WHAT ????
It's everything to do with Brexit.
As I said last week - who brought the case in Scotland ? Pro-Brexit supporters ??
Who has now brought this case at the Supreme Court ? Pro-Brexit supporters ??
Almost every single Labour, SNP and LibDem UK politician ( and throw in a few Tories ) has shown that they don't give a shit about Democracy during the past three years - some a lot more than others.
Not too sure about lawless behaviour - the UK is hardly France or Spain or Italy. British people have a remarkably high tolerance of idiots that others in Europe don't have.
But the more that people like Miller and Benn try to ' do it ' their way, and deny the democracy of the Referendum, the more the risk arises of what you suggest. A few thousand Gilets Jaunes in Central London might concentrate the minds very quickly.
But of course, then it will be Johnson's fault. Well. on here at least....
Jumping off the cliff on the basis of a 2% swing margin on an advisory vote which had a simple “in” or “out” with no further detail about what either actually meant other than the claims that were proven lies is not democracy.
Its so far been a democratic process leading towards Brexit and that democratic process may now have been illegally obstructed.