Caftard GT Race Team

feck! Sorry about this guys, the missus had to go out and I've been stuck with the baby, totally forgot about this, real life eh?

If it's not too late, I can set it up now on my connection?
I can't join Marchis room, says network incompatable with host or some shit.
How the feck is the fastest lap 1.31? My best is 1.35 so far and that's nailing every corner going round full whack.

I'm a BEAST thats why :lol: Nah probably you hadn't switched the tyres.
won't let me join :(

Somebody else is going to have to host otherwise i'm out. For some reason its having a spazz attack between me and Rednome. I've done some research while i've been waiting. Apparently its just between us two connecting directly however if somebody else hosts then it should be fine.
I'll try hosting, join my room. REDCAFE ONLY

The Room Address 1472-6118-4130-9225-3698