Big Brother 2012

Such a shame she's a total pleb because shes really attractive.

Who's everyone hoping leaves tonight?

I know it would be better for entertainment value if Conor and Aaron stayed but I really cannot stomach the twats. Eviction would certainly bring them down a couple of pegs
This year I want all the twats to stay in. If it's just Adam, Luke A and co. left in, it'll be a borefest.

But, alas, that is how it is destined to be. I think Conor is the favourite to go. He has serious anger issues, especially where women are involved.
I said Adam was just waiting to explode and boy did he today. Aaron was p*ssing himself that he would eventually get prison raped.

I hope Conor stays in for a few weeks and has serious run ins with Adam and Deana over their hatred of Aaron. There's still entertainment value. Not forgetting the bubbling Ashleigh jealousy of Lauren and Caroline bitching about anybody and everybody.
Its incredibly entertaining watching Connor, Luke, Ashleigh, Caroline, Becky, Scott, etc. getting tortured and then evicted one by one.

In fact I dont think I've ever honestly hated a housemate, like to the extent that I want to see them in pain and suffering, like I feel towards Caroline.

I dont think theres a single redeeming factor to her, she's pure evil.

"Oh, well like I said I feel fat and when I feel fat I'm horrible to people"

That doesnt excuse you, bitch.

Yeah it was a bit boring when the bitches and assholes were running the house, but finally they're losing their people and the tasks are starting to cause fractures between everyone.
Luke A’s dream came true as he grew a pair of balls at last.

My prediciton: its going to be Shievonne and Adam up this week.
Was nearly right with my predictions. Adam would have been up if he wasn't on the green team.

Last night's Warden episode was by far the funniest BB episode in a long time. Conor running around naked out of the shower and Shievone being banned to use her hands to talk. Genius. :lol:
Whats that ? Did it finish ? Havent been watching since Lauren went out but it'd be silly if Connor won £5 let alone 50 grand, the grade A tosspot
For the past few days, Connor, Sara and Luke S were in a White Room, doing tasks and whatnot. Sara left after BB gave them a choice to vote one of the 3 of them out and she had had enough anyway, so they voted her out. Tonight, Big Brother gave Connor and Luke S a choice- a counter would count up to 50 (each second was worth £1000) and they could press a buzzer at any time to win that amount of money. The caveat was that the person who took the money would leave the house immediately and the other one would get a pass to the final. They let it get up to 50, then BB counted down from 10 or 5 (can't remember) to give them one last chance to press the buzzer and they both pressed it, only Luke was a split-second behind. He was fecking mortified!

When he thought he'd won:


When he realised he'd lost:



After he left the White Room, he walked back into the house and tried to pick a fight with Adam: "What the feck are you smilin' about?"
I'm in tears watching this again! Luke S was crying his eyes out and pleading with Connor when he saw that he hadn't got the money. :lol:
Goes to show when money or gain is on the table all this friends or word crap goes out the window. Reality (tv) for sure. Loving the way he went for the big grand slam smack yet the other lad just calmly nudges it.

I wouldn't have given him half, would have laughed as well when I walked out if it was me, lets be honest, none of them are friends or really in love after a few weeks or whatever, like they claim. They just use that BS to get to the final but if a better offer is there, they take it.
Ah come on, these two were after the money and would sell their granny. We knew that from the start, utter scum. Not all of them are like that though
The celeb one has just started and they're not really sure who each other are, it's hilarious. :lol: