, PL say “oops, sorry about that”
City will obviously go after some kind of compensation, any thoughts on what would be fair or proportionate?

All hypothetical I know.

Back to Bluemoon with this shite.
I think something as headline grabbing as "Champions get relegated" would be quite a bit more detrimental than that.

Pep, Soriano and most of their players would be gone and I think their owners instantly lose interest. They lose nearly all value as a sports washing entity.
With the money spent and structures built I am sure they can handle one season outside the top flight. I'm sure we all hate City to irrational levels, but you can't deny how well they have been run and set up for the future. This project doesn't get abandoned over one setback.... unfortunately.
With the money spent and structures built I am sure they can handle one season outside the top flight. I'm sure we all hate City to irrational levels, but you can't deny how well they have been run and set up for the future. This project doesn't get abandoned over one setback.... unfortunately.

I think they will be a big club going forward absolutely. But I wouldn't underestimate the fact that they will potentially lose nearly all their key people and their owners may not have the same appetite to stress about hiring best on class.

I personally think that if they are relegated that will see them quickly promoted then becoming a side with a similar profile to Spurs.
They'll get enough of an "unprecidented" points deduction to ensure they stay up this season (50 points maybe). They'll ensure they won't be relegated/demoted.
Additional Impact is potentially one season with no CL football if they don't win the CL this season.
They'll take the hit and play the victims.
With the money spent and structures built I am sure they can handle one season outside the top flight. I'm sure we all hate City to irrational levels, but you can't deny how well they have been run and set up for the future. This project doesn't get abandoned over one setback.... unfortunately.

I think you can totally argue how they’ve been run and setup for the future if they’re found guilty of heavily cheating to achieve it? It’s pretty easy to do things well if you don’t follow the rules.
I highly doubt City will be found innocent of ALL charges, but what if?
Found innocent of everything, PL say “oops, sorry about that”
City will obviously go after some kind of compensation, any thoughts on what would be fair or proportionate?

All hypothetical I know.

Is this Lionel Hutz, the City Solicitor?
What I want is just transparency. It looks like hearing will be in private. I don't know how England works when it comes to this but shouldn't this case be in everyones interest and because of that should be open for public?

Why is this hearing in private?
Every few posts someone pops into say they'll get off with a fine or slap on the wrist. Is it part of some sort of coping mechanism on the off chance it does happen? :confused:
Every few posts someone pops into say they'll get off with a fine or slap on the wrist. Is it part of some sort of coping mechanism on the off chance it does happen? :confused:
Because people are aware how the world works, and that if you have enough money or influence you can get away with basically anything.

City's owners have both.
The compensation to City stuff is Blue Moon "we will show them!" Nonsense.

It's based on this absurd view that a lot of City fans seem to have that the Premier League have caused them reputational damage by levying the charges. Seems to be 2 fold.

Firstly levying the charges at all which is silliness unless there was found to be some nefarious reason for them doing so and they were totally baseless.

Secondly they seem to believe the Premier League have made a huge song and dance about it. Which they literally haven't in any way.

There won't be a penny paid in comp to them, if they were found not guilty of all charges then maybe legal costs.

What will actually be interesting will be the compensation they end up paying to other clubs once they are inevitably found guilty of at least some of the charges.
There’s a few well followed posters (morons) on Twitter who seem to think that the CAS judgement guarantees the PL ruling will be/has to be the same.

Ignoring the fact of the loaded panel that CAS had, the mistakes CAS made and the different charges being brought.

Delete club and jail the fans
Most already are probably?
I think they will be a big club going forward absolutely. But I wouldn't underestimate the fact that they will potentially lose nearly all their key people and their owners may not have the same appetite to stress about hiring best on class.

I personally think that if they are relegated that will see them quickly promoted then becoming a side with a similar profile to Spurs.

I want them punished, but that seems unnecessarily harsh

I think you can totally argue how they’ve been run and setup for the future if they’re found guilty of heavily cheating to achieve it? It’s pretty easy to do things well if you don’t follow the rules.

I don't agree with any of it, they should be stripped of all titles, relegated to the national league, have all records expunged and fined to a level that brings them back financially to where they were before, but that's not realistic, it won't happen. So you have to acknowledge they may face some form of punishment, but it won't be one that is just. So unfortunately, those structures will stay in place.
Because people are aware how the world works, and that if you have enough money or influence you can get away with basically anything.

City's owners have both.
City’s lawyers are as good as you can get and they can argue the sky is green… but I can’t see how they get away with it. I’ve seen some of the emails, they’re as clear as day and in previous hearings, City people have confirmed the validity, just argued the exact meaning or whether time bound… the meaning is not decided by a loaded panel this time and the timebound bit doesn’t come into it, neither does the “we were hacked” defence I don’t think?

If they get away with it, the PL spending rules are basically useless and clubs can (will?) do what they want… that’s basically a Super League in waiting. I don’t think the PL will allow that as long as they have evidence… which they do.

Insert “fingers crossed” emoji here.
The whole "they're brilliantly operated, they'll be back" thing fails to take into account they're only well run because they had endless money to develop their infrastructure, steal Barcelona's entire model and key staff, sign any player for any amount of money (with some off books), etc.. to even get to this point.

They're brilliantly run now but they cheated in order to be run that way. They should never have even had the chance to have all of that stuff, that's kind of the point.

It's basically like a mobster going straight. Sure they live in a nice house, have fancy cars and might be doing legit stuff now but you'd probably think they don't really deserve any of that and should be punished plus have all of that repossessed by the banks.
Last chance saloon for the PL. So many teams and fans have missed out on great moments because of their obscene and flagrant disregard for the rules.

As good as dead as a competition if they are let off.
Are there any protests planned by fans, to put pressure on the FA?
What I want is just transparency. It looks like hearing will be in private. I don't know how England works when it comes to this but shouldn't this case be in everyones interest and because of that should be open for public?

Why is this hearing in private?

I imagine it's due to commercial information and this isn't a criminal case so there would be no requirement to hold this in public.
I imagine it's due to commercial information and this isn't a criminal case so there would be no requirement to hold this in public.
And of course to hide the shame of inadequate actions from the public. I wouldn’t want to show my face either, if I were to blame for the destruction of football as we know it.
115 charges are a considerable number to be found no fault on any of them and escape with minimal sanctions. The FA have already made their bed by punishing other teams for lesser charges so they need to follow that example here.
Are there any protests planned by fans, to put pressure on the FA?
First of all, it's not the FA, it's the PL and it's an independent panel. It's actually good there's no pressure on them, so that they can, you know, make a decision based on facts and evidence.

Second, you've already (or another BL poster) made your point about this and you know the answer.
115 charges are a considerable number to be found no fault on any of them and escape with minimal sanctions. The FA have already made their bed by punishing other teams for lesser charges so they need to follow that example here.
The cases are entirely different so no. And it's not the FA.