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The lengths they will go to defend their owners never cease to amaze
What the in the feck?
That shit is nuts. I especially liked that it's 'now time to play dirty'

The lengths they will go to defend their owners never cease to amaze
, well we're still seen as cheats by others and our achievements are tarnished
Watch out, we got a badass here.Good strong reply by the Club. I've never booed, but guess what, I'll be boooing from every orifice against Real Madrid. UEFA, you shithouses, you have just poked the hornets nest, prepare for the ramifications. You're going to feel the pain, a lot of pain, a lot of financial pain because we are going to rip you to pieces you corrupt pieces of shit. You hurt my club, you hurt me. This could be the kick up the arse us fans have all needed to get back to being one. Let the fun begin.
No they can't be plastic, the scousers will make fun.50000 plastic whistles anyone for the Madrid home game ?
Spot on.
There are two groups of clubs who have won the PL.
Group A
Liverpool(this season obvs)
Group B
how did group B win the league?
On the plus side, this won't affect their attendance midweek.
Ian Herbert: City a grubby club with under the table dealings.
When we have our day in court and clear these charges, never forget the way these parasites treated our club with such distinct when they thought they were on some sort of moral pedestal.
We will have the last laugh.
Someone needs to do a Hitler reacts video using quotes from Bluemoon.
Tbf how boring would the history of the EPL be without group B. For the first 20 years it would have been only United and Arsenal that had won it.Spot on.
There are two groups of clubs who have won the PL.
Group A
Liverpool(this season obvs)
Group B
how did group B win the league?
Club run by corrupt billionaires, but one City fan says "we're the punk rock of football"
I don't generally like to laugh at the misfortune of other clubs. But for this, I will make an exception.
How did Leicester win the league without help from their owners?
They're more in group B than group A.
Tbf how boring would the history of the EPL be without group B. For the first 20 years it would have been only United and Arsenal that had won it.
All this shit against us just confirms there is an agenda.
I think we should withdraw for ever.
Our owner is obviously minted so why the feck he doesn’t employ a lawyer whose sole job 24/7 is to sue every journalist **** and paper that lies about us. And throw in a few investigators as well, let’s get some shit out there on other clubs because they will have plenty. We should have done this years ago. Uefa, other clubs and journalists main opinion of city should be do not feck with them because they will feck you back twice as much.
This exactly what was needed, Eufa have put all their cards on the table and they still don't know our hand . I imagine that over the years we have been amassing information on key people at Eufa ready for this day and here it is ! Time to open the dossier and start showing them where their skeletons lay, all the payments made and taken, the high class hookers that upstanding family men have visited the whole nine yards.
Will UEFA be publishing their reasons for banning us?
If not will the media ask why not?
Time for City to expose everything on everyone ! The whole game is bent ! Anthony Taylor reffing the Derby and saying he's an Alty fan ! We all know he isn't ! How many more lying bent refs out there ! All the bent Utd journos slating us every week ! The likes of Jim White and all the other Sky mob slandering our club from the second we got the money ! The owner will get bored , oil money , Arab money slander ! Go after them all !! Get the press box under siege ! Make the feckers scared to set foot in our stadium ! We have been cheated in the chumps league from day 1 . The attack on our bus brushed under the carpet ! Did we respond by doing it back ? No ! The Sterling VAR disallowed goal v Spurs because they knew we would win the lot !! I was there in division 3 so feck it the real blues will be there until they die ! Every blue now should back the club ! 100% . The elite cartel want us infighting ! They want Pep to leave , then all of our stars to leave ! Because a United are shit and Sky and all the other twats can't stand to see little City on top ! Did we win the domestic treble last year ? Or did I dream it !! We got no credit at all ! Or for the year before with 100 points and goals and all the other records we broke ! If that was United Sky TV would have made a Hollywood movie ! feck them all ! We are Man City and they can relegate us back to League 2 but we will still be there ! CTID
City are surrounded by enemies. They have no face, no name, but it's been decided at the most senior levels of the game they must be destroyed. No one has said they must be destroyed but everyone involved knows that is what has to be done.There are no compromising connections except at the most secret links in the chain. Those who have the power also control the media and the public is brainwashed into believing the story they put out is true.
The only thing we have are the fans. They've always been the guarantor of Man City. CTID.
A measured response from the club as expected. Make no mistake, our owners are astute businessmen who will have planned for this eventuality. Legal team will be in place and ready to react. UEFA have called us out and there will be an accounting. Now where's the popcorn
Few doom-mongers predicting the end of the world. Juventus got done for fixing matches. Liverpool for killing, yes killing other fans. It’ll all blow over whatever the outcome in time.
Sure Pep might feck off.
I am a City Fan first,not a Pep fan,thanks for the memories Pep never,ever, to be forgotten..
If we can not attract the stellar signings we want,and a stellar manager then it isn't all doom and gloom.Give VK the Job and watch players like Foden,Garcia and all our other kids come through the ranks.
We have had enough success the last few years to last a life time.
The next 2 seasons because of players getting old we faced a period of transition anyway.
Let us not forget the players that have brought us so much success like Vinny,David Silva etc were actually tier 2 type players that came to us because they didn't want to warm Madrid,or Barcelona Bench.The rest is history.
