Celebrity Allegations, #MeToo etc

I remember in the 1990's a male teacher had sex with a female student and the media went crackers about it . Not saying what he done was right but the headlines were dirty old man etc and peado blah.. blah. About a year later a female teacher had sex with a male student and the headlines were more about her seducing him etc. Not saying either was right but the medias slant was interesting.
There has been a bunch of those stories, but I'm always wary of sliding into DM comment section territory with guys ranting about 'she'd have got four years if she had a dick'.
An older woman groomed and statutory raped him. You being a horny teenager has nothing to do with this.

Such an odd terminology for a consensual act. Someone has consensual sex with an 18 year old on their birthday and it’s entirely above board. The same act, just 24 hours earlier (or in a different state/country) could see them in court with an abhorrent word like “rape” on the charge sheet.
Hasn't this kid come out and said already that she was his sexual fantasy for like 3 years prior to the incident, and that he actively pursued her? She probably shouldn't have slept with him, but in no way shape or form is this similar to what Weinstein was doing. The thing with her and Weinstein, I don't know much about it. Apparently he coerced her into sex for parts or something, and then they ended up dating after? Either way, still not the same thing.
I dunno sleeping with someone underage with whom you've known very well since they were a very small child seems morally far more repugnant than an adult coercing another adult into bed with the lure of bigger parts in movies.
wtf? Is that even the same woman, she seems to have doubled in weight.

He's putting his hand up her dress and she isn't even stopping him?

I don't doubt that Weinstein has been up to no good, but I'm not buying this, I'm afraid.

She's trying to sell her software or whatever, as she explains in the voiceover. A drastic/firm rejection would probably end the deal.
Is it possible that the truth is somewhere in the middle?

Yes, young men - just like young women - can be emotionally traumatised by exploitative sexual relationships. Which is something we're conditioned to ignore.

Similarly, young women - just like young men - can be enthusiastic participants in sexual relationships where there is a big power/age imbalance and emerge unscathed at the other end? Which is also something that we're being told doesn't happen.

Exactly, everyone is different, I lost the v plates at 16 to a 35 year old, she was a bit if of a moose and I was drunk, but willing. In my case never caused me any issues.
TBH I thought it was just as likely to be Branson.

Never heard anything about Branson aside from him being a prick and suing NHS.

Heard plenty of rumours about Green, ex was manager at a top shop and he was never shy with sleezy comments by all accounts.
Not surprising. Combined with the tax avoidance scandal a few years back, it’s probably time to revoke the knighthood
Never heard anything about Branson aside from him being a prick and suing NHS.

Heard plenty of rumours about Green, ex was manager at a top shop and he was never shy with sleezy comments by all accounts.
Virgin Atlantic was an account of mine, I knew some of the directors well and also went out with a girl from there. I won't say anything that gets Niall into trouble.
Virgin Atlantic was an account of mine, I knew some of the directors well and also went out with a girl from there. I won't say anything that gets Niall into trouble.

Fair enough. Certainly wouldn't be surprised.