Do I think that he acted like a douchebag according to that article? Absolutely and I doubt that even his side of the story would change my view.
Do I think that should be put on display for everyone to see in a way that tries to paint him like a criminal, creating a very real threat for his career? No, because I believe everyone has a right to have his privacy until he loses that right by commiting an actual crime.
And here is where we fundamentally disagree. You believe he commited sexual assault, I don´t.
I certainly know that this would never fly in court, because even in this very obviously unbalanced piece of "journalism" without his side of the story there are too many inconsitencies and contraditions to make a clear case for it.
Sexual assault is in its essence crossing lines that one of the participants does not want to cross. These lines or boundaries can be very low, at the workplace for example. In situations like at the end of a date between two people, the lines are set by themselves.
Aziz Ansari did not cross the lines Grace did set for herself and him. In the few moments she actually did not rely on her nonverbal signals and verbalized her thoughts to him, she made it fairly clear: she was not ready for actual intercourse. He offered it twice (granted in a weird, clumsy, very corny kind of way), she declined twice, he let go of her twice. What she did was partake in oral sex, in kissing, in making out. She did not enjoy it very much, which we know from her inner thoughts and supposed body language, which Ansari apearantly did not pick up, but she still did it. She had no issue being naked around him and looking for closeness.
You say that him trying to undress her again was sexual assault, but in truth we don´t know what he planned to do. Maybe he wanted to go down on her again like he did before, like she allowed before, and expected the same in return, which she did twice before.