Sassy Colin
Death or the gladioli!
A horrible film about a frigid ballet dancer who self harms...

My sources tell me that Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis get off together in some freaky dream sequence.
Which makes this essential viewing really.
Was quite excited about this initially. Now I'm thinking, nah.
After watching a few clips of it, I was duly reminded that NP is actually a really, terribly, awfully bad actor.
Was quite excited about this initially. Now I'm thinking, nah.
After watching a few clips of it, I was duly reminded that NP is actually a really, terribly, awfully bad actor.
That's rubbish. She gave a spectacular performance in Black Swan, probably the best female performance I've seen since Ellen Burstyn in Requiem for a Dream (coincidentally another Aronofsky film).
Black Swan is one of the best movies of the year (2010).
How is she as an actress?
That's rubbish. She gave a spectacular performance in Black Swan, probably the best female performance I've seen since Ellen Burstyn in Requiem for a Dream (coincidentally another Aronofsky film).
Black Swan is one of the best movies of the year (2010).
Not really. One movie reviewer described her performance as "iffy." I think that's being nice.
And countless others have praised her, rightly so.
Again, not really. This movie's just being peddled pretty hard this year and people are lapping it up. If you watch her in V For Vendetta or Brothers, say, she's mostly described as a pretty face but very limited in depth.
Its hardly what I call entertainment...
And the so called steamy lesbian scene is typical Hollywood where everyone has a really good time without actually taking their bra and/or pants off...if you intend to go and watch it for that scene alone, you will be disappointed indeed...
Right, I might sneakily pick up a couple of tickets later then, and hold the caf personally responsible if it ends up being akin to torture.
Was quite excited about this initially. Now I'm thinking, nah.
After watching a few clips of it, I was duly reminded that NP is actually a really, terribly, awfully bad actor.
That said, of course I haven't seen it. Just based on her past performances.
That said, of course I haven't seen it. Just based on her past performances.
Save your money. I nearly walked out. It churned my stomach.
If this is the sort of thing that gets nominated for an Oscar, either it goes show what dross there is out there, which vindicates my personnal decision to avoid Hollywood films or they are only interested in the visual not on the content.
Also, I saw a little featurette (whatever that means) where the dircetor was going on about it all being filmed on hand held camera. This just made me feel dizzy in certain scenes, what ever happened to the Steady Cam?
Portmans acting? Well she 'fakes' 2 orgasms in the film, my guess is she's never had one herself...she aint that pretty either...
Didn't like the film & wouldn't recommend it, but that's a personnal opinion. I like to be entertained or be given something to think about by a film, for me this did neither, it just turned my stomach...
My missus is angling to see it. It does all sound a little too over arty for my liking, but at the same time, on the face of it at least, it seems to have enough substance to potentially be interesting....considering recent televisial feasts I've been subjected to include X-factor, Transformers 2 and several football matches involving Birmingham FC, it's hard to see how this could be too much of a step down.
and as for awards...who cares? Hollywood spackers awarding themselves awards for being spackers from Hollywood. Is there anything more shallow and pointless?
and as for awards...who cares? Hollywood spackers awarding themselves awards for being spackers from Hollywood. Is there anything more shallow and pointless?