I just don't understand why anyone would want to break up the RoJones combination. They are outstanding together and the reason we've been unbeaten for so long.
I don't think it's because they necessarily want the partnership broken up, it's probably just because they're sick of reading this monstrosity of a word.
Why is it you write this anyway? I'll keep this brief.
1. Is it perhaps because you read it somewhere and thought it was extremely clever and then decided to adopt the word and run with it. We only get one shot at life sir, don't waste it by copying the rubbish work of others.
2. because you refer to everything in your life like this. e.g if you happened to be swimming in the ocean and saw a shark and octopus would you tell people that you saw a 'sharktopus'? If you had a really close friend would you refer to it as your bromance? Or if you had a brother and sister called Jennifer and Ben(Jennifer being your brother) do you just call them Bennifer? Or in fact are you actually called Jay and you have a friend called Bomb and you call yourselves Jaybomb? Your username makes sense now, as does your bromance. Pretty unfortunate name for your friend Bomb there. Not sure why you haven't capitalised the letter b in your username either, bad form Jay, bad form. I hope he has an account called jayBomb to compensate for the complete lack of respect you've shown his name. If you're reading this Bomb, don't let Jay push you around, it's bang out of order.
3. Is it in fact because your phone or tablet or computer or similar technological device autocorrects Rojo and Jones to 'RoJones' (you've just made me type that god forsaken word out now and I quite frankly feel lesser of a man). I was feeling mantastic before this event occurred and you've just destroyed me with that word, I feel like my life no longer has purpose.
4. Is it because you've actually combined them because it sounds like the Spanish word 'cojones' which means testicles? If this is indeed what you have done then I bow down to your brilliance old chap, to make a hilariously witty remark like that is truly exemplary. I've actually just smashed my head on the floor now because I've bowed with an insane amount of enthusiasm. It hurts. I forgive you though because you've made my year with that reference. Jay - you've got some really big cojones.
5. Is it because it saves you time rather than having to write 'Rojo and Jones'. If you want to save time perhaps being on a forum isn't the best thing for you. You'd never find me on an Internet forum wasting my time on silly things. Time is of the essence.
6. Also now I've just realised you probably wrote it on your phablet didn't you?
I bet you love a frappuccino for brunch to chillax don't you? Or do you like a toffee instead? (A mix of tea and coffee but you knew that didn't you). I do too.
Have a nice day.