I'd laugh if it wasn't rather depressing: there's an awful lot of 'concerned citizens' who are troubled by the Premier League endorsing Black Lives Matter in light of BLM's supposed political manifesto. It's almost as if those citizens began by not wanting the PL to endorse the fundamental message of the movement at all...
BLM's leaders don't give a dang about Black Lives. NONE. They use them as a tool to push their Marxist ideology. They don't speak up about the Black on Black crime in their neighborhoods. They haven't spoken out about the many black children that have been killed over the past month in drive bye's.
NONE, ZERO ZILCH. NONE. 5 black cops killed? Not a word. The last time BLM made alot of noise was 4 years ago-- which also happens to be an election year in the United States. This is no coincidence, this is by design. The donations aren't going to BLack Communities-- they are going to politicans, political groups and "Consultants."
"It's almost as if those citizens began by not wanting the PL to endorse the fundamental message of the movement at all."
Unfortunately BLM is now synonymous with the Marxist group. They masquerade behind a noble idea, in an effort to push their radical, damaging agenda. It's no different than ANTIFA-- who claim they are anti fascist-- and because they are uniting under a noble cause-- they feel morally justified in anything that they do. Shoot someone, loot stores, burn stores, tear down statues--- in their mind-- they are justified because they claim they are anti fascists. (But ironically they are fascist themselves.)
We all would agree fascists suck- but that doesn't mean I support this terrorist organization Antifa who runs around acting like criminals.
We can all agree that Black LIves Matter, and ALL lives matter, but that doesn't mean I support this Marxist Organization, BLM. But right now, BLM is Marxism, and Marxism is BLM because the political group is just synonymous with the name. You can't separate the 2 anymore. An endorsement for BLM is an indirect endorsement for the Marxist Group.
I'd rather the league push their anti racism campaign instead. If they felt the need to be on BLM train-- well-- I'd rather they push a new slogan which differentiates themselves from the Political Group while, to use your words, endorse the fundamental message of the movement.
If they went with "Empower Black Lives" Empower All Lives--Empower Bame-- something along those lines-- then that would be perfectly acceptable I think to everyone.
By using a different slogan, The EPL can still endorse the fundamental message that lives matter, but also completely separate themselves from this Marxist Political group. I think everyone would be for this (except the Marxists.) At least this way, donations to said new group, would actually go help the black and poor communities, unlike the donations to BLM which don't.