Black Swan

My missus is angling to see it. It does all sound a little too over arty for my liking, but at the same time, on the face of it at least, it seems to have enough substance to potentially be interesting....considering recent televisial feasts I've been subjected to include X-factor, Transformers 2 and several football matches involving Birmingham FC, it's hard to see how this could be too much of a step down.

and as for awards...who cares? Hollywood spackers awarding themselves awards for being spackers from Hollywood. Is there anything more shallow and pointless?

Yes, when the TV people do just the same!

What the hell is that Daytime Emmys all about?
I've seen her in V for Vendetta, and as usual she gives a strong performance. I have no idea what your problem is with her.

Er...that she can't act. Didn't I mention that?

I think she's had her moments, for sure. But she just seems to take on characters she doesn't suit or have the depth of talent/emotion to portray. She's comes across quite wooden.

Maybe she's stepped up her game for this one though, who knows. Maybe I'll see it eventually and come crawling back to this thread (doubt it) but, for now, I'm not a fan.
Er...that she can't act. Didn't I mention that?

I think she's had her moments, for sure. But she just seems to take on characters she doesn't suit or have the depth of talent/emotion to portray. She's comes across quite wooden.

Maybe she's stepped up her game for this one though, who knows. Maybe I'll see it eventually and come crawling back to this thread (doubt it) but, for now, I'm not a fan.

Yes you did, but it's not true, so it must be something else.
Yes you did, but it's not true, so it must be something else.

Well she just isn't a good actor, as GG says having good moments doesn't make you a good actor, like having good moments doesn't make me a good footballer, since I am quite frankly terrible.

Ad I wouldn't take the word of critics as gospel, noodle summed it up quite well.
Well she just isn't a good actor, as GG says having good moments doesn't make you a good actor, like having good moments doesn't make me a good footballer, since I am quite frankly terrible.

Ad I wouldn't take the word of critics as gospel, noodle summed it up quite well.

Well, she kinda is. I know the seasoned posters here are always going to back each other (no matter how ludicrous it is, it seems). Go watch Black Swan and then tell me that is not a good actress.

Noodle was talking about awards ceremonies, and he's right about that (though most people who win/get nominated have given performances of some quality). Critics are a different matter (though I don't take their word as gospel, at the end of the day it is, after all, subjective).
Well, she kinda is. I know the seasoned posters here are always going to back each other (no matter how ludicrous it is, it seems). Go watch Black Swan and then tell me that is not a good actress.

She may well do a decent job in Black Swan, without seeing it I cannot possibly say, but can you watch V for Vendetta and tell me that is a good actress?

Noodle was talking about awards ceremonies, and he's right about that (though most people who win/get nominated have given performances of some quality). Critics are a different matter (though I don't take their word as gospel, at the end of the day it is, after all, subjective).

Critics are exactly the same, they give favourable reviews to those who they get on with, the film companies that are affiliated with whoever they work for etc...
Well, she kinda is. I know the seasoned posters here are always going to back each other (no matter how ludicrous it is, it seems). Go watch Black Swan and then tell me that is not a good actress.

Noodle was talking about awards ceremonies, and he's right about that (though most people who win/get nominated have given performances of some quality). Critics are a different matter (though I don't take their word as gospel, at the end of the day it is, after all, subjective).


I think I know what's going on here. I'm the same with Paul Walker.
I like Natalie Portman, I think she is a decent actress. She was great in Leon, and I liked her in V and The Other Boleyn Girl....even if it was a bit shit. Either way, I certainly wouldn't say she was a bad actress.

Although yeah, I do also happen to think she is the image of perfection and a throwback to the classical age when Goddess' walked amongst us. Not to mention the fact that she studied at Harvard as well...Deep in my heart, I know I'll never love like this again.

I think I know what's going on here. I'm the same with Paul Walker.

No, it's clearly the seasoned posters backing each other up. I blame Jason.

Anyway, Portman was fine in this, I thought, played her part well, but then unless Nicholas Cage is involved I dont tend to notice bad acting.

Didn't think that much of the film itself. It was done well enough but if it had arms it'd clearly spend all day patting itself on the back. Still, I've seen far worse

I like Natalie Portman, I think she is a decent actress. She was great in Leon, and I liked her in V and The Other Boleyn Girl....even if it was a bit shit. Either way, I certainly wouldn't say she was a bad actress.

Although yeah, I do also happen to think she is the image of perfection and a throwback to the classical age when Goddess' walked amongst us. Not to mention the fact that she studied at Harvard as well...Deep in my heart, I know I'll never love like this again.

She's so frigid though. She even looks like she might be made of wood. She is sort of cute in V for Vendetta before all her hair gets shaven off and she turns into a nutter, I guess.
I like Natalie Portman, I think she is a decent actress. She was great in Leon, and I liked her in V and The Other Boleyn Girl....even if it was a bit shit. Either way, I certainly wouldn't say she was a bad actress.

Although yeah, I do also happen to think she is the image of perfection and a throwback to the classical age when Goddess' walked amongst us. Not to mention the fact that she studied at Harvard as well...Deep in my heart, I know I'll never love like this again.

She was like 8 at the time wasn't she?

And anyway, Jean Reno was so good in that it lifted everyone up...

spoiler tags please!
The lesbian scene is shit. Saying that, I was watching it with the missus and had to pretend it was shit, so maybe that didn't help.

I think it's a good film, can't understand how anyone would think Portman didn't give a fantastic performance in it.
I said "ah, at last" at the lesbo scene, and was promptly elbowed in the ribs.

It was disappointingly unhot.
wtf...if your Mrs made a noise like that you'd bag her & lock her away, I know I would...

How else do you think I manage to keep hold of a missus in the first place?

Plus what slightly creeps me out more is the facial expression and weird rocking motion that goes along with the noise. It's like some kind of banned children's toy.
I think it's a good film, can't understand how anyone would think Portman didn't give a fantastic performance in it.
Because she is completely unconvincing as a dancer and can't act - appearing to have one confused expression (that looks like some bird vainly trying to understand the offside rule) to indicate the whole gamut of emotions. And it's a pile of crap as a film, apart from a few unintentional laugh-out-loud scenes towards the end.
Because she is completely unconvincing as a dancer and can't act - appearing to have one confused expression (that looks like some bird vainly trying to understand the offside rule) to indicate the whole gamut of emotions. And it's a pile of crap as a film, apart from a few unintentional laugh-out-loud scenes towards the end.

Bit of a dance connoisseur are you storey?
I've seen a few real dancers on and off stage, they don't move as if they've got a broom up their arse. Most of the good bits were faked up, when Nat was doing her thang it was clunky.
I enjoyed it, but kitsch rubbish would also be a pretty accurate description.

How's that for a happy medium?
She was never going to dance like an actual prima ballerina, I thought she did a pretty good job

Anyone who thinks Portman can't act has obviously not seen Leon. There was nothing anyone could do with those woeful Star Wars lines, wort part in history and she was still ten times better than her opposite number.

The only bits I didn't like were the Barbara Hershey bits, but I never like her. Then again I've never liked Aronofsky before, at all.

Well now I'm sad.

I take it back. Don't go stabbing yourself with a mirror.

This is an extremely gay start to a sentence

You should have seen the first draft, it came complete with name-dropping
You can't take this shit seriously. Vincent Cassel coaching his prima ballerina: 'Go home and fork yourself off love'.
Yeah he was admittedly fairly terrible. See I'm starting to come round.
We were in a row with a load of 15-year-old girls and I was dahn wiv the kids snorting with laughter at the scene where Portman cracks up (literally). This behaviour was deemed childish in some quarters.