Or one by someone whose also concurrently writing, producing and starring in an equally important TV series, whilst casually dabbling in blockbusters on the side?
This is my thing with Glover. He's doing all fecking sorts of shit, and has been for ages now. It's not that he's some cool nouveau thing with a sexy video (though I'm sure he is to many - and tbf, it's only since Atlanta & Awaken that he's really stepped into this tier) If you've ever listened to a Community commentary track, you'd know Dan Harmon has been gushing about him for years.
Here he was last year, basically saying he was already funnier than the stuff they were writing for him, when he was on the show 5 or 6 years go.
Tbf, the Kanye stuff was an unfortunate consequence of timing. Had Kanye not had (another) epic breakdown in the same week, it wouldn't have even come up. As a writer, I consider Glover that before I consider him a musician anyway. Though for my own money, as someone perpetually rankled by Kanye "greatest artist of all time" West and his self promotion, I'd personally never miss an opportunity
to get a dig in.
And I'm a big fan of his beats. POWER is one of the best beats of this Century fwiw... It's also 80% an old
Afromerica tune just sped up slightly (
POW! Take that Kanye!)... Okay I'll stop now