Car drives into crowd in Munich, Germany

That he was an asylum seeker who seemed relatively settled makes the fact he became a terrorist who drove his car into 30 people far harder to rationalise than if he was a habitual criminal on the edge of society. If anyone is a sick sociopath, it's him.
I see absolutely no contradiction in labelling both somebody who commits such an atrocity and somebody who would want to send somebody who is by all appearances a well integrated and functioning member of society back to Afghanistan as mentally ill. That's not an exclusive label that only one person on the planet can have at any given time.
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The part aside where the permit was probably issued by an agency and not a judge: what, prior to this incident, was wrong with somebody like him being in Germany?

He came over as a teenager, alone, from a war-torn country. He did his school, did his vocational training and worked in a job where he was actually helping to catch criminals. He had no criminal record himself and was, according to recent statements, well integrated. He had no known tendencies towards extremism, had not made any threats as far as anybody knew. Why would he not be welcomed and get a permission to stay? What kind of sick sociopath would want to send somebody like him, who seemed to be a success story of an immigrant, back to that shitehole that is the current Afghanistan? For what one even want that? Because his skin had the "wrong" colour or he called his god the "wrong" name? Because the country is "full"?

The only two offenses to his name known to date is that, one, his original asylum application was rejected because they thought the story behind it - him being persecuted by a criminal organisation which had already killed his father - was a lie, and the second one that he was once registered jobless for a short while, took up a job again and did not report it quickly enough to the agency, which landed him a fine for the reportedly "very short time" that covered. The first one I empathize with because if I wanted to escape Afghanistan I'd lie my arse off about why I should be allowed asylum, too. And the second one I find utterly negligible since he seemingly reported it, just not quite quickly enough, so I don't think there was any malice or intent to deceive there.
A lovely story.

How did he get to Germany from Afghanistan?

Fact of the matter is we have millions of men from awful backgrounds coming into Europe and a small percentage of them are committing atrocities. Another small percentage are sexual deviants and a much larger percentage are coming here to do absolutely nothing blah blah blah.

A woman working in my local migrant hotel got stabbed in the neck with a screwdriver by somebody she was looking after a couple of months ago. Died in a pool of her own blood at the train station. Gotta tell her 3 kids he had no violent tendencies and they’re sociopaths for thinking otherwise. And we’ll be here again in a few weeks. You people are nuts.

In fact to appease people who scream racism I’d be perfectly happy to let women in. No more men from the third world.
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I see absolutely no contradiction in labelling both somebody who commits such an atrocity and somebody who would want to send somebody who is by all appearances a well integrated and functioning member of society back to Afghanistan as mentally ill. That's not an exclusive label that only one person on the planet can have at any given time.
You can call people anything you want, but surely you understand this isn't helpful, right? There is a growing backlash against immigration in the Western world, the direction of that backlash isn't going to change by saying anyone who disagrees with an increasingly minority position is "mentally ill."
I've not been to Germany in decades but it sounds like it's changed a lot wrt to the large scale immigration allowed by Merkel for example. Of course there's a benefit to some immigration but maybe there's a point where it's too much?
Why would he not be welcomed and get a permission to stay? What kind of sick sociopath would want to send somebody like him, who seemed to be a success story of an immigrant, back to that shitehole that is the current Afghanistan?
The perpetrator of this crime entered Germany in 2016. Back then Germany still had troops in Afghanistan. In fact Germany sent around 130k soldiers to Afghanistan over a 20-year period. You have to wonder what kind of a job all these soldiers were doing if Afghanis were fleeing under their watch.

Anyway the end result of this great 20-year intervention is "the shitehole that is the current Afghanistan" which might go some way in explaining why people reject the political establishment that brought about these outcomes.
A lovely story.

How did he get to Germany from Afghanistan?

Fact of the matter is we have millions of men from awful backgrounds coming into Europe and a small percentage of them are committing atrocities. Another small percentage are sexual deviants and a much larger percentage are coming here to do absolutely nothing blah blah blah.

A woman working in my local migrant hotel got stabbed in the neck with a screwdriver by somebody she was looking after a couple of months ago. Died in a pool of her own blood at the train station. Gotta tell her 3 kids he had no violent tendencies and they’re sociopaths for thinking otherwise. And we’ll be here again in a few weeks. You people are nuts.

In fact to appease people who scream racism I’d be perfectly happy to let women in. No more men from the third world.

Yes because white men don't stab woman anyways right?

In your mind I'm a man from an awful background who might be a sexual deviant so I should f*ck off back to where I came from?
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Yes because white men doing stab woman anyways right?

In your mind I'm a man from an awful background who might be a sexual deviant so I should f*ck off back to where I came from?
I don’t know anything about you. I think current immigration rules are stupidly lenient and men from these countries commit awful crimes at a very high rate.
The perpetrator of this crime entered Germany in 2016. Back then Germany still had troops in Afghanistan. In fact Germany sent around 130k soldiers to Afghanistan over a 20-year period. You have to wonder what kind of a job all these soldiers were doing if Afghanis were fleeing under their watch.

