Television Black Mirror | Season 6 out June 15th

I'm going to struggle to put my feelings about the ending into words but Ill give it a go.

I felt like it was trying to be over clever. Instead of giving you the 'happy' ending of them spending their eternity together or the 'sad' ending of her wanting to be with her family it felt like they were trying to go for an ending that left you questioning whether it was a happy or a sad ending and whether 'heaven' was a good thing or not. But in the end it just felt like it hit a bum note with me, failing to do anything it set out to and leaving me confused about the sudden change of heart with little explanation.

I think you are somewhat on the mark. But I don't see that as a negative.

The episode explains pretty well why Kelly would be against staying forever in SJ and why Yorkie would be so enamored with it. That Kelly monologue is very important in this context because it does not only speak for her past with her husband but also perhaps her future in SJ with Yorkie. The change of heart does not feel like a cop out for me since they devoted enough time to the core relationship to show that Kelly could conceivably want to spend more time with Yorkie.

Kelly's intentions on not connecting with anyone in SJ is a very important plot point. She is adamant on following through with way her husband and her daughter died but her determination to just have superficial fun in SJ speaks to her weakness of succumbing to the promise of ever lasting life with a loved one, even when she knows the negatives associated with the same.
My only problem with the SJ episode was that if you're going to build a digital afterline, surely you'd go a bit further than creating decade or period settings for the inhabitants to enjoy. But that's just a superficial criticism, thought it was a fine episode.
I thought men against fire was the least compelling episode of the season, it was a decent idea and pretty well done but it just wasn't that exciting given the standards set by a lot of the episodes, it wasn't Waldo bad but certainly not up to scratch.
5 out of ten

Hated in the nation I thought started pretty slowly and I wasn't expecting the best but it kept building and building in to a truly great episode, easily the best of the season and I would say and in the same bracket as an entire history of you and white Christmas as the best the show has to offer, was by far the longest episode but absolutely warranted that length.
9 out of ten
Yeah, loved Hated In The Nation. It's basically an X Files episode. Bit too long again, but it had a point and it committed to it. Even if bits veered precariously close to...

Also, nice little easter egg...

The blonde cop mentions leaving her job because of the Iain Rannoch case - who was the pedo from White Bear.
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Hated In The Nation was the best one. Felt like a proper Black Mirror episode. I think maybe it's suffered a bit with all the American-ness in other episodes.

Just realised the techy cop in the last ep was the Waif in GOT.
My girlfriend wanted to watch this yesterday. Apparently she's been watching some of it and said it was all standalone episodes so all good. We watched 'Men Against Fire'. I quite liked it, although I can see here that not everyone rated that episode. Anyway, I found it quite weird that the villagers spoke Danish but I didn't recognize the actors. As far as I can see they've apparently hired non-Danish actors (except for one guy) and instructed them to speak Danish (it did sound a bit off too). Weirdos.
My girlfriend wanted to watch this yesterday. Apparently she's been watching some of it and said it was all standalone episodes so all good. We watched 'Men Against Fire'. I quite liked it, although I can see here that not everyone rated that episode. Anyway, I found it quite weird that the villagers spoke Danish but I didn't recognize the actors. As far as I can see they've apparently hired non-Danish actors (except for one guy) and instructed them to speak Danish (it did sound a bit off too). Weirdos.

My belief is they chose Danish as most people would not be familiar with the language, so it just sounds strange to the average viewer. I don't even think it was taking place in a world where Denmark exists nor was it even meant to be in Denmark.
My belief is they chose Danish as most people would not be familiar with the language, so it just sounds strange to the average viewer. I don't even think it was taking place in a world where Denmark exists nor was it even meant to be in Denmark.
Agree with all of that, it was just a bit strange is all. I mean why not just get someone Danish in (they took our jobs etc.)?

Just watched MeowMeowBeenz again. It's actually a much better Black Mirror than Nosedive. It takes the concept much further... albeit in a daft, sitcom way.
Seen "Men Against Fire" which I will rate as a 6/10, and "Hated in the Nation" which I will rate as a 9/10

Hated in the nation was really good. Now I am contemplating watching that San Junipero episode due to the reviews in here, seems like the second best one after HitN.
Seen "Men Against Fire" which I will rate as a 6/10, and "Hated in the Nation" which I will rate as a 9/10

Hated in the nation was really good. Now I am contemplating watching that San Junipero episode due to the reviews in here, seems like the second best one after HitN.

Why did you watch eps 5 and 6 before 4?
HitN was so brilliantly executed, difficult for me to choose between that and San Junipero as my favourite for the season.

After that the order would probably be: Shut Up And Dance > Playtest > Men Against Fire > Nosedive
Yeah but have they done a skit about the Prime Minister putting his dick in a pig?

Easter Egg: Sea Of Tranquility - the shitty Sci-Fi show whose fans Howard hitchhikes with - is referenced in The National Anthem as the show worked on by the FX guy who tests CGIing the PM's face on a porn actor.

