Scarlett Dracarys
( . Y . )
Let's just cancel the world and start over.
artist from 1920 is cancelled folx
Do you know what her tweet is in reference to? Do you have all of the context? I don't see how you can say it's racist without that.
Almost impossible to believe that milf slayer isn't some sort of parody account.
This is what I don't know, to me, if it's a comment on a picture or something where someone's expression has literally made them look Asian, I don't really see how it's racist.Didn't she say that a teamate, who is half ethnically Chinese, looked asian in a photo? Probably wise to not say anything at all but it doesn't sound overly racist to me.
Almost impossible to believe that milf slayer isn't some sort of parody account.
And is this a problem? (When it's not malicious)It absolutely is. I doubt she was being maliciously racist but it's still racist.
It depends on each situation. The person she said it to might have had no issue with it, even if others might have reacted badly to the exact same "joke".And is this a problem? (When it's not malicious)
Is it racist to suggest that someone looks Asian, because their eyes are a certain shape in a photo? I suppose, thinking of equivalent comments for other races, it doesn't sound great, but I find it hard to call these sorts of things outright 'racist'. Are we denying that a lot of Asians have certain defining features, much like any other race? Is the issue because said feature is using to stereotype all Asians, and is commonly used in racist commentary?
Even just the fact that they have 34k posts and the account has only existed since March 2020. Over 3 tweets/retweets an hour for 15 months and yet nothing of value contributed. Always-online culture warriors are terrifying.
What if comedians make a joke about it?When done in such a way yes it does feed into long-established racist tropes. It reduces a massively diverse community (with a wider ranger of eye shapes btw) to a single characteristic that has been used in many periods of time to discriminate against Asians.
If Rapinoe had said big lips make her teammate look black or a certain nose shape makes them look Jewish then people can make an easy association.
It's certainly true that it's not intentional and not the most racist or offensive thing that can be found on social media but it does feed into an old racist trope used to discriminate in the past. It's one of those things where I wouldn't call her a racist but advise she refrains from making such problematic comments again.
What if comedians make a joke about it?
I may well be completely wrong, but I'd say that possibly points to it being someone with a mental health issue. As such we should probably view it as a product of that rather than the voice of some kind of movement. If I had a friend who was posting that stuff with that regularity, I'd be a bit concerned for them.Even just the fact that they have 34k posts and the account has only existed since March 2020. Over 3 tweets/retweets an hour for 15 months and yet nothing of value contributed. Always-online culture warriors are terrifying.
Asian has their own cancel culture, unrelated to western politics but they have it.All my asian friends think cancel culture is a pathetic joke but of course people's milage may vary. I think its a storm in a tea cup tbh.
Asian has their own cancel culture, unrelated to western politics but they have it.
One week later
wtf do they put into the drinking water in the US.
One week later
wtf do they put into the drinking water in the US.
The Yale speech? I think so.Is she the same psychiatrist who told her class that in her dreams she dreams about murdrering white people and burying their bodies?
Would be bad enough if she was just another militant pseudo-academic, but an actual physician with a medical degree and specialising in psychiatry, wow.
Sounds like she needs her own psychiatrist.
One week later
wtf do they put into the drinking water in the US.
One week later
wtf do they put into the drinking water in the US.
All sorts of shit: do they put into the drinking water in the US.
Even just the fact that they have 34k posts and the account has only existed since March 2020. Over 3 tweets/retweets an hour for 15 months and yet nothing of value contributed. Always-online culture warriors are terrifying.
One week later
wtf do they put into the drinking water in the US.
Pretty much.
These clips really show the economics underpinning the ''cultural war'' shtick. One week it's owning conservatives to viral and the next it's interviewing Dr. Death To White People.
In my opinon most of this is coming from a place of power and control rather than from a place of geniune concern.
Hope whoever cancels that Megan Rapinoe for her racist tweet about asians.
Always knew there was something fishy about her.
at the end of the day racism is racism.
Pretty much.
These clips really show the economics underpinning the ''cultural war'' shtick. One week it's owning conservatives to viral and the next it's interviewing Dr. Death To White People.
what do you think should happen to her?
Oh? Like what?Always knew there was something fishy about her.
Oh? Like what?
Yeah, that is definitely what has happened alright.her being outed as a racist disappoints but doesnt surprise me.