Anyway the end result of this great 20-year intervention is "the shitehole that is the current Afghanistan" which might go some way in explaining why people reject the political establishment that brought about these outcomes.
Wait are we blaming the German military for the mess that is Afghanistan?
I don’t know anything about you. I think current immigration rules are stupidly lenient and men from these countries commit awful crimes at a very high rate.
What counts as a very high rate, where specifically does this apply to and where is the evidence for this?
What counts as a very high rate, where specifically does this apply to and where is the evidence for this?
Including evidence that it's higher than the crime rate for the same age group from other backgrounds.
Including evidence that it's higher than the crime rate for the same age group from other backgrounds.

A very quick research lead me to believe that it's slightly lower. If I'm not mistaken immigrant suspects represent 8.5% of all suspects, now the average age for asylum seekers in Germany is roughly 32.2 years old. Now 21-30 years old suspects represent 8.48% and 30-40 years old represent 10%.

It was a very quick look but the crime rates seem to be in line with the norm.
I see absolutely no contradiction in labelling both somebody who commits such an atrocity and somebody who would want to send somebody who is by all appearances a well integrated and functioning member of society back to Afghanistan as mentally ill. That's not an exclusive label that only one person on the planet can have at any given time.

Labelling either mentally ill is just a coping mechanism. Terrorists are usually not mentally ill, neither are those who want to deport failed asylum seekers.

But the point I was making is that an integrated 'successful' asylum seeker committing atrocities is going to be worse for public sentiment on immigration and asylum, than if it was a known criminal on the edge of society. At least in those cases you can try and steer the blame on the security services.
A very quick research lead me to believe that it's slightly lower. If I'm not mistaken immigrant suspects represent 8.5% of all suspects, now the average age for asylum seekers in Germany is roughly 32.2 years old. Now 21-30 years old suspects represent 8.48% and 30-40 years old represent 10%.

It was a very quick look but the crime rates seem to be in line with the norm.
Seems to vary by crime though. A quick scan suggests in 2024-25, both mass killing car attacks in Germany were committed by asylum seekers/immigrants and 66% of mass stabbings (4/6). That's going to spread fear and be leapt on by the AfD.
Western Europe is pretty complicated for locals as well these days. People coming in from very different cultures and societies, often after having endured hardship at home are experiencing further rejection, resentment, inability to cope with a new world they often do not understand in full or even do not accept at its core values.
Seems to vary by crime though. A quick scan suggests in 2024-25, both mass killing car attacks in Germany were committed by asylum seekers/immigrants and 66% of mass stabbings (4/6). That's going to spread fear and be leapt on by the AfD.
It's hysteria, cause those mass events are statistically insignificant. But you're right in the sense that you can't argue with a good narrative - which obviously those events prevent more than an amorphous mass of other crime.
Seems to vary by crime though. A quick scan suggests in 2024-25, both mass killing car attacks in Germany were committed by asylum seekers/immigrants and 66% of mass stabbings (4/6). That's going to spread fear and be leapt on by the AfD.

Was just listening to a podcast about the German elections. Apparently they have a new “socialist conservative” party in the mix. Economically socialist: strong on workers rights, heavy taxation of the wealthy etc Socially conservative: don’t want immigration, against identity politics etc It’s a movement you could see a lot of poor/working class people get behind. Interesting that it hasn’t really existed before now.
Seems to vary by crime though. A quick scan suggests in 2024-25, both mass killing car attacks in Germany were committed by asylum seekers/immigrants and 66% of mass stabbings (4/6). That's going to spread fear and be leapt on by the AfD.

That's a very small dataset and it's only 6 incidents out of 2.7m asylum seekers. While you can't stop fear, we need to use reason and realize that there are no policies to build on these incidents. Now there are policies and changes that can be made when it comes reducing crime rates in the 18 to 40 years old population which is directly linked to also improving the social and economic context of that demographic whether they are native or immigrants.
Was just listening to a podcast about the German elections. Apparently they have a new “socialist conservative” party in the mix. Economically socialist: strong on workers rights, heavy taxation of the wealthy etc Socially conservative: don’t want immigration, against identity politics etc It’s a movement you could see a lot of poor/working class people get behind. Interesting that it hasn’t really existed before now.
That sound like the BSW. They are basically a cult of personality with incredibly strong ties to Russia. It was good that it didn’t exist before.
That sound like the BSW. They are basically a cult of personality with incredibly strong ties to Russia. It was good that it didn’t exist before.

