Black Swan

Sassy Colin

Death or the gladioli!
Jan 29, 2010
Aliens are in control of my tagline & location
A horrible film about a frigid ballet dancer who self harms...

I liked it - I thought Natalie Portman was fantastic.
Was quite excited about this initially. Now I'm thinking, nah.

After watching a few clips of it, I was duly reminded that NP is actually a really, terribly, awfully bad actor.
The symbolism in this movie was so blatant but super at the same time. A great work of art.

Plus the Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis scene :drool:
Its hardly what I call entertainment...

And the so called steamy lesbian scene is typical Hollywood where everyone has a really good time without actually taking their bra and/or pants off...if you intend to go and watch it for that scene alone, you will be disappointed indeed...
Was quite excited about this initially. Now I'm thinking, nah.

After watching a few clips of it, I was duly reminded that NP is actually a really, terribly, awfully bad actor.

That's rubbish. She gave a spectacular performance in Black Swan, probably the best female performance I've seen since Ellen Burstyn in Requiem for a Dream (coincidentally another Aronofsky film).

Black Swan is one of the best movies of the year (2010).
That's rubbish. She gave a spectacular performance in Black Swan, probably the best female performance I've seen since Ellen Burstyn in Requiem for a Dream (coincidentally another Aronofsky film).

Black Swan is one of the best movies of the year (2010).

Please refer to OP...some of it made me feel physically sick, although I am quite squeamish...
How is she as an actress?


That's rubbish. She gave a spectacular performance in Black Swan, probably the best female performance I've seen since Ellen Burstyn in Requiem for a Dream (coincidentally another Aronofsky film).

Black Swan is one of the best movies of the year (2010).

Not really. One movie reviewer described her performance as "iffy." I think that's being nice.
And countless others have praised her, rightly so.

Again, not really. This movie's just being peddled pretty hard this year and people are lapping it up. If you watch her in V For Vendetta or Brothers, say, she's mostly described as a pretty face but very limited in depth.
Again, not really. This movie's just being peddled pretty hard this year and people are lapping it up. If you watch her in V For Vendetta or Brothers, say, she's mostly described as a pretty face but very limited in depth.

I've seen her in V for Vendetta, and as usual she gives a strong performance. I have no idea what your problem is with her.

She has gotten rave reviews for her performance in Black Swan

Roger Ebert:

It centers on a performance by Natalie Portman that is nothing short of heroic

Portman's performance is a revelation from this actress who was a 13-year-old charmer in "Beautiful Girls" (1996). She has never played a character this obsessed before, and never faced a greater physical challenge (she prepared by training for 10 months). Somehow she goes over the top and yet stays in character: Even at the extremes, you don't catch her acting.

Peter Travers:

Natalie Portman, who delivers an all-stops-out performance that will soon be the stuff of legend.

At the center of it all is Portman. The actress, 29, trained in ballet as a child and drilled hard for nearly a year to master the choreography and do most of her own dancing. Portman's portrait of an artist under siege is unmissable and unforgettable. So is the movie. You won't know what hit you.

Richard Roeper:

Portman is never less than mesmerizing

What's the likelyhood of me being able to tolerate/moderately enjoy this if I allow myself to be dragged along?

It sounds vaguely interesting, but on other hand, it's a two hour long film about a ballet dancer going mental...If I wanted to depress myself I'd just watch an episode of Eastenders.
Its hardly what I call entertainment...

And the so called steamy lesbian scene is typical Hollywood where everyone has a really good time without actually taking their bra and/or pants off...if you intend to go and watch it for that scene alone, you will be disappointed indeed...

To be fair, the only people who were probably expecting it to be anything else would be naively hopeful pre-pubescent kids, and idiots.
Is the OP that weird guy from Film 2011.....who said it was bad, but made up reasons.
Thought it was thoroughly intriguing and Portman was excellent, not quite best movie of the year but definitely worth of a nomination and you'd expect Portman to be a frontrunner for a few awards.
Thought the film was superb. Natalie Portman's acting was completely believable albeit slightly over the top at times. And since there is a clear disregard for spoilers in this thread, I am not going to bother. The symbolism and mainly the parallelism that was drawn between the storyline and Swan Lake was quite obvious and I caught it quite early on, which was a slight disappointment but I thought it was a fantastic movie. Very well rounded.
Right, I might sneakily pick up a couple of tickets later then, and hold the caf personally responsible if it ends up being akin to torture.
Right, I might sneakily pick up a couple of tickets later then, and hold the caf personally responsible if it ends up being akin to torture.

Save your money. I nearly walked out. It churned my stomach.

If this is the sort of thing that gets nominated for an Oscar, either it goes show what dross there is out there, which vindicates my personnal decision to avoid Hollywood films or they are only interested in the visual not on the content.

Also, I saw a little featurette (whatever that means) where the dircetor was going on about it all being filmed on hand held camera. This just made me feel dizzy in certain scenes, what ever happened to the Steady Cam?

Portmans acting? Well she 'fakes' 2 orgasms in the film, my guess is she's never had one herself...she aint that pretty either...

Didn't like the film & wouldn't recommend it, but that's a personnal opinion. I like to be entertained or be given something to think about by a film, for me this did neither, it just turned my stomach...
The cinematography in the film alone should make it worthwhile viewing. Portmans acting was superb.
That said, of course I haven't seen it. Just based on her past performances.

:lol: Hardly fair to judge then is it? This is by far the best, most complicated character she has been given the chance to play and she does a good job.
Well I have to say I didn't find it anything special, Portman gave a good performance at best, nothing that will stick with me forever, but the direction was beautifully done - as always from Darren Aronofsky!

Overall I'd sum up this film as:
A story about a young girl living with her batshit crazy mum who hasn't 'explored' herself before who after instructed to 'explore' herself by her perverted ballet instructor also turns into a batshit crazy woman!
Then dies! Because no one seen that coming!!

But I have to admit, the last 30 minutes or so did freak me out a little, but of a mind feck haha :nervous:
Save your money. I nearly walked out. It churned my stomach.

If this is the sort of thing that gets nominated for an Oscar, either it goes show what dross there is out there, which vindicates my personnal decision to avoid Hollywood films or they are only interested in the visual not on the content.

Also, I saw a little featurette (whatever that means) where the dircetor was going on about it all being filmed on hand held camera. This just made me feel dizzy in certain scenes, what ever happened to the Steady Cam?

Portmans acting? Well she 'fakes' 2 orgasms in the film, my guess is she's never had one herself...she aint that pretty either...

Didn't like the film & wouldn't recommend it, but that's a personnal opinion. I like to be entertained or be given something to think about by a film, for me this did neither, it just turned my stomach...

My missus is angling to see it. It does all sound a little too over arty for my liking, but at the same time, on the face of it at least, it seems to have enough substance to potentially be interesting....considering recent televisial feasts I've been subjected to include X-factor, Transformers 2 and several football matches involving Birmingham FC, it's hard to see how this could be too much of a step down.

and as for awards...who cares? Hollywood spackers awarding themselves awards for being spackers from Hollywood. Is there anything more shallow and pointless?
My missus is angling to see it. It does all sound a little too over arty for my liking, but at the same time, on the face of it at least, it seems to have enough substance to potentially be interesting....considering recent televisial feasts I've been subjected to include X-factor, Transformers 2 and several football matches involving Birmingham FC, it's hard to see how this could be too much of a step down.

and as for awards...who cares? Hollywood spackers awarding themselves awards for being spackers from Hollywood. Is there anything more shallow and pointless?

I've yet to see this. I hate Aronofsky and I can't stand Portman...which probably means I'll love it.