Big Brother 2012

Its always the same, they put a load of horrible people together & get rid of them until the least horrible one wins. Just look at all the previous winners, all basically nice guys.

Why don't they make it much much better by putting a load of normal people in there that everybody likes so that it makes it really difficult to nominate & to decide who gets evicted?
Well, there are some right horrible people in there this time.

Connor - Irish bloke - should have been thrown out for his comments about Deana.:mad:

Arron - Torres ladyboy - little manc bully.:mad:

Luke - Scouser - cock of the house - Glad Benedict spoilt his protein powder:mad:

Ashleigh - Yuk :mad:

Caroline - posh bird - bitches all day long.:mad:

Scott - camp one :mad:

Becky - Big girl - "im crazy , me" - No, you're just annoying, Becky.:mad:

All picking on Lauren and Deana. :(
Ought to be ashamed of themselves.

ps does Lydia ever smile? :confused:
The group of smokers will get nominated this week, with Deana a certainty to be up.

I said that the antics of the larger group would get out of hand and I was right. How Connor can justify even thinking about hitting a woman, never mind verbalizing it, shocks me.

And I can't stand Caroline, and her stereotypical "I'm frightfully bored, everyone's simply ghastly" toff attitude grates on me.
Yeah I cant think of another set of housemates that have been as detestable as this lot.

Frankly if only Lauren came out of the house alive, I'd sort of be okay with it.

Caroline and Lydia take the piss
His comments yesterday were shocking. He was basically saying he'd rape her.

Should have been thrown out.
Nominations on now.

Really horrible watching Caroline exposing Arron and Sara's mutual attraction because she felt like it. I'm growing to loathe this girl. :lol:

And why does this twerp pretend he's posh? fecking hell. He spends half his time on the show screaming about other people being fake.
And Lydia pisses me off with her claims that she's not bothered about stuff that she is very clearly bothered about! She's so passive aggressive that one.

The sex change lad must be odds-on to win right now.
Ashleigh is such an attention-seeker. She's all over Luke S and then cries about being with him.

I find Ashleigh disturbing now. She is the type of school bully that would lead to some poor girl's suicide. Only keeping hold of a man she hates so that Lauren can't step in. Serious issues in her life which hopefully she can review when she's out and get some professional help.

I remember her admitting in the early-day episodes that she runs away from commitment when it starts getting too real. She basically has no idea who/what she is and this is leading to obvious girly jealousy. Probably has daddy issues.
I wish they would bring back the psychologists and their analyzing of the housemates' body language and stuff. I used to love that shit.
I like Lydia. She's playing the game and is calculating but it outnumbered by morons and their moron fans. I like game players (in the who's nominating who kind of way not faking being as thick as dog shit), but maybe thats cos I like Big Brother USA and Survivor which are completely different to this crap. That Conor guy will never get kicked out, C5 love him and for some reason has enough fans. People like Lydia and Benedict make the show interesting, not the other group.
The early 'entertainers' usually fizzle out. Then the quiet ones become the focus. There's some mileage in Luke S's distress that Aaron knew about the curry powder and soon when Lydia announces Conor's move on his girlfriend.

I prefer something bubbling than in your face all the time. On that note Adam will also explode soon enough in a big bad bear sort of way.
That scouser Luke used to go to my gym. How did they ruin his protein powder? :lol:
:eek: Really? Was he a big poser in your gym as well? Though to be fair he's got a lot to pose about really. :(

Benedict put curry powder in his protein shake. He was livid but Benedict didn't tell him who it was until he got evicted. Then he shouted down from the stairs "sorry about the curry powder". :D

Was expecting Luke to run up and punch him but realised Benny would have Hulk smashed him. He said in last night's episode that he ran off to look for an egg to throw at our Benny to ruin his eviction interview.

Great BB this year. Last year was good too.
Nominations on now.

Really horrible watching Caroline exposing Arron and Sara's mutual attraction because she felt like it. I'm growing to loathe this girl. :lol:

And why does this twerp pretend he's posh? fecking hell. He spends half his time on the show screaming about other people being fake.

And Lydia pisses me off with her claims that she's not bothered about stuff that she is very clearly bothered about! She's so passive aggressive that one.

The sex change lad must be odds-on to win right now.

