Best Schwarzenegger film

Clearly the answer is 'Total Recall'.

Though 'Running Man' is almost as good with more one liners.

And the best closing credits song ever:

Clearly the answer is 'Total Recall'.

Though 'Running Man' is almost as good with more one liners.

And the best closing credits song ever:

Bladerunner theme has to be up there. Maybe even terminator.
Terminator and T2 are blinding films but anyone mentioning those doesn't get what Arnie is all about. Its Raw Deal, Commando and Predator, and probably, just probably in that order.

Terminator and T2 are blinding films but anyone mentioning those doesn't get what Arnie is all about. Its Raw Deal, Commando and Predator, and probably, just probably in that order.

Commando was bollocks. The most "Arnie" film is probably Predator or total recall.
Commando was bollocks. The most "Arnie" film is probably Predator or total recall.

That's your view, I disagree about what you believe is "Arnie" and don't agree about Recall either. Only reason people are mentioning it loads is because of the new one due out, therefore its on TV at lot as well.

Commando, Pred and Raw deal are what Arnie is really about, big bags of guns, cheesey lines galore and action. I mean in Raw deal alone he's already blowing stuff up, fighting and shooting way before he gets to that war scene, where he then takes an arsenal to take people out, first by driving a convertible car around a gravel pit with Rolling Stones on :lol: then another big indoor gun fight at the end. Commando is awesome, he actually takes a full on war to them. Its got everything IMO.

Terminator and Total Recall are the least Arnie films I can think of from the big ones. The sayings yes but overall, completely? Nah. But that's opinions for you. :D Still, all of them are top films.
I thought so myself but then I tried to watch Hercules in New York.

Don't agree with that in the slightest. How can you not like this?

Somebody needed to tell that bloke in the bear costumer that he was supposed to act like a bear, not a pissed up bloke in a fancy dress costume....

Check out those kidney punches from the bear!
Wow, Mr. Strong's english is better in that one than I was informed...about as good as it ever was really.

[He was billed as Arnold Strong in that movie]
I miss action movie where it's simple, gear up lock and load and kill baddies.

They just don't make it like that anymore :(

Agreed. Bring back 80s and 90s action movies!

Agreed, when you think of all your favourite actions films like a Commando or Demolition man, first Bad Boys even, nothing seems to come close these days. There's been some top films but most of them like Matrix or Inception etc rather than old school action like Die hard or Lethal Wep. Maybe some of it is just nostalgia, who knows but looking around who actually are the top action guys? Statham is about as good as it gets really but he's no Arnie, Bruce, Van Damme or Sly. We have Batman and stuff but we've always had Batman.

There's always the Rock I guess. :lol: