So I recently started on season 5 - literally the first episode.
This show, for me, is up there with the Soprano's.
Depending on how good the overall ending is, I suspect it could be the best drama in television history.
Once I've finished season 5 (so far) I think I'll watch the Wire and compare.
Aaron Paul (Jesse) won an Emmy for best supporting actor yesterday.
Mad Men is tediously boring though.
Mad men is fantastic. I must say I've found this series of Breaking Bad to be slightly underwhelming, it's still fantastic but it doesn't have nearly as much humour as the other series have had.
Mad Men was nominated for 17 different stuff and ended up with nothing
Mad Men is tediously boring though.
Mad Men was nominated for 17 different stuff and ended up with nothing
best show on television
I have yet to watch Game of Thrones, Mad men, or to my eternal shame The Sopranos.
They are my next three projects after Breaking Bad.
Not a fan of madmen at all.
If you haven't seen The Shield you should put it on your list of things to watch.
Summer 2013.
Yeah I wish I had never seen it either. Felt the same with The Wire once it was done, but although The Wire is probably a better made show there was just some gritty quality that I liked with The Shield. I think it was because the Wire focused on both sides of the fence and showed more of the mayor and other high flyers, whereas The Shield was 90% about the strike team, with some other stuff thrown in.
Loved all of it but I especially liked season 5 with Kavangh.