Television Breaking Bad

It's a bit ridiculous there's a discussion of coolest characters going on, and yet no one has mentioned Gael Boetticher.
Coolest character in BB? This mutherfecker.

There are a number of cooler characters than Don Draper (and Mike for that matter):

The Wire: Bunk, Omar, Clay Davies, Bodie, Stringer Bell

The Sopranos: Tony

Justified: Raylon Givens

Boardwalk Empire: Arnold Rothstein, Lucky Luciano

Twaddle. Draper is the man.
Fair play to Jesse for getting his end away with the fit bird. This is nice. Doesn't always need to be 30 minutes of the two main characters been seconds away from a brutal murder at the hands of the psychopath. That episode still remains the most nervy 45 minutes I've ever seen of anything. Too far IMO. They should make millions now with no hitches, find a cure for Walt's terminal cancer, and all live happily ever after.
Fair play to Jesse for getting his end away with the fit bird. This is nice. Doesn't always need to be 30 minutes of the two main characters been seconds away from a brutal murder at the hands of the psychopath. That episode still remains the most nervy 45 minutes I've ever seen of anything. Too far IMO. They should make millions now with no hitches, find a cure for Walt's terminal cancer, and all live happily ever after.

It was weird, I actually feel happy for Jesse about getting your one.

I was going to say something else but I'll assume you havent finished the series...
Question: Why is this programme not watched? I'm not talking in the sense of the Family Guy scene (which is good, just seen it), but in the sense that it's won absolutely shit loads of awards. The FG scene is based on 'all your friends' telling you to watch it 'cos it's really good'. So why aren't people watching it?

HIMYM - 10m
Lost - 20m
Prison Break - 10m

These have all been widely watched. What's BB's problem? Is it the network it's running on?

Also, I've been told about the 'end' of season 3. I'm not sure I'm going to be able to watch this one. I thought the start of season 2 where Tuco kidnaps and almost kills them was too much. By the way, it wasn't the blood or anything, it was that awful tension of the evil faced (IMO anyway, summat not right about it) uncle, who you knew any second was going to rat them out. But my mate says that if you're not keen on blood, don't watch it. I'm not sure that's what bothered me, it was the insufferably long pauses. They won't do that to me again will they?
Question: Why is this programme not watched? I'm not talking in the sense of the Family Guy scene (which is good, just seen it), but in the sense that it's won absolutely shit loads of awards. The FG scene is based on 'all your friends' telling you to watch it 'cos it's really good'. So why aren't people watching it?

HIMYM - 10m
Lost - 20m
Prison Break - 10m

These have all been widely watched. What's BB's problem? Is it the network it's running on?

Also, I've been told about the 'end' of season 3. I'm not sure I'm going to be able to watch this one. I thought the start of season 2 where Tuco kidnaps and almost kills them was too much. By the way, it wasn't the blood or anything, it was that awful tension of the evil faced (IMO anyway, summat not right about it) uncle, who you knew any second was going to rat them out. But my mate says that if you're not keen on blood, don't watch it. I'm not sure that's what bothered me, it was the insufferably long pauses. They won't do that to me again will they?

There's quite a lot of tension in the Season 3 Finale, yes.
Question: Why is this programme not watched? I'm not talking in the sense of the Family Guy scene (which is good, just seen it), but in the sense that it's won absolutely shit loads of awards. The FG scene is based on 'all your friends' telling you to watch it 'cos it's really good'. So why aren't people watching it?

HIMYM - 10m
Lost - 20m
Prison Break - 10m

These have all been widely watched. What's BB's problem? Is it the network it's running on?

Also, I've been told about the 'end' of season 3. I'm not sure I'm going to be able to watch this one. I thought the start of season 2 where Tuco kidnaps and almost kills them was too much. By the way, it wasn't the blood or anything, it was that awful tension of the evil faced (IMO anyway, summat not right about it) uncle, who you knew any second was going to rat them out. But my mate says that if you're not keen on blood, don't watch it. I'm not sure that's what bothered me, it was the insufferably long pauses. They won't do that to me again will they?

A lot of Breaking Bad fans are internet based, so torrents, netflix, whatever rather than actually watching it live. I mean I know a lot of people who watch Breaking Bad, no one watches it on TV (obviously it isn't even on TV in the UK which is frankly ridiculous given some of the shows picked up from the US).

If you look at the top 10 most pirated shows of 2012 for instance (from bittorrent):

Game of Thrones
Big Bang Theory
How I Met Your Mother
Breaking Bad
The Walking Dead

Breaking Bad is at 5, which is probably a fairer reflection of it's popularity. Frankly i'm amazed how looking at that channel 4 for example haven't taken it up like they have other US series. Got a proven audience, interesting premise, and amazing critical reception. I know it was on 5 US or some such channel at absurd time, but that was largely before it started building such a large fanbase, and who watches 5 US anyway?
I'm not sure it'd do it much good to be honest. Game of Thrones is the most pirated show on TV by a mile, and it airs on Sky Atlantic the day after the US. Most people (myself included) would just rather watch it without any adverts.
I've managed to get a stunningly amount of people to watch it through Netflix, which had any other channel popped up with it, probably wouldn't have happened, given they'd need to keep up with it for like 30 weeks straight or something. Took a while for it truly get big in America anyway, so it initially being mistreated not overly surprising, just took a similar route to the Wire. Loyalty from it's network and early fans have paid off for both of them.