* I didn't catch this myself, I saw it online. I caught the White Bear/HiTN one though!

Community did it better too.

Agreed. It did a much better job of doing the usual BM thing of taking a simple point to it's most ridiculous dystopic extremes. There was something very unadventurous (and quite limiting) about focusing on one annoying woman's annoying friend's wedding, that doesn't even end that badly, by BM standards. It was still pretty good, but I felt unfulfilled by it.
There was something very unadventurous (and quite limiting) about focusing on one annoying woman's annoying friend's wedding, that doesn't even end that badly, by BM standards. It was still pretty good, but I felt unfulfilled by it.

That's how I felt about the episode where your lens camera records everything, and you can play back memories later. A decent enough premise explored through the boring plot of a jealous guy being suspicious of his wife. I put s03e01 in the same vein as that, equally predictable and uninteresting.

I've seen two episodes of season 3, and I'm pretty underwhelmed. Nothing has approached the fear of having to feck a pig on camera, or making a Domhnall Gleeson after the grief of losing Domhnall Gleeson.
That's how I felt about the episode where your lens camera records everything, and you can play back memories later. A decent enough premise explored through the boring plot of a jealous guy being suspicious of his wife. I put s03e01 in the same vein as that, equally predictable and uninteresting.

I can definitely see where you're coming from, but I'd disagree regarding Entire History of You. He loses his wife and child at the end of that, whereas all Howard loses is a status she wasn't really top of anyway. His behaviour was also much more understandable and human, even if ludicrously heightened. That one really worked for me.

But then I've never seen a list of Black Mirror faves that matches up. There's been loads of clickbait "definitive rankings" since this was announced, and they're all completely different. Even the rankings for this season are all over the shop. It's the enduring strength of an anthology series.

I've seen two episodes of season 3, and I'm pretty underwhelmed. Nothing has approached the fear of having to feck a pig on camera, or making a Domhnall Gleeson after the grief of losing Domhnall Gleeson.

I'd agree in general. Hated In The Nation is the only one that stacks up as a classic Black Mirror for me. The rest were either a bit too irreverent with their points, or didn't take them far enough. Charlie spread himself a bit too thin me thinks.

Still, it's better than most stuff out there by a gallop.
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Haven't seen ep 6 yet but I'd go

  1. San Junepiro
  2. Shut Up & Dance
  3. MeowMeowBeanzNosedive
  4. Playtest
  5. that shit roach one
Haven't seen ep 6 yet but I'd go

  1. San Junepiro
  2. Shut Up & Dance
  3. MeowMeowBeanzNosedive
  4. Playtest
  5. that shit roach one
Same rankings for me, with Hated in the Nation planned for this evening. Maybe I'd put the roach one before Playtest, which I really didn't like. If Hated in the Nation is as good as it's being made out here, that would be 2-3 excellent episodes, which I'd be quite satisfied with. Always thought it was hit and miss anyway.
That's how I felt about the episode where your lens camera records everything, and you can play back memories later. A decent enough premise explored through the boring plot of a jealous guy being suspicious of his wife. I put s03e01 in the same vein as that, equally predictable and uninteresting.
I see where you're coming from, though I thought it worked quite well for Entire history of you, the relatively slow descent into madness when focusing on details was kind of the point and taking a micro approach was a good idea I think. For Nosedive, something slighlty more 'macro' might've worked better.
The Dredd-Raid effect I'd say. No biggie really, but it's still a weaker episode for me. Hard to rank, certainly loved San Junipero, Hated In The Nation and really liked Shut Up and Dance(if not having access to the first 7 episodes, this would be where I recommend people to start.....but in general, theres no better way to get accustomed to it than well The National Anthem itself)

But in general, I'm not sure any of them top Entire History of You, White Christmas and well the National Anthem.....not sure, but my top 5 are set for now.
But in general, I'm not sure any of them top Entire History of You, White Christmas and well the National Anthem.....not sure, but my top 5 are set for now.
No love for White Bear?
After seeing all of them: 2 > 1/4 > 3/6 > 5

None of them make my BM top3 though (Entire history of you, Be right back, White Christmas).
Is that a trailer for a thing or is that the thing? Great cast and it is funny (and probably blatantly ripped off by Black Mirror) but it's confusing as feck.

That's the show. Or a coincidentally recent parody mash up of the show with the BM music, that I found when I was writing that post.

But yeah, the cast is great. And that's the latter seasons, after Donald Glover and Chevy Chase have left. Not to mention the writer also does Rick and Morty, and the curly haired guy in that trailer is Mitch Hurwitz of Arrested Development fame.

I'll be honest, I'm a little disappointed you're not at least 3 seasons deep already. Shame on you.
I just watched the first episode, was decent but I kinda lost interest halfway through when it all became pretty clear how it was gonna turn out. I wasn't sure whether to hate the aggressively bland music or think that it actually suited the aggressively bland world.