Yeah I think that’s them. They mentioned the Russia links. I have no opinion on them as a party. Just think it’s interesting no other party (that I’ve heard of?) has similar policies. You could definitely see it working in the current political climate.
Was just listening to a podcast about the German elections. Apparently they have a new “socialist conservative” party in the mix. Economically socialist: strong on workers rights, heavy taxation of the wealthy etc Socially conservative: don’t want immigration, against identity politics etc It’s a movement you could see a lot of poor/working class people get behind. Interesting that it hasn’t really existed before now.
Sounds sketchy. Workers rights are immigrants' rights. Once you start 'othering' the logical conclusion is never good.
It's hysteria, cause those mass events are statistically insignificant. But you're right in the sense that you can't argue with a good narrative - which obviously those events prevent more than an amorphous mass of other crime.
If people are reading about a mass murder by asylum seekers or immigrants every other month on average, they aren't going to be thinking it's statistically insignificant, fuelling the far right.

That's a very small dataset and it's only 6 incidents out of 2.7m asylum seekers. While you can't stop fear, we need to use reason and realize that there are no policies to build on these incidents. Now there are policies and changes that can be made when it comes reducing crime rates in the 18 to 40 years old population which is directly linked to also improving the social and economic context of that demographic whether they are native or immigrants.
They are very small datasets and obviously you're talking about literally a handful of asylum seekers among those millions, but the impact they're having is clear, given the AfD's rise.
Given immigration is unlikely to decrease significantly, given war, climate etc, you're going to have a horrible escalation potentially if there is a racist backlash, or some country go full Nazi.
Yeah I think that’s them. They mentioned the Russia links. I have no opinion on them as a party. Just think it’s interesting no other party (that I’ve heard of?) has similar policies. You could definitely see it working in the current political climate.
Replace links to Russia to links to 'hyper nationalist dictatorship' and they reveal themselves. Lots of that shit is here with the 'common sense' independent parties.
Was just listening to a podcast about the German elections. Apparently they have a new “socialist conservative” party in the mix. Economically socialist: strong on workers rights, heavy taxation of the wealthy etc Socially conservative: don’t want immigration, against identity politics etc It’s a movement you could see a lot of poor/working class people get behind. Interesting that it hasn’t really existed before now.
Being pro-worker and anti-DEI is also weird, to add to Moses' point.
A mother and her 2 year old child unfortunately succumbed from their injuries. Life is cruel man. RIP
Another attack by an asylum seeker in Austria. The trend continues and a 14 year old boy has lost his life.
Another attack by an asylum seeker in Austria. The trend continues and a 14 year old boy has lost his life.
Hey, this is the poster who we were asking for data that demonstrates what they're claiming! I thought you maybe lost the thread since you never followed up; but no, you're back when you have another factoid.

Care to actually respond to the questions, or do you like the confirmation bias better?
Some people would do very well to carefully read especially the last part of this statement issued by the family and friends of the deceased:
„Wir möchten uns zunächst bei denen herzlich bedanken, die aufrichtige Anteilnahme und Solidarität gezeigt haben. Wir bedanken uns bei den Hilfskräften, bei den Pflegekräften, Ärzt*innen für die gute Unterstützung, Begleitung und für den emotionalen Beistand. Amel ist in Algerien geboren und ist mit vier Jahren nach Deutschland gekommen. Sie studierte Umweltschutz in Köln und Bingen. Seit 2017 war sie Beschäftigte der Landeshauptstadt München als Ingenieurin. Sie war Projekt- und Sachgebietsleitung.

Gemeinsam mit ihrem Mann und ihrer Tochter Hafsa lebte sie seit 2017 in München. Amel war ein Mensch, der sich für Gerechtigkeit eingesetzt hat. War aktiv für Solidarität, Gleichheit und setzte sich für Arbeitnehmer*innenrechte ein und gegen Fremdenfeindlichkeit und Ausgrenzung. Ihr war es sehr wichtig, ihrer Tochter diese Werte mitzugeben.

Wir möchten bekräftigen, dass der Tod und der Verlust nicht benutzt werden, um Hass zu schüren und ihn politisch zu instrumentalisieren. Wir haben mit dieser Erklärung alles gesagt und möchten eindringlich darum bitten, von Anfragen abzusehen, da die Trauer und der Verlust nun im Vordergrund stehen.“

Familie und Freunde
which translates into:
‘Firstly, we would like to express our sincere thanks to those who have shown genuine sympathy and solidarity. We would like to thank the helpers, carers and doctors for their support, guidance and emotional support. Amel was born in Algeria and came to Germany when she was four years old. She studied environmental protection in Cologne and Bingen. She has worked as an engineer for the City of Munich since 2017. She was project and subject area manager.

She had been living in Munich with her husband and daughter Hafsa since 2017. Amel was a person who stood up for justice. She was active for solidarity, equality and campaigned for workers' rights and against xenophobia and marginalisation. It was very important to her to pass these values on to her daughter.

We want to reaffirm that death and loss should not be used to stir up hatred and instrumentalise it politically. We have said it all with this statement and would like to urge you to refrain from enquiries, as the focus is now on grief and loss.’

Family and friends
Translated with, source is the official page of the city of Munich