Gaming Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare II

Finally someone else that has this problem. I do it every time. Same things happens on Halo too.
I guess we are just heavy handed, I find remapping it to be the grenade button is better, but I still get random ones where I start dropping a claymore, I'll have to have a better look at the mapping of it. I'd rather double tap R1 for the grenade and single tap for melee.
First MW I have picked up in ages due to a mate convincing me. So far really enjoying the Multiplayer as well as the campaign which I just completed last night.

Some of these feckers have lightning quick reactions though, god Im getting old.
I guess we are just heavy handed, I find remapping it to be the grenade button is better, but I still get random ones where I start dropping a claymore, I'll have to have a better look at the mapping of it. I'd rather double tap R1 for the grenade and single tap for melee.

I do that too all the time, essentially in a panic. My mate changed his set-up so it drops to the ground when he does it. Though that was on MW.
We should all get on as a squad at some point.

I don't really use the mic so we'd be a rubbish team but would be fun knowing others on the map.
There is some cheating. Some wanker last night was just completely invincible. Riot shield tosser. I quit out of the game.

Riot shield+Vtol bug apparently.
Sad cnuts want to exploit of course
Gave sniping a go last night since it seems OP. I picked off a few people but I think I only won a single face-off with another sniper. I can see on their kill cams how quickly and precisely they can hit the smallest part of me, it was mad.

Its really not that difficult. I got a 14 kill streak with the no scope SPR (don't recall the exact name) yesterday on that hotel map. Practice makes perfect
Marksmen rifles are awful, basically shooting sponges. Terrible all round.

Isn't the spr and it's other one that it unlocks on the marksman rifles? They are the best guns on the game at the moment and will definitely get nerfed.

We should all get on as a squad at some point.

I don't really use the mic so we'd be a rubbish team but would be fun knowing others on the map.

I'd be up for this although I have to use my headset so you'll hear me swearing throughout :lol:
Its really not that difficult. I got a 14 kill streak with the no scope SPR (don't recall the exact name) yesterday on that hotel map. Practice makes perfect

You not remembering the name somehow helped me to remember it after referencing it above, its the SA-B50
Isn't the spr and it's other one that it unlocks on the marksman rifles? They are the best guns on the game at the moment and will definitely get nerfed.

I'd be up for this although I have to use my headset so you'll hear me swearing throughout :lol:

Trust me, out of my friends' list, you're the quietest:lol:
I'd be up for this, absolute dogshit, AVG kd of something like 0.0002

No idea what mine is but I'm like Lingard. I'll go on a patch where I look like a trained, efficient killer and then the next game I'll flashbang myself and drop my own sticky grenade.
You guys can't be as bad as me surely? This is the first real CoD I legit buy and play multiplayer on. Played warzone loads though
Some of the maps for ground war are just way too open.
We should all get on as a squad at some point.

I don't really use the mic so we'd be a rubbish team but would be fun knowing others on the map.

I'm keen on this. Same as you as you don't know which performance will pop up each round. Just yesterday was 20 for 5 on invasion, then 0 for 8 on the prisoner one.
Just tried to jump off a ledge and my guy grabbed a satellite dish instead. Every time I dropped back down and tried to jump off he grabbed the satellite dish again. Obviously got shot. Infuriating :lol:
I'd be up for this although I have to use my headset so you'll hear me swearing throughout :lol:
That time in Warzone near the final circle where we posted up in a house under the stairs with deployable covers and blasted anyone that walked in :lol:

Shame we had to move and got our arse handed to us.


We need it for warzone:angel:
It’s v annoying shooting someone only for them to one shot you though
That time in Warzone near the final circle where we posted up in a house under the stairs with deployable covers and blasted anyone that walked in :lol:

Shame we had to move and got our arse handed to us.

It’s v annoying shooting someone only for them to one shot you though

Oh shit I remember that one :lol:

Had so many funny ones on warzone, I'm hoping they nail it again with 2.0
Sick of getting put into shit teams that don't bother with the objective, few seconds left and they're sat camping to lose the round, absolute dickheads. I get mega deaths too trying to get and defend shit myself pretty much.
Oh shit I remember that one :lol:

Had so many funny ones on warzone, I'm hoping they nail it again with 2.0

Remember the time I got glitched and got stuck in the back of a truck and you went "oh wait this has happened to me before, lemme show you how to get out". You proceeded to get stuck with me and couldn't get out. We died to zone :lol:
Remember the time I got glitched and got stuck in the back of a truck and you went "oh wait this has happened to me before, lemme show you how to get out". You proceeded to get stuck with me and couldn't get out. We died to zone :lol:

Seems like my dumb self
I watched the entire campaign playthrough like it was a TV show or something. El Sin Nombre :drool:

I would, I definitely would...

Coincidentally I finished the campaign last night. Some levels were very good, some were terrible (the car chasing one was very amateurish).
Some plot holes too, like...

Catching Hassan but then letting him go cause there's no evidence. Like wtf? You've legit killed locals in Mexico and committed several off the record operations, shoot the guy in the head or better yet detain him and take him to the US where you can question him. Its not like this was at the other side of the world where transporting him would be incredibly risky.

Btw, if anyone is still having constant crashes on the campaign for PC, download the Nvidia driver fix from the official Nvidia website. Don't do it through GeForce cause it'll say you already have the latest version of the driver.
Nvidia released a fix for the random crashes that you need to manually download off their website.
Raging, levelling one of the guns up, can't remember which but it's not my type of gun so awful for me to use, had an awesome game of invasion with it, disconnected. Arghhh
Slightly off topic but there’s a Spotify wrapped type Warzone analysis out. Shows you stats etc. Warzone was a perfect BR for the pandemic and probably won’t reach the heights with Warzone 2, but thought this was a fun recap of some good times.

It’s on for anyone interested like me :nervous:
Slightly off topic but there’s a Spotify wrapped type Warzone analysis out. Shows you stats etc. Warzone was a perfect BR for the pandemic and probably won’t reach the heights with Warzone 2, but thought this was a fun recap of some good times.

It’s on for anyone interested like me :nervous:

My stats are a joke, don't think I'll ever match them on anything else. 988 hours, 3821 matches, 9625 kills
I remember the day in lockdown I won a Warzone. Felt like a great achievement.
I’ve realised I’ve reached the part of the game where I feel I’m good enough to be in the top half of leaderboards but that causes me to get frustrated pretty much every time I die and claim it’s bullshit. Trying to play more zen and not stress it.
I’ve realised I’ve reached the part of the game where I feel I’m good enough to be in the top half of leaderboards but that causes me to get frustrated pretty much every time I die and claim it’s bullshit. Trying to play more zen and not stress it.
As my pals I play with tell me, I must be the best person in every lobby because I call anyone who kills me or does better than me a cheater, camper, and/or lucky.
As my pals I play with tell me, I must be the best person in every lobby because I call anyone who kills me or does better than me a cheater, camper, and/or lucky.

Yep. If they kill me they’re lucky nerds who play the game too much and if I kill them it’s because I’m brilliant :lol:
Doing some invasion to level guns up if anyone wants to join so we can laugh at each others shiteness

I'm jumping on now but will be playing normal multiplayer if you wanted to play the normal modes?
Enemy UAV above x25 every single game.

Fecking sick of it. It's ridiculous they took ghost away as a perk You can have constantly.
Enemy UAV above x25 every single game.

Fecking sick of it. It's ridiculous they took ghost away as a perk You can have constantly.

Aye, and once a team get on a roll with air strikes and shit it's game over :lol: the amount of times I spawn and get nailed by sae or whatever is ridiculous