If you really think comparing laughing at somebody with goofy teeth to laughing at someone's skin tone is the same then this conversation is over, and I'll be wary of crossing your path in the future.
You sound like someone who is trying to justify their own racial prejudices/'jokes'.
Oh you totally missed a point. I am against all kind of abuse and just want to point out that other abuses are fine and racial abuse is wrong. Are abuses are wrong and i find pathetic when someone who is so against racism is fine to joke about other peoples characteristics. Double standards maybe?
Has anybody ever tried to kill all the goofy people in the world?
Yes there are examples when people were killed, even by police, because their characteristics and not just because their color. There was a video when a policeman attacked man who had heart attack and couldn't aswered to him, a case when a deaf man could understand policeman what he is saying and he was shoot because of that, many cases when mentally chalanged people didn't react as a policeman wanted because their mental problems and they were shoot. And don't get started how many people are killed because they look dangerous or crazy because their mental problems or because their clothes or because how they look.
The point is there are a lot of stupid people who find people that are diffirent than them dangerous. And not just different by color but also by different charactheristics.
Do people with funny hair get unfairly prosecuted, and in some circumstances, murdered because of it?
Read again above, i jus pointed out funny hair but there are other charactheristics and yes people get killed or unfairly prosecuted because some of those characteristics.
Were fat people dragged from their countries and forced into slavery, used as sexual objects and then killed when they no longer served purpose?
Again you pointed out just fat people but it was just an example. And yes many white people were dragged from their countries and forced into slavery, used as sexual objects and then killed when they no longer served purpose in the history because their characteristics or nationality, politic opinion or their religion. Maybe you should think about WW2 and what happened to jews, in my very country people a lot of people were killed after WW2 because they were christians and didn't liked comunism (even parents of my grandmother were killed), Srebrenica genocide and many more.
The point is, any kind of abuse is wrong, racial, national, religious or abuse how people look. You pointed out worst case scenarious but just think about how many lives are ruined because of abuse, how many people commit suicide because of abuse or how many people are depressed because of it their whole life.
If you think making fun of the people look or other characteristics is not as wrong as making fun because people color you should think again.
I just hope you got the point because i don't want to spam anymore...