Cancel Culture

When I read the title thought this would be about the news that HBO removed Gone With the Wind from their database because it "perpetuates racism". Talk about cancelling culture.

It's pathetic. What's the committee that will determine what exactly 'perpetuates racism'? And where will it draw the line?
It's complete bollocks and I hate it with a passion. It's a bunch of people playing a prestige point-scoring game with each other competing to be the most offended and show how "woke" they are. (I see @MrPooni has already made his requisite appearance to pump up his sense of self-satisfaction by telling you how morally superior he is and belittling everybody else without actually talking about the topic for a second).

I'm probably about as left-wing as you can get. If there was a viable Communist party I'd be voting for them. However, this trend on the left in the past decade or so of militantly attacking anybody who isn't careful enough of someone else's "identity tags" is getting to be ridiculous. Identity politics is great when the goal is to make everybody's "tags" meaningless to create actual equality, not to actually fecking emphasise them, make them sacred cows, and make a person the sum of their "tags".

I think it originates from a morally good place but now serves nobody but those who want to score their little points and make themselves feel smug. The only thing is achieves in a macro sense is to have people who see how fecking ridiculous it is getting pushed to the political right. I think it has contributed quite a lot to the political polarisation we have now.

If you've got 20 minutes, social psychology professor Jonathan Haidt can explain it with much more eloquence and balance than I can after 4 bottles of Dragon Stout, from the perspective of American university campuses.

*Google's Dragon stout.

Is the common theme we should cancel anyone with links to slavery or have owned slaves?
Twitter and wherever it wants to, seemingly. Who can shout the loudest?

The worst thing is, as Bill Burr said, it's always only a handful of people. It's a fecking tyranny of a minority. But you're right, those are the ones who shout the loudest...
When I read the title thought this would be about the news that HBO removed Gone With the Wind from their database because it "perpetuates racism". Talk about cancelling culture.

They've said that the movie will return to HBO max and presented as original but by the sounds of it a disclaimer prior to the start of the movie

HBO spokesperson said: “Gone With The Wind is a product of its time and depicts some of the ethnic and racial prejudices that have, unfortunately, been commonplace in American society. These racist depictions were wrong then and are wrong today, and we felt that to keep this title up without an explanation and a denouncement of those depictions would be irresponsible. These depictions are certainly counter to WarnerMedia’s values, so when we return the film to HBO Max, it will return with a discussion of its historical context and a denouncement of those very depictions, but will be presented as it was originally created, because to do otherwise would be the same as claiming these prejudices never existed. If we are to create a more just, equitable and inclusive future, we must first acknowledge and understand our history.”

Streaming platforms add and remove titles all the time on their service. And there's a ton of precedent for this with disclaimers for movies, cartoons.
Charlie & The Chocolate Factory has to be next in the firing line. Those Oompah Loompahs don’t bear much scrutiny.

I would have thought that under the current circumstances that bias against people who are bright orange is pretty much encouraged.
You're shouting at tea.
That new Netflix series Hollywood is almost the opposite of this as it just makes up an alternate 1950s universe where a black woman is lead actress and wins best oscar for a film written by a gay black screenwriter who is out and proud with his boyfriend Rock Hudson all working under a studio run by a woman.
They've said that the movie will return to HBO max and presented as original but by the sounds of it a disclaimer prior to the start of the movie

Streaming platforms add and remove titles all the time on their service. And there's a ton of precedent for this with disclaimers for movies, cartoons.
That actually sounds a lot better. The news piece I read didn't mention that extremely important "detail" at all.
To be honest, I don’t feel in a position to judge anyone else on how they earn a living. So long as they’re not harming anyone then I don’t think I should look down on their choice of career. That really would be entitled of me.
Put it this way. If someone chooses to make a career as a social media personality that gets invites on reality TV shows then its clear that part of the job is staying abreast of social media trends to position your online persona in a such a way as to receive invites.

Seems to me she simply wasn't good at her chosen job.
Subbing to this thread so I can take a break from all the feckry going on while pointing and laughing at the whining that'll be going on in here.... Got my Dragon Spouts too.
I think a lot of what this proves is that influencers, just like people, are stupid and in the rush for performative wokeness their stupidity is horribly exposed. But I don't believe that they are KKK, just probably need an education. And maybe even that might not help because some just double-down

Exhibit A - Algerian singer

I think a lot of what this proves is that influencers, just like people, are stupid and in the rush for performative wokeness their stupidity is horribly exposed. But I don't believe that they are KKK, just probably need an education. And maybe even that might not help because some just double-down

Exhibit A - Algerian singer

You can only be cancelled if you have something they can take away, and if you act like you care. Look at what Peter Shilton has been putting on Twitter in the last 24 hours, it's like water off a ducks back.
Didn’t expect to see The Challenge mentioned on here.

