Car drives into crowd in New Orleans, dozens of casualties

You’re going to have military barricades around events at this rate. Breach that perimeter and get riddled with bullets.

It’s clearly a go to method now and it is a really effective one. Something is going to have to be done.

Geofence cars to a maximum of 30mph in populated areas. It's not hard, just unpopular with people who think they have the god-given right to put others to danger because they want to shave 1 minute off their commute.
I don't think it's that rare in leftist/progressive circles to take an extremely critical view of US foreign policy and drawing lines between that and Islamist terror attacks. Not sympathizing, excusing, or endorsing, of course, but arguing for some degree of causality.

Yeah, that’s what I’m getting it. Like when Mary Beard wrote a piece along those lines in the LRB, about 9/11, shortly after it happened. To be fair, there’s a lot of truth in what they say. It can just come across as a bit crass, depending on the timing.

My main point was that when we’re still in that Schrodingers terrorist stage of these atrocities you just know the usual suspects are biting their tongues and getting ready to roll out the utterly predictable tropes, depending on the skin colour and religion of the killer.
According to social media, his name is Shamsud Din Jabbar and he was born in Texas. Although I haven't seen any official reports saying this yet.
Multiple explosive devices found in ice box in the truck, per CNN. Feck me, sounds like it could have been even worse.
It's happened before. We had that guy who shot up his military base some years ago, for example.

That's a terrifying one actually, because that one was a case of almost exclusive self-radicalization.

A lot of people grow up in certain circumstances, with certain influences around them and as such got radicalized. This guy actively sought out the extremists to learn more.
Literally 10miles from where I live, I was working last night so I weren't in the city but I have several friends that were, "luckily " this happened at 3am instead of midnight, usually we have concrete bollards up so I'm quite surprised he got as far as he did, especially near the bar Prohibition, that's a distance by car
Literally 10miles from where I live, I was working last night so I weren't in the city but I have several friends that were, "luckily " this happened at 3am instead of midnight, usually we have concrete bollards up so I'm quite surprised he got as far as he did, especially near the bar Prohibition, that's a distance by car
Glad to hear. I thought you owned/worked in a bar/pub (I could also be completely misremembering) and was not sure where it was. Having spent a fair amount of time on Bourbon and the surrounding streets I was always shocked there were not more accidental car incidents. Never even imagined something like this happening.
Glad to hear. I thought you owned/worked in a bar/pub (I could also be completely misremembering) and was not sure where it was. Having spent a fair amount of time on Bourbon and the surrounding streets I was always shocked there were not more accidental car incidents. Never even imagined something like this happening.

Yeah I manage a bar close by and have tons of friends who do the same on Bourbon, this is the reason (and many others) why I don't work on that stretch, always some nutjob or crackhead giving you crap which ain't worth it (unless you do like stress and money)

Honestly to even get as fast as he did is a shock, you can't do anything down town especially on Canal or Bourbon, there's more to the story I feel because Ive always seen bollards up whenever I'm down that way and a considerable police presence
Terrible tragedy and my heart goes out to all those who lost families and friends and those injured. It's just such an evil way of creating fear and causing terror, I can barely imagine the nightmares this will leave many with.

It's a real kicker being in a city that is supposed to be known for great food, music, bars and restaurants and street parties and on New Year's Eve/Day too. I've always wanted to visit and just hope I can one day. Things like this can and do happen anywhere, I won't be put off visiting places because of something like this and I hope the city that must rely heavily on tourism doesn't suffer anymore than it already has because of one lunatics actions, for whatever reasons he felt were good enough to do something so fecking cowardly.
Literally 10miles from where I live, I was working last night so I weren't in the city but I have several friends that were, "luckily " this happened at 3am instead of midnight, usually we have concrete bollards up so I'm quite surprised he got as far as he did, especially near the bar Prohibition, that's a distance by car
NOLA is one of my favorite places. Burbon St. is a world of is own and I know for a fact security is extremely tight there especially at night. There was a shooting scare the first night I went to Burbon st but security handled it well. Even the shop owners are prepared. Everything was locked up and bored in minutes as if it's a norm.
On a night like last night I'm sure they had added security but the nature of Bourbon st would make it extremely easy for a terrorist attack. The mayor was planning on improving the security barriers but it's a little too late.
NOLA is one of my favorite places. Burbon St. is a world of is own and I know for a fact security is extremely tight there especially at night. There was a shooting scare the first night I went to Burbon st but security handled it well. Even the shop owners are prepared. Everything was locked up and bored in minutes as if it's a norm.
On a night like last night I'm sure they had added security but the nature of Bourbon st would make it extremely easy for a terrorist attack. The mayor was planning on improving the security barriers but it's a little too late.

The Mayor is a joke in general, corrupt to the core and inept, she always "plans" for things but never does anything worth while, just spends a $million on pretty lights for a bridge, we have the Superbowl and Mardi Gras in a month so I do really hope security has watched this and learnt, however unfortunately the identity of this guy won't do much for the racial nature of this state, if they weren't already gun toting 'Muricans to begin with
This press conference is an absolute shambles. Bunch of incompetent fools in charge who all need to quit.
I don't really understand what point you are trying to make here. Isn't it universally accepted that the rise in Islamic terrorism is a direct consequence of that foreign policy, especially the Iraq war?
No, 9/11 and its disastrous consequences changed everything.
The opposite is, of course, also true. White right winger = why do governments ignore these fascist terrorists? Brown Islamist = well what do you expect with Western foreign policy the way it is?

It also ignores the vastly under reported brown Islamists killing other brown people under the same ideology (eg in Africa) completely unrelated to western foreign policy.
It also ignores the vastly under reported brown Islamists killing other brown people under the same ideology (eg in Africa) completely unrelated to western foreign policy.
What like in Libya, or Mali, or DRC......
What like in Libya, or Mali, or DRC......

The vast majority of terror attacks in the Middle East during GWOT were secular violence. Terror attacks on security forces were very few and far between, and even when they did attack the military, the majority of the attacks were directed to the ANA and IAF.

My friend happened to be working last night and that lift was right in front of her bar, pretty lucky the explosives didnt go off otherwise this would had been far worse, car was rented off Turo.

Said "They're looking for possibly 4 co-conspirators that were caught on video planting the explosives around the French quarter. All which had a remote detonator found in his vehicle. He also had a handgun and a .308 rifle with optics. This could've been much worse than it was had he been able to set off the explosives."
Absolutely horrible, my condolences go to the victims and their families.

Motherfeck every person who has predictably used this as an excuse to spread Islamophobia. Those bigots are all a bunch of fecking thundercunts.
News is saying the Vagas car blowing up could be linked.