Caftard GT Race Team

The connection was fine, but there was only a couple of us online, where was everyone else??
No, we need to get a fix on it, all of this it's on one day, it's not on the next is getting silly. It shouldn't be this difficult. I suggest a weighted system where we can have a race whenever we want, on whatever day, and if someone doesn't turn up they don't lose that many points. A bit like how FIFA rankings work. I'll have a think about it to make it fair.

The part that pisses me off is that we still haven't got a lock on a user with a stable connection. We only tested mine with me and you! If mine works, I have no trouble leaving the PS3 running, even if I don't play myself.
Not until I have the time to figure out a sensible path for it no, it seems not.

This always happens, people start a thread with good intention, and then can't be arsed, so who then it in control of it? Marchi started this, so I'm not taking over without his permission, but you should at least expect that he'd say if he's not interested anymore, then something could be done.

We've had one race FFS!
Its not that I can't be arsed, its that I'm up at 4 to watch the football and by the I get back to sleep after the game I sleep through my alarm. Would prefer if we do this on the saturdays that we don't have football. We also need to find a user with solid internet.
Finally got myself broadband at home. Any chance I can join the next race? if it happens?