For anyone interested to know, her housemate was attacked online for supposedly protecting her. He subsequently kicked her out of his home and Dee is now checked into a mental health facility.

And just for some added bonus here is the cretin Bayleigh telling another contestant to go to Pakistan.
The Crossfit one was a little hard to get my head round. Not sure what he did was all that terrible.

And yes, cancel culture is problematic and annoying.

And costly. Loads of gyms cancelled their subscriptions which will presumably hurt regular crossfit employees. But who cares about livelihoods when sanctimonious twats on Twitter can feel good about themselves.
It's ridiculous, weaponised and empowers the worst people.

But it's also a side-effect of a greater societal change, so I guess we gotta suck it up.
So you are upset that some social media "influencer" didn't get invited back to a reality tv show? That sounds like some severe entitlement.
Wrong. He's clearly refering to the phenomenon of online vigilantism that has become prevalent at social justice. While it can do some good, it can also do plenty of unwarranted damage. As many have said, it's the rule of the mob. And no civilised society should encourage that to be rampant to the extent it is. A educated society that is aware of its rights and ongoings is good. But one which takes everything in its own hands, is not
'Cancel culture' is a phrase made by the whining right when someone gets held accountable for spouting nonsense.

Going after someone's employer and sponsors has been a tactic for centuries, irrespective of politics.
Weaponising job security and livelihoods is a great way to stick it to the rich and powerful. It will surely never be used against victims of bigotry and classism.
Not having a single social media account, means I can blissfully avoid the particularly acute concentration of stupidity inherent to such platforms. People both say stupid things, and get hounded for stupid reasons. As propagators of both misinformation and mob mentality, a damaging combination, social media is at the root of a lot of worrying socio-cultural phenomena. It’s a warp drive for proliferating ignorance.
You can only be cancelled if you have something they can take away, and if you act like you care. Look at what Peter Shilton has been putting on Twitter in the last 24 hours, it's like water off a ducks back.
Had a look. This was a pretty good come back, in fairness...

Wrong. He's clearly refering to the phenomenon of online vigilantism that has become prevalent at social justice. While it can do some good, it can also do plenty of unwarranted damage. As many have said, it's the rule of the mob. And no civilised society should encourage that to be rampant to the extent it is. A educated society that is aware of its rights and ongoings is good. But one which takes everything in its own hands, is not

I don't see any evidence of the bold. If someone decides to try to make a career out of being on social media to get invites to reality TV shows then part of that job is knowing how to read the trends and the audience and present an appealing online persona. She clearly failed miserably. I mean even her husband went on social media to "call out her bullshit" and claim everything she does is for "clout and drama".

It's not hard to see how MTV would see such a person as a liability for their brand and not invite her back. It's an own goal rather than some imagined example of mob rule.
I don't see any evidence of the bold. If someone decides to try to make a career out of being on social media to get invites to reality TV shows then part of that job is knowing how to read the trends and the audience and present an appealing online persona. She clearly failed miserably. I mean even her husband went on social media to "call out her bullshit" and claim everything she does is for "clout and drama".

It's not hard to see how MTV would see such a person as a liability for their brand and not invite her back. It's an own goal rather than some imagined example of mob rule.
She doesn’t have a husband. The guy who said that is the husband of Bayleigh, who she was arguing with. Both of which were on the same show as Dee.
My wife told me that Stassi from Vanderpump rules got cancelled this week and that they may cancel Jax too. Im still unsure who these people really are, or if they deserve it .
Wrong. He's clearly refering to the phenomenon of online vigilantism that has become prevalent at social justice. While it can do some good, it can also do plenty of unwarranted damage. As many have said, it's the rule of the mob. And no civilised society should encourage that to be rampant to the extent it is. A educated society that is aware of its rights and ongoings is good. But one which takes everything in its own hands, is not

This 'phenomenon' has literally never not happened, on every platform since the beginning of time people have done this. Please list all of the incidents where this supposed huge issue has caused all this unwarranted damage. The people that complain about this 'cancel culture' issue like it's some huge thing are mostly just people that are offended and having instinctive reactions to people being called up on stuff they would most likely do/say themselves.
As all things do, cancel culture sometimes goes too far. Same goes for the whole doxxing thing. I think doxxing froman anonymous position should be bannable in any format.

Criticising it is also tough, since people tend to assume that if you dont like cancel culture you must be a twat yourself.
Had a look. This was a pretty good come back, in fairness...

This is what the kids call 'baited'

Notice how there isn't much outrage towards his sponsors, or calls for him to be banned from TV. They know he is a dinosaur and harmless, so they mock him instead.
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Criticising it is also tough, since people tend to assume that if you dont like cancel culture you must be a twat yourself.
Usually because those complaining about "cancel culture" use it as part of their repertoire of criticism of the left while conveniently ignoring things the right does.