Champions League — quarter-finals and semi-finals draw

cheering for dortmund in front of non-german fans
Someone tell me why Dortmund with Sancho and Sabitzer can lead 2-0 in the CL semis and we can't even qualify for Europe this season..
Sancho's yellow submarine's are going to the final :drool:
Sancho and Sabitzer being rejected by us to then go on and win the CL would be the icing on the shitcake that is this season
Only PSG concede a goal like that in a CL semi final. Still can see Mbappe getting two and sending this to ET though.
Everything I’ve seen dembele do tonight has him basically hitting it into Dortmund defenders. He’s gash.
Too bad,i wanted the Mbappe losing to Real storyline.PSG miserably failing against Dortmund is also pretty funny.
I’ll piss myself to if Sancho spends a year playing on his PlayStation till 4am at United, then fecks off to Dortmund in disgrace….and wins the champions league
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Ally McCoist's commentary on Sancho is gayer than anything I've seen from the Eurovision qualifiers.
Too bad,i wanted the Mbappe losing to Real storyline.PSG miserably failing against Dortmund is also pretty funny.
If only he could be bothered to turn up in a semi final he might of actually won the thing
Add Hummel's last ditch tackle in the first half to deny Mbappe.
Y'know, I've just been assuming Dortmund's plot armor is actually OUR plot armor making sure we get a final opponent we beat in 2nd gear.

I'll be big mad if it turns out it's actually THEIR plot amor :devil:

Unless we lose to Bayern. Which, I refuse to believe the universe will allow us to lose at home to this Bayern, but you never know. Maybe the world will end. In that impossible scenario where we go out to this Bayern at home and the universe doesn't blow itself up, then it's fine. Maybe they're just borrowing our plot armor as thanks for Bellingham
If you're Mbappe and Madrid want you, you're not hanging around in Paris.
Someone tell me why Dortmund with Sancho and Sabitzer can lead 2-0 in the CL semis and we can't even qualify for Europe this season..
Because we haven’t backed our manager.
Been a while since I've seen such an important match where the players aren't throwing themselves to the floor at every opportunity. It's great to watch