Music Childish Gambino (Donald Glover)

Thoughts? I'm finally listening to it after a long week and it's like medicine. Loving it.

Yeah I’m really enjoying it. I think Atavista, Human Sacrifice, To Be Hunted and Violence are my faves. I also really enjoy LFBF even though there’s something about it that sounds cheesy as feck. I think Psilocybae is a tad too long but the beat is great and it suits 21 perfectly when he comes in. I also think Sweet Thang is a bit too long. Overall really liking it though.
A few people in their 2000s pop rock era currently.
It's very, erm, Weezer!?!?! Did not see that coming.
I really like it, it’s a cool sound.
All I care about is him coming back for the Community movie.
Damn there's like 10 genres on this. I like it first listen though.
Really tryna flex the polymath muscles on this one. It’s pretty good on first listen but with this being his last album and Atavista being released properly this year too you kinda worry that artists in the streaming era just don’t care to cultivate an album anymore. More like - Eh, just release it all, feck it.

There’s a reason The White Album isn’t the best Beatles album despite having some of the best songs on it.

Anyway, there’s some ditties on this. It’s better than Atavista but not as coherent as Awaken.

Still annoyed he never released a proper version of that Saturday tune he did on SNL. Hopefully Goransson stays doing some pop/RnB stuff occasionally. He’s contributed here and there but I think Glover’s are the only full albums he’s worked on.
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Really tryna flex the polymath muscles on this one. It’s pretty good on first listen but with this being his last album and Atavista being released properly this year too you kinda worry that artists in the streaming era just don’t care to cultivate an album anymore. More like - Eh, just release it all, feck it.

There’s a reason The White Album isn’t the best Beatles album despite having some of the best songs on it.

Anyway, there’s some ditties on this. It’s better than Atavista but not as coherent as Awaken.

Still annoyed he never released a proper version of that Saturday tune he did on SNL. Hopefully Goransson stays doing some pop/RnB stuff occasionally. He’s contributed here and there but I think Glover’s are the only full albums he’s worked on.
I known he’s retiring Gambino but has he stated he won’t make music as DG going forward?
I known he’s retiring Gambino but has he stated he won’t make music as DG going forward?

No, not really I guess. Even more reason to not have to rush it all out then really!?

Tbf 17 isn’t egregiously indulgent as albums go. There’s probably only about 3 songs too many. It probably feels more unwieldy than it is because it pinballs from Yeezus to mid 00s Pop-Rock to neo soul to club dance to Jack Johnson and back again! That most of those things actually work is incredibly impressive… I’m just not sure they work quite as well all together? I dunno. Not full made up my mind yet. It feels more like a NOW compilation than an album, and I can’t quite explain why that’s not a good thing?
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Given that the album doubles as a soundtrack to his new movie, in which he plays a singer, I'm guessing some of the songs on it are the character's (Bando Stone) rather than Gambino's. Lithonia and Real Love, maybe.

After a few listens, the first half feels much stronger that the second aside from A Place Where Love Goes, which I can't stop listening to.