We will come back much stronger from this even with 2 Seasons out of that shit corrupt competition.
Could be a blessing in disguise.Most of us hate it,and all it represents anyway
UEFA will have to go for a wonga loan to pay out CL money if we take them to court and clean them out
The fact that all UEFA appeals are subject to the Swiss courts tells you what a fecking mockery this is. If this charade doesn’t inspire us to win it this year, nothing will. Win it, shit in it and send it back to it a black bin bag. Via Hermes.
feck Pep off and sell all our stars then drag Sven and Stephen Ireland out of bed and pretend we were never really here.
Weren't we supposed to have wined and dined UEFA reps at a recent champs league game, if that was true then the nicey nicey approach didn't work again. fecking get at them City.
Financial fair play was corrupted from its birth by those at the top, distorted into the most naked protectionism. It was supposed to be about debt but ended up placing limitations on owner investment, stoping young and small teams from challenging top European clubs.
It is meant to cement a handful of elite clubs in place at Europe's top competition and shut the rest like Man city outside. The consequences are clear; small clubs will be unable to grow and will not present a sustained challenge to the top spot. Is that fairness? No, its protecting big gangs, fairness is just the sale. Don’t be misled. It was never meant to be fair.
A club loaded with debt, like Manchester United, is fully compliant; the FPP rule, while a club without debt, like City, is not is beyond FAIR.
Once upon a time, there was a really prestigious football tournament called the European Cup, which was based on sporting excellence. It brought together outstanding teams from across the continent. To qualify teams first had to prove themselves by winning their own league, this truly was a competition for champions.
With the glory though also came the opportunity for great wealth & eventually the principal of sporting excellence was overtaken by greed. The self-appointed elite of the time "the European Royalty" decided they wanted a greater share of the spoils & they wanted it guaranteed regardless of their performance!
The grubby little cartel (later known as the G14) threatened to break away & form their own Super League, unless everyone else agreed to their demands! Feeling they had little choice, UEFA caved in & the"Champions" League was born.
At the heart of this self-serving little cartel were 3 English clubs (Man United, Liverpool & Arsenal) & coincidentally the format of the new competition granted 3 places to English teams. It also changed from a straight knockout format to an initial group stage. So now not only could they still qualify by only finishing 2nd or 3rd in the Premier League, they were also guaranteed at least 6 lucrative fixtures each season.
BOOM! The money started rolling in & the big 3 got fatter, as they disappeared over the horizon, leaving the rest of the league with little chance of ever challenging their increasing financial dominance!
Then out of the blue, a wealthy Russian Oligarch, Roman Abramovich, rolled into town to bankroll Chelsea & gatecrash the party! With the gravy train now under threat, the greedy little threesome convinced UEFA to increase the English allocation to 4 places! Phew disaster averted, onwards & upwards, no harm done...
That was until the "evil" Sheikh Mansour bought Manchester City with his unlimited "dirty oil money!"!
Now with UEFA unable or unwilling to accommodate this latest unwelcome guest at the top table, a new strategy was required to preserve the dominance of the established elite. Without further a do, the "Financial Fair Play" was conceived!
This had little to do with "fair play", turning a blind eye to debt ridden clubs & owners that systematically drained money out of the game! It was solely designed to stop wealthy owners investing in clubs & making them competitive; thus ensuring the lazy established elite remained unchallenged.
Undeterred by the bogus nature of these new constraints targeted at them & any future investors, Manchester City embarked on transforming the club, with initial investment to break the cartel & putting top quality people in place, off the field as well as on it.
In addition to breaking all records on the pitch, the club has now achieved commercial sustainability & delivered 4 years of profit. The club is now independently valued at over £2B (reportedly outstripping all the Premier League old-guard). This has shown a huge return on Sheikh Mansour's £1.2B investment & dispelling the lie of "financial doping".
So what do the owners of the established "European Royalty" do now? Up their game? Risk their own money to meet the challenge? No! They utilise their stooges in the media to try & discredit City's achievements & demand UEFA do "something" to derail Citys' progress!
Manchester City FC -
Champions of England (again)
FA Cup holders
League Cup holders
The best ran football club in the world!
Thank you Sheikh Mansour, thank you Kaldoon & Thank you Pep Guardiola
They've had a bit of time to stew over it, but they're still as rabid and defiant as ever:
Now let’s finish off with a nice fairy tale…
I’d love it but we have to wait for the CASUEFA have acted, now its time for the F.A To act. A transfer ban for 2 years, £50m fine and relegation to The championship. : )
League Two even. They have to start again from there.UEFA have acted, now its time for the F.A To act. A transfer ban for 2 years, £50m fine and relegation to The championship. : )
FFS!They've had a bit of time to stew over it, but they're still as rabid and defiant as ever:
I think they did.
If anyone could decipher the above I’d appreciate it.
Paranoia reaching delusional levels.
Didn’t want CL and Pep anyway.
It’s not fair guys!
Now let’s finish off with a nice fairy tale…
You do it to yourself, you doJust...
UEFA have acted, now its time for the F.A To act. A transfer ban for 2 years, £50m fine and relegation to The championship. : )
It’s relegation to League 2 as a matter of course under the new rules.
This could really happen?
Will be reduced on appeal to a meaningless suspended ban.