Television Breaking Bad

just finished watching this.

i don't know why, but i find it pretty frustrating. weeds is better.
just finished watching this.

i don't know why, but i find it pretty frustrating. weeds is better.

That's why I stopped watching it. I found Walt's decision making so incredibly inept it drove me up the wall.
I didn't get the end of the latest ep

Pollos apparently means 'chickens'. Why would that make them leave? Also why would the guy who offered Walt the $3m have any power to stop them? I'm assuming he did something. Also didn't Saul hire the guy in the car outside the house? Yet he called the other guy.
I didn't get the end of the latest ep

Pollos apparently means 'chickens'. Why would that make them leave? Also why would the guy who offered Walt the $3m have any power to stop them? I'm assuming he did something. Also didn't Saul hire the guy in the car outside the house? Yet he called the other guy.

Saul arranged the meeting between Walt and the Black man, so it stands to reason that Saul contacted the hired man on behalf of the Black fella, he does seem to be looking out for Walt for his own interests.

But I didn't understand who text the killers, I thought that the hired man was going to bust in there and kill them...
Hmm, was alright ep. I think it needs to pick up the pace a bit though now it's had a bit of emotional impact from last season. The show is at it's best when Walt and Jesse are together.
Yeah I'm pretty sure

as it meant 'chicken', it meant they wanted them to stop and go to Gus' chicken farm, which they did.
I just thought that they inferred from the text that Walt worked with Gus, so they couldn't make the hit. But you're probably right.
Never thought of that, suppose it could be either.
I think its pretty good so far. Building up nicely.
Oh it's not bad at all, in fact the slow build up has pretty much ensured this season won't ****, the emotional impact is from last season is good but I just want him to start cooking again and get back to his hijinks with Jesse.
Yeah you can tell that's going to happen pretty soon.
Didn't start watching until the 1st Eps of Season three... which I have to say were some of the best television I have seen in a long while (up there with season 1 and 3 of the Wire).

So I went back and started watching the older Eps, and I have to say while I thought season 1 was good, it wasn't mind blowing... and the production values were poor. but by season 2 the show had significantly improved its look and its pacing.

While I'd say Breaking Bad has moved ahead of Weeds in terms of quality (which is too bad because the first 2 seasons of Weeds were outstanding)... it is up a lot of really good shows right now. Mad Men, Dexter and has the Pacific made its way on to European TV yet, because the first two Eps of it have been mind blowing.
Consider the season kick-started, I say.

The topic of Walt's drug manfacturing is the biggest elephant I've seen in a room on television.
True, Eriku, it kick-started. The first two episodes were exciting and fun, after that it's slowed down, but it's still been a terrific season so far IMO.

The greatest thing is perhaps how Hank's character is expanding.

I was hoping that Hank's wife's crying over the loss of the husband she used to know would force her to confront the fact that Walt's faced something incredibly stressful. It pisses me off that she won't consider the idea that if your days are numbered and your particular talents steer you towards this dodgy business, him kicking the bucket might make it easier to take the plunge, in every way.

But I guess you have to dislike somebody ;P

I like the attorney, even though I always think of him as Gil from porn, as depicted in Curb Your Enthusiasm.
Finally watched the last episode and yes, the season is definitely started. Nice little start to an explosion when all the plot lines cross.
First episode of the season I really liked.

The show is not uber realistic like Wire to pull off the slow pace they had going before this episode.
I'm having constantly changing opinions on the characters of this show.

One minute I'm thinking Jesse deserves all the bad luck he gets for being a meth/smack head (I'm almost at the end of the 2nd series). But the next minute when Walt has made the 1.2Mill deal and refuses to give Jesse his share I think he's a cnut.

The girl Jane was a good character to bring in. Reformed heroin addict who just needed a catalyst (Jesse) to get her started again. And now she's back on it she's more than willing to be a cnut to Walt (Even though he should pay Jesse anyway). As I type Walt has just given them their share, which I imagine won't be good for Jesse, which is a shame because despite the drug addiction he's quite a likable character.

As said, constantly changing opinions and storylines which are often infuriating but always intriguing. Fantastic show.
Wow...the best thing about this episode was that it was superb even before the last 5 minutes sequence.
That was absolutely awesome, though...

The "No, too easy" bit was annoying, so obvious that Hank would kill him then.
Hank better not die. He's a really good character second only to Walter. Hell of an episode though