Though I'd watch it live if it was like 1 or 2 days behind like GoT and on a HD channel is, 720p MKV's are never really as good as they should be.
So, I've just been introduced to Gus, and I'm not mistaken, I'm not going to like Gus.

FWIW, when he looked around the restaurant the second time, and laid eyes on him, I knew he was going to be 'the guy'. I'm sure Gus is going to be the psychopath.

Bit tense now guys.

ps: They know how to leave it on a cliffhanger don't they!
Oh yeah, Breaking Bad was a breeze to watch- couldn't stop watching them one after another.

I liked Gus, his mannerisms are awesome. Always adjusting his tie.
Wow. Sunset. What an episode. For me, 'Grilled' went too far with the drama. There'll be people who say you can't go too far with it, and that's fair enough, but for me, it crossed a bit of a line to the point where it became hard to watch. Sunset on the other hand, was gripping, with a brilliant ending. How many programmes can have a 60/90 second dialogue in Spanish and it hardly needs subtitles? I mean, I could pick out the odd words, and got the gist, but "Hank Schrader" were the only two words you really needed to hear. The lack of subtitles improved the scene IMO.

Walt's quick mind again coming to the fore, whilst Jesse shows his absolute brainlessness; not thinking an agent would be following him; not realising an agent WAS following him; then his magic plan of action: ram his car and escape.

I also think that Saul is a quality character. Humorous, baseless, but ultimately acts as a great go-to guy for Walt when things go wrong.

Admittedly, I spent a while watching this thinking, it's good. But I was watching it because it was so well rated. There were a few times when I watched it for a lack of anything better to do, but now I'm really appreciating the writing. They've got the balance just right so far in season 3 for me.

I think One Minute is next. And as far as I can tell, it's a big one.
I also think that Saul is a quality character. Humorous, baseless, but ultimately acts as a great go-to guy for Walt when things go wrong.

There'll be a spin-off series about Saul Goodman yet.

I can't help but think of all the shady chancers that GTA incorporate into their games and parody so well every time he comes on screen.

Terrific character.
Half Measures!! Holy shit! Who saw that one coming! That was something else. I have never seen anything like it on TV before, ever.

I have a feeling I'm going to fly through these now. That was mental. I can't say I remember many times when I've actually exclaimed whilst watching TV. But I'm expecting Jesse to get gunned down, yet somehow survive, much like Hank, then out of nowhere, Walt runs them down, and quick as you like, blasts one of them in the head! All through the episode I knew something big was going to happen. Everyone talking about how dramatic the end of Season 3 is, and the rating (9.4) it has on IMDb, but I never saw that one. Wow, what a programme.

Onto Full Measure!
Holy shit that was good. There's no way I could wait a year for the conclusion to that. Walt's brain is brilliant.

All Jesse has to do, is kill Gale and run, Walt's home free. Ha, no, you have to wait a year to find out if he kills him.

Shame how they turned Mike like that though. One of the best characters easily for me.
Half Measures!! Holy shit! Who saw that one coming! That was something else. I have never seen anything like it on TV before, ever.

I have a feeling I'm going to fly through these now. That was mental. I can't say I remember many times when I've actually exclaimed whilst watching TV. But I'm expecting Jesse to get gunned down, yet somehow survive, much like Hank, then out of nowhere, Walt runs them down, and quick as you like, blasts one of them in the head! All through the episode I knew something big was going to happen. Everyone talking about how dramatic the end of Season 3 is, and the rating (9.4) it has on IMDb, but I never saw that one. Wow, what a programme.

Onto Full Measure!

Breaking Bad is great for this, you've got some things coming up that will shock you. :D
The episode where

Walt lets Jesse's girlfriend die

was one of the few times in TV where I have actually been so shocked that I've needed to immediately talk to somebody about it. Amazing TV moment that, and Breaking Bad actually kept getting better and better.
Twas the end of season two, so yeah, I guess you can.
Oh yeah, it really was. I'm expecting Walt to use this opportunity to get onside with them, but thinking on his feet, he sees he could just as easy let her die. Brilliant moment.

I know what everyone meant by the end of season 3 though. I tend to look through the episode ratings to see what's coming up, and as far as I can see, season 4's going to be even more dramatic.
Turned over briefly to Dave tonight to see what was on, and Gale Boetticher is there staring right back at me on Suits. Seemed nothing like as cool as he did on Breaking Bad (or even the The Wire), but that's understandable...Breaking Bad is the coolest program ever. I pine for it. :(
Just watched Salud, very good episode, but are there any Spanish speakers who watch this? I don't speak it, but what I pick up all sounds very unnatural. Saying that someone is dead, in the temporal sense. As if they're aren't permanently dead, they're just in a temporary state of deadness. And they seem overly formal with each other considering they're trying to kill one another. Then again, all of that may be intentional and correct. The one criticism is trying to pass Gus of as a native Spanish speaker. His accent is way off.
He didn't speak a word of Spanish before the show. He just learned off pronunciations. I think he did a decent job considering.
Just watched Crawl Space, possibly the best episode. The emotion, the tension. Has everything. The way Gus delivered that line: "I will kill... your infant daughter," fecking chilling.

Can see why the last episode got a 9.8 on IMDb. It's just set up for an absolute climax. The cliffhangers it leaves you on... I've got resits to do here!

To sum up Breaking Bad in one word: Wow