And there she goes bringing it up with her little clique :lol:

Ashleigh is such an attention-seeker. She's all over Luke S and then cries about being with him.

5 consecutive posts eh?

Perhaps Damien can tell us if this is a record?

I thought 3 was supposed to be shameful enough, I remember Wibble issuing a public apology a few months ago for doing the same thing & at least he has the excuse of living on the other side of the world so he posts when a lot of people are asleep.

For shame Badunk, for shame...
I like Lydia. She's playing the game and is calculating but it outnumbered by morons and their moron fans. I like game players (in the who's nominating who kind of way not faking being as thick as dog shit), but maybe thats cos I like Big Brother USA and Survivor which are completely different to this crap. That Conor guy will never get kicked out, C5 love him and for some reason has enough fans. People like Lydia and Benedict make the show interesting, not the other group.

I like the game players in BB US because its a completely different show, usually its only the housemates who decide who stays and goes (until at some point they throw a spanner in the works and stupidly allow voting to effect it)

In the UK show its a popularity contest. People "playing a game" have no chance whatsoever. Its a terrible idea to try it.

I dont like Lydia because shes so bitchy, but shes the lesser of the many evils against her. She also has so many awkward facial expressions and thinks Andy Scott Lee is a celebrity.

Oh and the classic line from a few days ago "people might think im being two faced by insulting people in the diary room but being nice to their face, but at least its better than doing it right to someone's face like I had done to me. Thats much worse"
But it's an informative social experiment, I don't see the problem?
But it's an informative social experiment, I don't see the problem?

It used to be, now it's filled with fame-seeking morons year in year out. The only experiment is how many people will carry on watching year after year. Same shit different day!
I want them to show Luke S the video of the protein curry powder incident, just so he can see how much of a snake Arron is.

He laughed and screamed "YESSS!" when Benedict told him what he had done.
:eek: Really? Was he a big poser in your gym as well? Though to be fair he's got a lot to pose about really. :(

Benedict put curry powder in his protein shake. He was livid but Benedict didn't tell him who it was until he got evicted. Then he shouted down from the stairs "sorry about the curry powder". :D

Was expecting Luke to run up and punch him but realised Benny would have Hulk smashed him. He said in last night's episode that he ran off to look for an egg to throw at our Benny to ruin his eviction interview.

Great BB this year. Last year was good too.

Wasn't as big a poser as some others. My mate was always dead jealous of his body, that's how I remembered him :lol:
I think he was the landlord for someone else I know too.

That's pretty harsh considering the price of protein and how difficult it must be getting a decent amount in in there!
Wasn't as big a poser as some others. My mate was always dead jealous of his body, that's how I remembered him :lol:
I think he was the landlord for someone else I know too.

That's pretty harsh considering the price of protein and how difficult it must be getting a decent amount in in there!

He won it, and had a gym session before that nobody else but his girlfriend got to go to... Speaking of which he must have some shocking taste in women.

Anyway, Benedict did it as he said he wasnt going to share with other people who would like some.
Is Arron really a Muay Thai Fighter or whatever the feck he claims to be?

The way Conner out-powered him in that play fight they had recently lead me to believe that he's bullshiting.
He won it, and had a gym session before that nobody else but his girlfriend got to go to... Speaking of which he must have some shocking taste in women.

Anyway, Benedict did it as he said he wasnt going to share with other people who would like some.

Ah I see. All sounds very petty.
His woman a dog then? I've only seen 2 episodes and I swear he was going out with a bird in there?

I was out on a birthday in Southampton on Saturday with a friend of his too.

Alright billy big bollocks no need to make stuff up
I'm surprised people still watch this show.

You're kidding MG, its got better since Channel 4 stopped doing it. Its not full of plastic surgery patients (well apart from Luke A) and the 'fame seekers' are having to work hard for that fame.

Its the fine balance of playing up to the camera while maintaining your sanity that's keeping this show fresh. Thankfully the show's staff are putting in intelligent psychological games to mess with their minds just enough but never too much.
Conor started off alright but he's become really horrible now. Aaron is the real sheep of the house as him and Sara haven't got a brain cell to rub together (models, eh, tsk).

What about Sara "I love the Royal Family, God Bless the Queen you bastards!". And then Caroline has to explain that Prince Philip is the Duke of Edinburgh and not just because he hands out awards. Soppy mare.